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Study vocabulary for a quick review!
1. What is the reaction to a stimulus? response
2. What is the study of standards for what is right and what is wrong? ethics
3. What is the information gathered from experiments? data
4. What is the structured procedure for collecting information to test a hypothesis? experiment
5. What is the application of science to the needs and problems of society? technology
6. What is a scientific explanation of known facts arrived at through repeated testing over time? theory
7. What is the part of an experiment in which all conditions are kept the same? control
8. What are the steps commonly used by scientists in gathering information to test the hypotheses and
solve problems? Scientific method
9. What is a testable explanation for a question or problem? hypothesis
10. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? Descriptive vs. numerical
11. What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
1) Observe
2) Make a hypothesis
3) Collect Data
4) Publish results
5) Formulate a theory
6) Develop a new hypothesis
7) Revise theory
12. What is difference between the independent and dependent variables of an experiment? IV= the
condition that is changed and affects the outcome. DV= is observed and measured and depends
on changes made to the IV
13. What is biology? The study of life
14. Review the safety rules for the Biology Laboratory.
1. What is ecology? Scientific study of interactions between organisms and their environment
2. What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Organisms that use energy from the
sun or energy stored in chemical compounds vs. organisms that cannot make their own food and
must feed on other organisms for energy and nutrients
3. How are evaporation and transpiration important to the water cycle? They put water vapor in the
air, which condenses and becomes clouds.
4. Know major limiting factor of biomes. Temperature is a major limiting factor of the tundra
5. The range of factors under which an organism functions and survives is known as what? tolerance
6. What is a large group of ecosystems characterized by the same type of climax community? biome
7. What is a stable, mature community that undergoes little or no succession? Climax community
8. The region of the ocean shallow enough for sunlight to penetrate is the what? Photic zone
9. What is usually the stable result of succession? Climax community
10. The colonization of new sites by communities of organisms is which kind of succession? primary
11. What is the replacement of one community by another as environmental conditions change?
12. What is the relationship between organisms in which both organisms benefit? mutualism
13. What is the relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits and the other is neither
harmed nor benefited? commensalism
14. What is the layer of Earth that supports life? biosphere
15. What feeds on dead organisms? decomposers
16. What manufactures food using energy from the sun or from chemical compounds? autotrophs
17. What is the relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits at the expense of
another? parasitism
18. What obtains energy and nutrients from autotrophs? heterotrophs
19. What breaks down dead organisms? decomposers
20. What is the greenhouse effect? The warming of the Earth’s surface that occurs when gases in
Earth’s atmosphere absorb solar energy that has reflected or converted to heat and radiated
from the Earth’s surface.
21. What are abiotic and biotic factors? Give some examples. Nonliving parts of an organism’s
environment (air currents, temperature, moisture, light, soil, etc.) vs. all the living organisms
that inhabit an environment
22. What is the difference between an organism’s habitat and its niche? Place where an organism
lives out its life vs. role or position a species has in its environment including all biotic and abiotic
23. Explain the differences between the 2 types of succession. Primary = colonization of barren land
by pioneer species vs. Secondary = sequence of changes that take place after a community is
disrupted by natural disasters or human actions
24. What are pioneer species? The first species to take hold in an area
25. Know the major biomes and the major characteristics of these biomes.
1) Tundra
2) Taiga
3) Desert
4) Grassland
5) Temperate forest
6) Rain Forest
26. Explain the difference between biotic and abiotic factors. Living vs. nonliving
26. Understand food chains and food webs. Simple model that shows how matter and energy move
through an ecosystem vs. model that shows all the possible feeding relationships at each trophic
