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Scholar Journal
Journal of Science and Today's World
Journal home page:
ISSN 2322-326X
2014, volume 3, issue 5, pages: 150-155
Research Article
Application of Special Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Dark Plasma Theory to Evaluate the Heart
and Soul are Light
Mohammad Abul Hossain*
Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Article history:
Received 27 February 2014
Accepted 20 March 2014
Published 25 April 2014
Weight of soul, high-energy quantum of
light, particle like heart, wave like soul
*correspondence should be addressed to
Mohammad Abul Hossain, Professor, Department
of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000,
Tell: +8801911098529
Fax: +88028615583
Email: [email protected]
Soul is considered as a fundamental of all living systems which is invisible. Again, the
visible heart (medical term) is the indicator of living stage. This study presents the
evaluation of these two things: heart and soul, based on scientific developments in
modern world. Here the weight of soul was verified from previous studies. The special
theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, dark plasma theory and other approaches
were used to calculate the equivalent energy of soul for its particular weight. Extremely
high equivalent energy of soul, 1026- 1029 eV (electron volt) indicated that the soul is a
very high energy particle with above the speed of light. Application of quantum mechanical approach and dark plasma theory to evaluate the mechanism of the initial
development of fetus heartbeat from momentum energy, addition of soul at the fetus
heart, existence and activity of soul in human body specially in energy balance process
in lifetime suggested that the high energy dark bioplasma particle can exist simultaneously both in heart (body soul) and outside heart and even in empty space outside the
body like photon, known as mind or free soul. Quantum mechanical approach towards
the activity and existence of soul in mankind during sleep and death process supports
its duality. Actually, heart as well as the part of body is the super-object of soul and soul
is the controlling power of heart and body; ultimately, heart and soul are same thing as
a high energy quantum of light having dual nature: particle (heart) and wave (soul)
properties which is the fundamental property of high energy small particles like electron. Such idea fully supports the comments of different religions, particularly the
statements in the Holy Qur'an. This new concept would be a new direction for modern
world to precisely understand the whole universe.
© Copyright 2014 Mohammad Abul Hossain. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
1. Introduction
All biological systems have souls. Generally, soul is considered as a nonphysical entity. Jeremy Griffith has defined soul as the human species
instinctive memory of a time when modern human ancestors lived in a
cooperative and selfless state [1]. Most of study relating to the soul has
involved investigating the soul as an object of human belief, or as a
concept that shapes cognition and an understanding of the world, rather than as an entity in and of itself. Cognition is a group of mental
processes that includes the attention of working memory, producing
and comprehending language, learning, reasoning, problem solving,
and decision making [2]. Various disciplines, such as psychology, philosophy and linguistics all studies include cognition [3]. Again, dualism
of soul or dualistic soul concept is a range of beliefs that a person has
two kinds of souls. In many cases, one of the souls is associated with
body functions (body soul) and the other one can leave the body (free
soul) [4]. Grasping soul dualism can help to understand many shamanistic beliefs better. Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner
reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies
into this world [5]. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to,
and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who
typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing. Most of religious bent believe in life everlasting for
the faithful, a continuation of the life force that reaches far beyond the
limitations of mortal flesh. In such belief systems, death is not an end
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but a transformation: though people shed their corporeal selves at the
moment of demise, that which made them unique beings lives on to
rejoin the Creator. Donahue, a reporter, editor and columnist of USA,
stated [6] that - "there has been disagreement over the centuries over
just what the human soul is, or even if such a thing exists. The soul,
which is not the same thing as the spirit, seems to be that spark of
something within us that links us to our Creator. Some say this is God.
We believe it is the Mother Earth, from which we were spawned and
to where we will return after our bodies are turned to rot. That we are
creatures with memory, awareness of ourselves and that we exist
within our bodies is not debatable. What is in question is just how
unique we are in comparison to the other animals sharing this planet
with us. So how do we prove that we have a soul?" Modern scientists
treat soul as a poetic synonym for mind. Thus one can know about the
human soul by studying the workings of the human brain. Depending
on the relationship between the soul and the mind, the findings of
neuroscience may be relevant to one's understand the soul. Man is
mortal but the question is the immortality, materialism or spiritualism
of soul. Most everyone believes that we do continue to live after the
death of the body. It is the central idea of all the great religious beliefs.
