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KC 5.2: Imperialism &
Nation-State Formation
Period 5: 1750-1900
Industrializing powers
expanded existing overseas
colonies & established new
types of colonies &
transoceanic empires
 States with existing colonies strengthened
control over those colonies
 British in India
 Dutch in Indonesia
 European states, as well as the Americas &
Japanese, established empires throughout Asia
& the Pacific
 British
 Dutch
 French
 German
 Russian
 Spanish & Portuguese influence declined
 Many European states used both warfare &
diplomacy to establish empires in Africa
 British in West Africa
 Belgians in the Congo
 In some parts of their empires, Europeans
 British in Southern Africa, Australia, & New
 French in Algeria
 In other parts of the world, industrialized states
 British & French expanding their influence in
China through the Opium War
 British & U.S. investing heavily in Latin America
Imperialism influenced state
formation & contraction
around the world
 The expansion of U.S. influence over
Tokugawa Japan led to the emergence of
 The U.S. & Russia emulated European
transoceanic imperialism by expanding their
land borders & conquering neighboring
 Anti-imperial resistance led to the contraction of
the Ottoman Empire
 Establishment of Independent states in the
 Semi-Independence in Egypt
 French & Italian colonies in North Africa
 Later British influence in Egypt
 New states developed on the edges of existing
 Cherokee nation
 Siam
 Hawaii
 Zulu Kingdom
 The development & spread of NATIONALISM
as an ideology fostered new communal
 German
 Filipino
 Liberian
New racial ideologies,
especially SOCIAL
DARWINISM, facilitated &
justified imperialism