level in a community
27. Understand ecological pyramids. Pyramid of energy, pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass
28. Understand the water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles.
29. Understand the range of tolerance curve. The ability of organisms to withstand fluctuations in
biotic and abiotic environmental factors
1. The number of species in an area is a measure of what? biodiversity
2. Explain the difference between immigration and emigration. The movement of humans into a
population vs. the movement of humans from a population
3. What is the difference between logistic and exponential growth? How are their curves different?
Limiting factors cause population growth to slow; graph resembles an S shaped curve vs. growth
pattern where a population grows faster as it increases in size; graph resembles a J shaped curve
4. What is demography? The study of all the growth characteristics of a human population
5. Which biome has more biodiversity than any other terrestrial biome? Tropical Rain Forest
6. What is the biggest threat to biodiversity? Habitat loss
7. What are habitat corridors? Natural strips of land that allow the migration of organisms from
one wilderness area to another
8. What is edge effect? A plot of protected land that may have different conditions at the edges
than in the middle
9. Bacteria employ a(n) _____ reproductive strategy. rapid
10. Organisms that employ a strategy of slow reproduction usually require an environment that is
_____. stable
11. A population that grows until it reaches its carrying capacity usually has the shape of an _____. S
12. What are density-independent factors? Factor such as temperature, storm, flood, drought, or
habitat disruption that affects all populations, regardless of their density
13. What is carrying capacity? Number of organisms of one species that an environment can
support indefinitely
14. Which country has the fewest species of mammals…Canada, US, or Mexico? Canada
15. Food, water, or shelter could be ____________________ factors on the growth of a population.
16. The amount of biological diversity in an area is called ____________________. biodiversity
17. Understand age structure diagrams.
18. Know the differences in life-history patterns. Rapid (unpredictable environment, small body
size, mature rapidly, reproduce early, short lifespan) vs. slow (stable environment,
reproduce and mature slowly, long-lived)
1. What is chemistry?
2. Is water polar or nonpolar? polar
3. What is the difference between a mixture and a solution? A combination of substances in which
the individual components retain their own properties vs. a mixture in which one or more
substances (solutes) are distributed evenly in another substance (solvent).
4. What are the reactants and products in a chemical reaction? Substances that undergo chemical
reactions vs. substances formed by chemical reactions
5. What are the main parts of an atom and where are they found? Nucleus = protons and neutrons;
electrons in electron cloud
6. Enzymes are a type of ______. protein
7. Two atoms that share electrons are held together by ______ bonds. covalent
8. Glucose and fructose combine to form sucrose in a ______ reaction. condensation
9. The basic building blocks of proteins are ______. Amino acids
10. What is an electron cloud? Area where electrons orbit
11. How many electrons can a carbon atom share? 4
12. What is a polymer? Large molecule formed when many small molecules bond together
13. Are carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins ALL polymers? yes
14. Which of the following can have a cell wall: plants, fungi, bacteria, animals? all but animals
15. What is dynamic equilibrium? Continuous movement of molecules but no overall concentration
16. How can you tell if an atom is likely to form an ion? Unstable outer energy level
17. What is Brownian motion? Random movement of particles
18. Diffusion continues until there is no _______. Concentration gradient
19. An atom of fluorine has 9 electrons. Its second energy level has _______ electrons. 7
20. Carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14 are _______. isotopes
21. Understand the pH scale. 0-14; acidic to basic
22. A plasma membrane is made up of a(n) _______ bilayer. Phospholipid
23. What is selective permeability? Allows some molecules to move through and keeps others out
24. What is the fluid mosaic model and why is it called this? Model of the plasma membrane. Fluid
because the phospholipids move within the membrane and mosaic from the patterns of the
