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Download Newtonian Mechanics * Momentum, Energy, Collisions
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Newtonian Mechanics – Momentum, Energy, Collisions Gernot Laicher For ACCESS Class 2011 Quick Review: Vectors and Scalars • Vectors: Magnitude and Direction (e.g., Force, Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration) • Scalars: Magnitude only (e.g., Temperature, Altitude, Age) Adding Vectors F1 Two forces are acting on a mass m: How do we find the total force ? F2 Ftotal Fi F1 F2 i F1 F1 F2 F2 Ftotal Subtracting Vectors An object changes it’s velocity. What is it’s change in velocity? vinitial v final v v final vinitial v final vinitial vinitial vinitial v final v v final vinitial v final vinitial v v final vinitial y y F1 F1 y F2 x F1 x x x F2 y Ftotal x F1 x F2 x Ftotal y F1 y F2 y F2 y Ftotalx F2 x F1 x x Ftotal y F2 y F1 y Ftotal Ftotal x F1 x F2 x (Note: F2y had a negative value) Ftotal y F1 y F2 y Sir Isaac Newton Godfrey Kneller’s 1689 portrait of Isaac Newton (age 46) (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton) Newton's First Law : An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in uniform motion tends to stay in uniform motion unless acted upon by a net external force. Newton's Second Law: An applied force on an object equals the rate of change of its momentum with time. Newton's Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Displaceme nt : r dr Velocity : v dt dv d dr Acceleration : a dt dt dt dr r Velocity : v dt t (as long as v const. during t ) dv v Acceleration : a dt t (as long as a const. during t ) Momentum : p m v Momentum of a car going 1mph (ignoring direction ) miles p m v 1500 kg 1 hour miles hour 1609.3 m 1500 kg 1 hour 3600 s mile m 1500 kg 0.447 s kg m kg m 670.5 670.5 2 s s s 670.5 N s Momentum of a bullet going 948 m / s ( M 16 rifle ) m p m v 3.9 g 948 s kg m 3.9 g 948 1000 g s m 0.0039kg 948 s kg m 3. 7 s 3.7 Ns Newton’s Second Law dp dt mass m Fnet Fi i dp Fnet Fi dt i dp Fnet Fi dt i d mv dt dm dv v m dt dt dm v ma dt For a non-changing mass: a m Fnet ma Fnet dm 0 dt Rewriting Newton’s Second Law dp (" Change in Momentum" ) m Fnet Fnet dt (" Impulse" ) dp dt Fnet dt dp Impulse = Change in Momentum Example: A constant force of 5N applied for 0.5 seconds on a mass of 0.2kg, which is initially at rest. Fnet dt dp 0.5 s 0s 0.5 s 0.5 s Fnet dt Fnet dt Fnet 0.5s 0s 0s Fnet dt p fin a l dp pin itial p fina l dp p final pinitial pinitial 5 N 0.5s mv final mvinitial 2.5 Ns 0.2kg v final m v final 12.5 s In general, the force may depend on time Fnet t dt dp t fin a l Fnet t dt tin itia l Fnet (t ) p fin a l dp pin itia l t fina l Fnet t dt t initial t Impulse = “Area” under the F(t) curve (Integrate F(t) over time to get the impulse) A Two-body Collision Before the collision m1 v2 v1 v2 During the collision F from 2 on 1 m2 m1 m2 F12 F21 Ffrom1 on 2 Ffrom 2 on 1 (Newton’s third law) During the Collision F (t ) F21(t ) Impulse on m1 t Impulse on m2 F12 (t ) F21(t ) Impulse on m2 = - Impulse on m1 Impulse on m2 = - Impulse on m1 Change of momentum of m2 = - Change of momentum of m1 p2 p1 p2 final p2 initial p1 final p1 initial p1 final p2 final p1 initial p2 initial Total momentum after collision = Total momentum before collision The total momentum of the system is “conserved” during the collision. (This works as long as there are no external forces acting on the system) After the collision u1 m1 m2 u2 p1 final p2 final p1 initial p2 initial For a 1-dimensional collision we can replace the vector with + or – signs to indicate the direction. m1u1 m2u2 m1v1 m2v2 Note: u1, u2, v1, v2 may be positive or negative, depending on direction and depending on your choice of coordinate system. m1u1 m2u2 m1v1 m2v2 Given: m1 , m2 , v1 , v2 What can we find out about the final velocities u1 and u2 ? m1u1 m2u2 m1v1 m2v2 Given: m1 , m2 , v1 , v2 What can we find out about the final velocities u1 and u2 ? Answer: In general there are an infinite number of possible solutions (combinations of the final velocities u1 and u2 that fulfill the conservation of momentum requirement). Which of those solutions really happens depends on the exact nature of the collision. Excel Program – Using a Solver 1) Solving a simple math problem (2x + 6y =14) infinitely many solutions 2) Adding a constraint (a second equation) (x+y=3) to get a single solution. 3) Solving a quadratic equation (4x2 + 2x =20) how many solutions? 4) Pick different initial conditions for x to find all the solutions. 5) Write an Excel program that has the following input fields: m1, m2 , v1 , v2 , u1 , u2 . 6) Create (and label) fields that calculate p1initial , p2initial , p1final , p2final . 7) Create (and label) fields that calculate ptotal initial , ptotal final. 8) Create (and label) fields that calculate ptotal final - ptotal initial. 9) Fill in these values: m1=1 (kg), m2=1 (kg), v1=1 (m/s), v2=-1 (m/s), u1=some value (m/s), u2=some value (m/s). 10) Use a solver that changes u1 and u1 and makes ptotal final - ptotal initial = 0. How many possible solutions can you find? Mechanical Energy of Two Mass System Before the collision 1 1 2 Einitial m1v1 m2 v22 2 2 After the collision 1 1 2 E final m1u1 m2u22 2 2 Totally Elastic Collision: E final Einitial (no mechanical energy is lost) E final Einitial 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 m1u1 m2u2 m1v1 m2 v2 0 2 2 2 2 Excel Program – Using a Solver Add the following to your Excel “Collision-Solver”: Create fields that calculate Etotal initial , Etotal final , Etotal final - Etotal initial , % Energy change. % Energy Change E final Einitial Einitial 100 Now solve your collision problem again. This time, use the constraint Etotal final - Etotal initial = 0 Find all possible solutions and interpret their meaning. Totally Inelastic Collision: u1 final u2 final u final (The two masses stick together after the collision and move with the same velocity) Conservati on of momentum : m1 m2 u m1v1 m2v2 m1v1 m2 v2 u m1 m2 Is there Mechanical Energy Conservation in Totally Inelastic Collisions? mv m v u 1 1 2 2 m1 m2 m1v1 m2 v2 1 1 2 E final (m1 m2 )u (m1 m2 ) 2 2 m1 m2 1 1 2 Einitial m1v1 m2 v22 2 2 2 Excel Program – Using a Solver Name the Excel worksheet tab for the previously created elastic collision “Elastic Collision”. Make a copy of this tab and rename it “Inelastic Collision” Modify the “Inelastic Collision” tab so that it calculates “u1” from the initial conditions (masses, initial velocities) according to the formula for u on the previous page. Then you can make u2=u1. So now both u1 and u2 will always have the same value. Use a lab notebook to record your findings and investigate several scenarios of collisions For both elastic and inelastic collisions you should find solutions for these cases: 1) Equal masses, one mass initially at rest. 2) Equal masses, equal but opposite velocities (head on collision). 3) Very unequal masses, lighter mass at rest. 4) Very unequal masses, heavier mass at rest. 5) Very unequal masses, equal but opposite velocities (head on collision)