J. Sci. Today's World, 2014, volume 3, issue 5, pages: 150-155
2. Weight of Soul
There are many disputes about the existence of the soul because it cannot be measured in weight or mass, yet a flame is observable and few
would repute the reality of its existence in spite of the inability to
weigh it. Since Plato's time (1509), the soul has been understood as an
immaterial, i.e. without mass and, therefore, weightless [7]. But the
raises of different classic problems of dualism: how can something
immaterial interact with a material world? How can the mind direct
our actions? and so on. In 1854, Rudolph Wagner, the physiologist,
proposed that soul is a special substance. According to the modern
conception of science, substance or an occupying material is gravitative: having weight but the soul substance may not be gravitative matter and yet be a substance. A space occupying body of measurable
weight disappearing at death, if verified, furnishes the substantial basis for persisting personality or a conscious ego surviving the act of
bodily death. If anything left the body after death that could be detected by a balance, and experiments appear to prove that there is a substance which goes from the body at the death. If this substance lost at
the death is really the soul substance and if it is in dimensions a counterpart of the physical body then its density is very much lighter than
the atmosphere surrounding the earth, which would be rather a significant fact. If experimentally prove that there is a loss of weight occurring at death, it must either admit the theory that it is the hypothetical
soul substance, or some other explanation of the phenomenon should
be forthcoming. The materialistic conception will have been fully met,
and proof of the substantial basis for mind or spirit or soul continuing
after the death of the body, insisted upon as necessary by the materialists, will have been furnished. If soul is a gravitative matter, and therefore capable of detect at death by weighting a human being in the time
of death.
2.1. The 21 Grams Theory for Human Soul
The belief is that human beings are possessed of souls which depart
their bodies after death and these souls have detectable physical
presences were around well before the 20th century, but claims that
souls have measurable mass which falls within a specific range of
weights can be traced to experiments conducted by Dr. Duncan MacDougall in 1907. In the early twentieth century, Dr. MacDougall, a respected physician of Haverhill and the head of the Research Society,
was going to prove that the human soul had mass, and was therefore,
measurable. According to his hypothesis "such a substance is necessary to the assumption of continuing or persisting personality after
bodily death," and he had been experimentally demonstrated that a
substance capable of being weighed does leave the human body at
death. Dr. MacDougall conducted unusual experiments on six dying
patients who were placed on an industrial sized scale (beam balance
scale) which was apparently sensitive to the gram just prior to their
deaths [8]. Dr. MacDougall’s intention was to weigh each body before,
during and immediately after death to determine any differences
measured by the delicate scales considering something leaves the
body at the moment of death. The patients were selected based upon
their imminent death. Two patients were suffering from tuberculosis,
5 were men and one was a woman. Following the experiment and consulting with the other attending physicians, it was determined that the
average weight loss of each person during their death was 3/4 of an
ounce. All the usual deductions were made for physical loss of weight.
This loss of weight could not be due to evaporation of respiratory
moisture and sweat, because that had already been determined to go
on, in his case, at the rate of one sixtieth of an ounce per minute,
whereas this loss was sudden and large, three-fourths of an ounce
(equivalent to 21.3 g) in a few seconds. At the completion of his study
he found that his results support his original hypothesis that the human soul indeed had mass. Thus Dr. MacDougall concluded that a human soul weighed roughly 21 grams [8].
2.2. Weight of Animal Soul
In 1907, Dr. MacDougall conducted the same soul weight experiment on
15 dogs where he used drugs to kill them [8]. The experiments
showed no perceived change in weight following their death. This also
elegantly explains why the dogs showed no weight loss: as is well
known, they cool themselves by panting, not sweating like humans do.
Twining performed MacDougall's experiment using 30 mice at death
[9]. He used a beam scale that measured to within 0.02 mg and found
no measurable change at the death of mice. Hollander also reported an
unexplained transient weight gain at the moment of death in a group
of animals (one ram, seven ewes, three lambs and one goat) [10]. This
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experiment used an electronic scale which full-scale capacity was 100
kg, with a sensitivity of 0.05 g. Careful consideration was given for
moisture loss, etc. In seven cases, there was a temporary weight gain
measured after the last breath and heart beat but other five cases no
change was noted, i.e. there was no permanent weight change at death.