proteins on the membrane surface
25. Where are the polar and nonpolar layers in the plasma membrane located? Outside vs. inside
26. How many layers of phospholipids are in the plasma membrane? 2
27. In a chloroplast, the stacks of membranous sacs are called ________. grana
28. What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Pro= no membrane-bound
organelles, eu= organelles
29. Compare and contrast electron microscopes and compound light microscopes. Uses a beam of
electrons vs. uses lenses to magnify
30. Who was the scientist who first described living cells as seen through a simple microscope? Van
31. All living things are made up of _______. cells
32. Who concluded that all plants are made of living cells? Schleiden
33. Describe the motion phospholipids make in a plasma membrane. random
34. What is the job of cholesterol in the plasma membrane? Prevents fatty acid tails from sticking
35. What structures are found in a plant cell, but not in an animal cell? Cell wall, chloroplasts
36. What structures are found in prokaryotic cells? Ribosomes, DNA, plasma membrane, cell wall
37. Which organelle sorts and transports substances? Golgi apparatus
38. Which structure of the cell maintains homeostasis? Plasma membrane
39. Which organelle is the cell control center? nucleus
40. Which organelle makes ribosomes? nucleolus
41. Which organelle digests substances? lysosomes
42. Which organelle is for temporary storage? vacuole
43. Which organelle produces energy in the form of ATP? mitochondria
44. What is the difference between smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum?
45. Which organelle is the site of protein synthesis? ribosomes
46. What is the total number of atoms in a molecule C6H12O6? 24
47. List the 3 main ideas of the cell theory.
1) All organisms are composed of one or more cells
2) The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization of organisms
3) All cells come from preexisting cells
48. In plants, the structures that transform light energy into chemical energy are called ______.
49. What is metabolism? All the chemical reactions that occur within an organism
50. What is a peptide bond? Covalent bond formed between amino acids
1. What is a hypotonic solution? The concentration of dissolved substances is lower in the solution outside
the cell than the concentration inside the cell and there is more water outside the cell so water moves into
the cell.
2. What is a hypertonic solution? The concentration of dissolved substances is higher in the solution outside
the cell than the concentration inside the cell and there is more water inside the cell so water moves out of
the cell.
3. What is an isotonic solution? The concentration of dissolved substances in the solution is the same as the
concentration of dissolved substances inside the cell as well as water so water moves into and out of the
cell at the same rate.
