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Biosphere Exam Study Guide PreAP
Textbook: p.572-588,634-642
Vocabulary Terms
Biomes Map Activity
Class Notes: Biomes Chart
Biomes Flag Activity
Biosphere Guided Reading
Class Notes: Habitats, Sustainability, and
Succession Guided Reading
17-4 Review and Reinforce
Biosphere Unit Concept Map
1. Identify the limiting factors that determine the type of life found in biomes and water ecosystems.
2. Be able to identify the characteristics of each biome/water ecosystem: climate, animal life, plant
life, plant and animal adaptations.
3. Be able to identify the location of a biome on a world map.
4. Identify the life zones of the ocean and describe the life found in each zone.
5. Be able to interpret climatograms.
6. Define and describe the types of habitats in ecosystems and how they are characterized by size
and biodiversity.
7. Define and describe the role of biodiversity in sustaining healthy ecosystems and give examples
of how it is disrupted through human activity or nature.
8. Calculate the Biodiversity Index.
9. Identify and describe the process of primary and secondary succession in ecosystems and give
examples of each.
Biosphere Exam Study Guide PreAP
Textbook: p.572-588,634-642
Vocabulary Terms
Biomes Map Activity
Class Notes: Biomes Chart
Biomes Flag Activity
Biosphere Guided Reading
Class Notes: Habitats, Sustainability, and
Succession Guided Reading
17-4 Review and Reinforce
Biosphere Unit Concept Map
1. Identify the limiting factors that determine the type of life found in biomes and water ecosystems.
2. Be able to identify the characteristics of each biome/water ecosystem: climate, animal life, plant
life, plant and animal adaptations.
3. Be able to identify the location of a biome on a world map.
4. Identify the life zones of the ocean and describe the life found in each zone.
5. Be able to interpret climatograms.
6. Define and describe the types of habitats in ecosystems and how they are characterized by size
and biodiversity.
7. Define and describe the role of biodiversity in sustaining healthy ecosystems and give examples
of how it is disrupted through human activity or nature.
8. Calculate the Biodiversity Index.
9. Identify and describe the process of primary and secondary succession in ecosystems and give
examples of each.