Most notably the weighing upon death of sheep seemed to create mass
for a few minutes which later disappeared. The hypothesis was made
that a soul portal formed upon death which then whisked the soul
away. These transients may be an artifact of the equipment used or
may have a physiological explanation. There is no long-term weight
change, at death, in the animals tested, within the limits of the equipment and procedure used, i.e. the weight loss at death is that their
souls are so light they were below the scales' detection limits. The
moment of death is difficult to determine. The body attempts to maintain essential functions. The criteria used were movement, breathing
and heart rate. The weight variations are originated from the inertial
dynamics such as movement and breathing. Dynamic weight measurements may be a fruitful area for further investigation. MacDougall's
hypothesis that the loss in weight recorded as humans expired was
due to the soul's departure from the body, since (according to his religious doctrine) animals have no souls [8]. If it is definitely proved that
there is in the human being a loss of substance at death not accounted
for by known channels of loss, and that such loss of substance does not
occur in the animals. These might be the physiological difference between the human and all other forms of animal life.
3. Recent Verification of the Weight of Human Soul
3.1. Soul and Noetic Science
In 1988, a group of East German Researchers carried out the same experiment as done by Dr. MacDougall in 1907, on over 200 terminally
ill humans [11]. The patients were weighed before, during and after
their deaths. The air leaving the lungs during the death was accounted
in the measurements. They used the device to weigh the soul has a
margin of error of less than 0.3 mg (1 ounce = 28.349 g). In this study,
the weight loss with each patient was exactly the same 9.356 mg. The
weight loss could be the result of an instantaneous physical deterioration i.e. the measurement was the loss of the human soul or some kind
of life force. Thus they confirmed the existence of the human soul and
determined its weight  0.01 gram. This difference in soul weight is
due to the use of more precise and sensitive scales in 1988 in comparison to those available to Dr. MacDougall in 1907. In 1907, MacDougall's determination of the soul weighing 21 grams was based on the
average loss of mass in the six patients. MacDougall's experimental data were unreliable by any decent scientific standard because he used
an industrial sized scale which was apparently sensitive to the gram.
But it would take a great deal of credulity to conclude that MacDougall's experiments demonstrated anything about post-mortem weight
loss, much less the quantifiable existence of the human soul. In other
words, Dr. Augustus P. Clarke [12] pointed out that MacDougall failed
to consider another obvious hypothesis: that the weight loss (assuming it was real) was due to evaporation caused by the sudden rise in
body temperature that occurs when the blood circulation stops and
the blood can no longer be air-cooled by the lungs. Clarke posited that
the sweating and moisture evaporation caused by this rise in body
temperature would account both for the drop in the men's weight and
the animals like dogs failure to register one (Dogs cool themselves by
panting, not sweating). Again, the gyroscopic type cross force would
stop when the blood stopped flowing (at death) leading to a reduction
in 'mass' or weight.
3.2. Soul and Plasma Metaphysics
Soul is often considered as a subtle body. In the metaphysical literature
'subtle body' is referred to the 'Second Body'. In 1971, Robert A. Monroe, was a radio broadcasting executive and an explorer of human
consciousness, believes that the ‘Second Body’ has weight, although
much less than the carbon-based body [13]. If the ‘Second Body’ as
well as soul has weight, it means it has mass and is subject to Earth’s
gravitational force. This assumption has been motivated researchers
to introduce Dark Plasma Theory -''Bodies are composed of low density plasma of dark matter particles'', to measure the weight of soul [14].