4. What is osmosis? The diffusion if water across a selectively permeable membrane
5. What is passive transport? Movement of particles across a plasma membrane that uses no energy
6. What is active transport? Movement of particles across a plasma membrane against a concentration
gradient and requires energy
7. What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis? Cell takes in material from the
environment vs. secretion of materials
8. The structure most responsible for maintaining cell homeostasis is the _____. Plasma membrane
9. If the sides of a cell double in length, its volume increases by _____ times. 8
10. If the sides of a cell double in length, its surface area becomes _____ times as large. 4
11. As a cell grows, its _____ increases more than its _____. Volume; SA
12. A chromatid is attached to a spindle fiber by the _____. centromere
13. Know the 4 stages of mitosis and what occurs in each stage. PMAT
14. Recognize pictures of cells undergoing mitosis and be able to determine which phase of mitosis the cell is
15. Draw the cell cycle and know what occurs in each phase.
1. Which reaction of photosynthesis needs direct light to occur…light-independent reaction or
light-dependent reaction? light-dependent reaction
2. Is the Calvin cycle a common method of aerobic respiration? no
3. The energy a cell needs to build molecules or to power cellular respiration is supplied by
________. ATP
4. What happens after a chlorophyll molecule absorbs light? Chlorophyll passes energy down
the ETC
5. When electrons of a chlorophyll molecule are excited to a higher energy level, they enter an
__________________ ____________________ _____________. Electron transport chain
6. The source of oxygen during photosynthesis is from _______. water
7. Which of the following is NOT part of cellular respiration: Glycolysis, electron transport chain,
Krebs cycle, Calvin cycle –Calvin cycle
8. ATP releases energy when the ________ between ____________________ groups are broken.
Bonds; phosphate
9. The ultimate source of energy for all life on Earth is the _________. sun
10. The ________________ _______________ begins when a molecule of carbon dioxide is added
to a 5-carbon compound and ends with 3-carbon sugars. Calvin cycle
11. ______________ serves as the final electron acceptor for the electron transport chain of aerobic
respiration. oxygen
12. ____________________ converts light energy to chemical energy. photosynthesis
13. Chlorophyll is the primary pigment in plant chloroplasts. It absorbs all wavelengths of light,
EXCEPT _____________. green
14. Where is the electron transport chain located in the light-DEPENDENT reactions? Thylakoid
15. Which of the following processes is anaerobic- Glycolysis, Citric acid cycle, electron transport
chain? glycolysis
16. In the absence of oxygen, __________ cells undergo fermentation to produce ethyl alcohol.
17. Photosynthesis happens in ____ stages. 2
18. What process does the following equation represent?
Carbon dioxide + water YIELDS glucose + oxygen gas -photosynthesis
19. Understand stage 1 and stage 2 of photosynthesis.
20. At each step along the electron transport chain in light-dependent reactions, the electrons
____________ energy. lose
21. This “lost” energy can be used to form _______ from ADP or to pump _______________ ions
into the center of the thylakoid. ATP; Hydrogen
22. NADP can combine with two excited electrons and a hydrogen ion to become ____________
and will play an important role in the light-independent reactions. NADPH
23. To replace the lost electrons, molecules of _________ are split in a reaction called photolysis.
24. If oxygen gas is not present, _______________ respiration occurs. anaerobic
25. If oxygen gas is present, ________________ respiration occurs. aerobic
26. What is the main purpose of the Calvin cycle? To produce sugars
27. Does glycolysis take place in both plants and animals? yes
28. The anaerobic process of splitting glucose to form pyruvic acid is called __________________.
29. What partially accounts for a burning sensation and muscle fatigue after a long run? Lactic
acid build up
30. What is the total net gain of ATP molecules per glucose molecule? 36
31. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
1. Write a homozygous dominant genotype using the letter G. GG
2. Write a heterozygous dominant genotype using the letter G. Gg
3. Write a homozygous recessive genotype using the letter G. gg
4. When a red flower and a white flower are crossed, a pink flower results. The trait for color in
this flower exhibits ____. Incomplete dominance
5. Was the trait expressed in the F1 generation in Mendel’s experiment considered dominant or
recessive? dominant
6. When two P generation plants are crossed the resulting offspring are the ____ generation. F1
7. Each version of a gene is called a(n) ____. allele
8. The study of heredity is called ____. genetics
9. A graphic representation of a genetic cross is a ____. Punnett square
10. A ____ cross is mating that considers one pair of contrasting traits. monohybrid
11. The ____ generation consists of the first two individuals that are crossed in a breeding
experiment. P1
12. Did the F1 generation show the dominant, recessive, or both form(s) of the trait? Dominant
13. The F2 generation in Mendel’s experiment was obtained by ____-pollinating the F1 generation.
14. Did the F2 generation in Mendel’s experiment show the dominant, recessive, or both form(s) of
the trait? both
15. List reasons why garden peas are good for studying heredity.
7 different traits and 2 distinct forms (chart p. 256)
16. An organism’s physical appearance is its ____. phenotype
17. When two different alleles are present, the allele that is completely expressed is referred to as
____. dominant
18. When two different alleles are present, the allele that is NOT seen is referred to as
19. When two alleles of a particular gene are the same, it is ____ for that trait. homozygous
20. When two alleles of a particular gene are different, it is ____ for that trait. heterozygous
***For each of the Punnett square problems, answer the following:
a. What is the phenotypic ratio?
b. What is the genotypic ratio?
c. How many offspring will show the recessive trait?
21. Yellow is dominant to green for seed color in pea plants. Draw a Punnett square that shows a
cross between two F1 generation plants. (2 heterozygous plants)
22. Tall is dominant over short for height in pea plants. Show a cross between a
heterozygous plant and a homozygous recessive plant.
23. Round is dominant over wrinkled for seed shape in peas. Show a cross between a homozygous
dominant plant and a heterozygous plant.
