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• Remember the “Crusades” ?? :
– Introduced Europeans to trade goods from
– Fostered religious intolerance & dislike
between Christians & Muslims about control
of the Holy Land.
• After the Renaissance, people
had a desire to learn and be
• People were learning
• = new ideas & advancements…
like in:
• = Technology
Technology Advancements:
• Caravel:
– sturdier than earlier ships
• Triangular sails:
– Sail effectively against the wind
• Navigational techniques:
– Astrolabe (Muslims) – calculate
– Compass (Chinese) – accurately
track direction
• “God, Glory, Gold”
• Desire for new sources of
– Wanted spices & luxury goods from Asia
• Desire to spread Christianity
– Hostility between Christians & Muslims
Who explored?
Portugal – leader & the best
Spain - # 2
France & England have a bit too…
Why Portugal?
- The leader in developing & applying
these sailing innovations
- Strong government support**
- 1st to have trading outposts along
West Africa
Prince Henry
Son of Portugal’s king, “Henry the
Most enthusiastic supporter of
exploration for Portugal
He used his own $$ to fund
exploration –> Portugal was #1 in
exploration –> Est. trading posts in
Africa & Asia -> Henry died broke
Portugal gets to Asia
– Wanted to get to Asia fast
• You have to sail around the tip of
– How did they do it?
– Step 1. Bartholomeu Dias- rounded the
tip, storm = had to go back
– Step 2. Vasco de Gama- rounded Africa &
got to India!
Bartholomeu Dias
• Portugeuse explorer
• Explorer that first rounded the tip of
Africa to get to Asia, wanted to
Christianize Asia
• Portugal
• 1488
• After sailing around the tip of Africa,
his supplies were gone & he had to
go home – didn’t discover the sea
route to Asia! 
Vasco de Gama
• Portugeuse explorer
• Explorer that rounded the tip of
Africa & reached India!
• Portugal
• 1497
• Found the sea route to Asia for
Portugal! Encouraged other
countries to try and find the way
there too.
At the same time Portugal was
exploring, Spain started too…
“Christopher Columbus”
• Who: Italian navigator
• What: wanted to reach the East Indies in
Indonesia (South Pacific), sailed west
across the Atlantic
• Where: Spain, Italy
• When: 1492
• Why: he persuaded Ferdinand & Isabella of
Spain to sponsor him to bring wealth & prestige
to Spain; Landed in the Caribbean, called the
ppl “Indians”- doscovered W. Hemisphere=
others went too
“Ferdinand Magellan” (NC)
• Who: Spanish explorer
• What: led an expedition to the
Philippines (in SouthEast Asia) &
established a trading empire there
• Where: Spain, Philippines
• When: 1521
• Why: He founded the Philippines =
the Philippines is rooted in Spanish
language and culture today; others
want to go to this area & make
trading empires also
As a result.. tension grew
between Spain & Portugal…
“Treaty of Tordesillas” (NC)
• Who: Spanish & Portugeuse
• What: Treaty that made the Line of
Demarcation separating lands to
keep peace
• Where: imaginary line through
Atlantic Ocean
• When: 1494
• Why: separated lands b/n Spain &
Portugal to keep them at peacelands to the West of line = Spain,
East of line = Portugal
THEN… Other countries got
involved too… like:
Netherlands/Holland (the Dutch)
Exploration companies
• Other countries made “companies” that led
expeditions, so instead of a King or Queen
giving $$ (like in Spain & Portugal), groups
of rich men pulled their $$ together to fund
• Countries that had the best ones:
– England
– Netherlands/Holland (the Dutch)
Dutch East India Company
• Who: Dutch Merchants (from
• What: a company that could mint $$,
make treaties, & raise an army to
establish direct sea trade with Asia
• Where: Netherlands, Asia
• When: 1600s
• Why: this company was richer &
more powerful than England’s
company so the Dutch kicked the
English out