24. Be able to distinguish which phase of meiosis a cell is in by looking at a picture representing a
25. When does crossing-over occur? Prophase 1
26. An advantage of sexual reproduction is that it increases _______________________. Genetic
27. How many gametes are produced by oogenesis (egg cell formation)? 4
28. During meiosis I, one ______________ cell divides to produce two _______________ cell(s).
diploid; diploid
29. How many gametes are produced from spermatogenesis (sperm cell formation)? 4
30. During meiosis II, one ______________ cell divided to produce four _______________ cell(s).
diploid; haploid
31. List the correct order of the stages of meiosis I. Interphase, Prophase 1, Metaphase 1,
Anaphase 1, Telophase 1
32. The process used to produce sex cells is called _________________. meiosis
33. When does the DNA replicate? Interphase
34. What is the name of the process that occurs when two gametes unite or join together?
35. ________________ is a type of cell division used to produce a cell with half the number of
chromosomes found in the original cell. meiosis
36. What is the importance of gene linkage? Genes close together on a chromosome are
inherited together
37. How does meiosis lead to genetic variation? Crossing over and gene linkage
1. Know the base pairs. Adenine-Thymine and Cytosine-Guanine
2. What is the backbone of a DNA molecule made of? Deoxyribose (sugar) and phosphate
3. What are ribosomes made of? rRNA and proteins
4. What did Watson and Crick first suggest? DNA is a double helix
5. The chromosome abnormality that occurs when part of one chromosome breaks off and is
added to a different chromosome is _____. translocation
6. What is the process by which a DNA molecule is copied? replication
7. Messenger RNA is formed in the process called _____. transcription
8. An RNA molecule is a polymer composed of subunits known as _____. nucleotides
9. Distinguish between DNA, RNA, tRNA, rRNA.
10. What is a codon? Group of 3 nitrogen bases in mRNA only
11. Understand the process of translation and transcription.
1. What is incomplete dominance? EX: Red flower crossed with a white flower = pink flowers
(3rd phenotype is produced)
2. Understand pedigrees
3. What is polygenic inheritance? More than 2 genes control a trait
4. What is sex linkage? Traits determined by genes carried on the sex chromosomes
5. The blood types A, B, AB, and O are the result of _____ inheritance. polygenic
6. A phenotype that results from a dominant allele must have at least _____ dominant allele(s)
present in the parent(s). 1
7. What is polydactyly? Having 6 fingers
8. Can Down syndrome be detected by karyotyping? yes
9. What is Huntington's disease? Due to rare dominant allele; breaks down brain
1. What is gene therapy technology? The insertion of normal genes into human cells to correct
genetic disorders
2. What is gel electrophoresis used for? A basic technique used in the preparation of DNA samples for
other techniques such as DNA sequencing
3. What is recombinant DNA used to produce? The main areas proposed for recombinant bacteria are
in industry, medicine, and agriculture
4. What is a palindrome? Words or sentences that read the same forward and backward
5. What is the Human Genome Project? An international effort to completely map and sequence the
human genome
6. Recognize some applications of genetic engineering.
7. What is a test cross? A cross of an individual of unknown genotype with an individual of known
8. What are vectors? The means by which DNA from another species can be carried into the host cell
9. What is a cell culture? Cell culture is the process by which either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells
are grown under controlled conditions.
10. What are transgenic organisms? Plants and animals that contain functional recombinant DNA from
an organism of a different genus
11. What is a linkage map? A genetic map that shows the relative locations of genes on a chromosome
12. What is a plasmid? A small ring of DNA found in a bacterial cell
13. What are restriction enzymes? Bacterial proteins that have the ability to cut both strands of the
DNA molecule at a specific nucleotide sequence
14. What is inbreeding? Mating between closely related individuals
15. What are hybrids? Offspring formed by parents having different forms of a trait
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