Alfred stated that- Dark Plasma Theory holds that there is a halo of low
density plasma around the Earth composed of exotic (asymmetric)
dark matter particles [14]. Minimal (dark) plasma cells developed in
this ‘dark biosphere’ after Earth formed. Over more than 4 billion
years these first cells evolved into complex dark plasma life forms. Being plasma life forms they exhibit features commonly seen in ordinary
J. Sci. Today's World, 2014, volume 3, issue 5, pages: 150-155
standard plasma. These life forms are not composed of ordinary short
lived plasma but non-standard plasma composed of dark matter particles, which is invisible to most humans (just as dark matter is). Some
of these life forms formed symbiotic relationships with members of
the human species and co-evolved, integrating with the living carbonbased human body. On the death of the carbon-based bodies, the dark
bioplasma bodies separate and return to their societies in the dark biosphere (i.e. Earth’s dark matter halo). It is these exotic life forms that
are popularly called the ‘souls’ of human beings. According to Adler
[15], Earth-bound dark matter would have to be concentrated within a
radius of about 70,000 km around Earth and the mean dark matter
density would have to be about 10-14 kg cm−3. Based on the mean density of dark matter and the approximate volume of the human body of
105 cm3, Jay Alfred [16] estimated the weight of the human bioplasma
body (or the ‘soul’) to be: 105 cm3  (10-14 kg cm−3)  g = 10-8 kg (or
Newtons). (Considered a man weighing 100 kg is approximately 10 5
cm3 in volume and the gravitational acceleration, g =10 ms-2). The
weight of the human soul estimated from different sources is presented in Table 1. Depending on the sensitivity of the measurement processes, the value of human soul is different. Whatever the value of the
weight of soul, the existence and the mass of human soul had been
confirmed and its weight determined. The challenge is to figure out
the exact value of the weight of soul. Considering the accuracy of the
measurement, it is logical to select the value from Noetic science experiment or Dark matter statistics.
ering the soul is a particle like as electron or proton or neutron, equivalent energy of soul is calculated in this study and presented in Table
3. On the basis of weight measurement systems, the equivalent energy
of soul is 5.611020 GeV (1029 eV) or 5.611017 GeV (1026 eV).
Whatever the value of equivalent energy of soul is 1029 eV or 1026 eV,
it is clear that the soul is a very high energy particle with the speed
above the speed of light. The existence of such high-energy soul particle can be conceived from the recent observation of high energetic
particle. In 1991, an ultra high energetic cosmic ray particle, proton
was observed with an energy of 3.2×1020 electron volts (3×1011 GeV)
and frequency of 7.74×1034 Hz named as "Oh My God particle" [20].
2.9999999999999999999999853×108 meters per second, which is
1.5 femtometers (1.467×10−15 meters) per second slower than the
speed of light (3×108 meters per second).
Table 2. Rest masses and energy equivalents of various particles of atom [19]
Atomic particles
Mass (kg)
Energy equivalent (MeV)
9.109  10-31
1.6726  10-27
1.6750  10-27
Table 3. Rest masses and energy equivalents of soul like as subatomic particles
Energy equivalent of soul (GeV)
Table 1. Estimated weight of the soul from different sources
Source of Measure-
Sensitivity of Measurement
Weight of
Dr. Duncan McDougall
Noetic Science Experi-
Digital Balance (0.0003 g)
Mean Density of Dark Matter
Dark Matter Statistics
(10-14 kg cm−3)
like particle
like particle
like particle
Beam Balance Scale (1 g)
4. Special Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics towards Soul
Depending on the measurement process, the weight of soul is in the
range of nanograms to micrograms. The movements and properties of
such very small objects do not follow the old ways of thinking found in
Newton's and Maxwell's classical mechanics. Classical mechanics is
based on two main assumptions:
1. The state of each object in the world can be completely specified by
assigning values to all of that object’s quantitative properties (such as
its position, its velocity, its mass, etc.)
2. There are laws of nature such that the state of each object at any future time is completely determined by the state of all objects at any
previous time.
A very small particle do not simply moves from point A to B in a continuous fashion. Instead, these particles move in “quantum jumps". Particles virtually leap from one place to another. Significant development
of Einstein's special theory and quantum mechanics leads to overcome
the limitations of classical mechanics to understand the reality of
physical world of small particles.
According to the Einstein’s special theory of relativity [17], any physical
system has a property called energy and a corresponding property
called mass; the two properties are equivalent in that they are always
both present in the same proportion to one another and is described
by the famous equation (1) :
E = mc2
where the universal proportionality factor between equivalent amounts
of energy E and mass m is equal to the speed of light squared (c is the
speed of light  3108 ms-1). That means, a very small amount of mass
may be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa.
This mass–energy equivalence was most precisely tested in 2005 and
was found to agree with 0.0004% [18]. Thus, the mass of an object or
system is a measure of its energy content. According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the equivalent
energy of different particles of atom is shown in Table 2 [19]. Consid152 | P a g e
(1 GeV = 103 MeV = one billion electron volts)
The energy of soul particle can be evaluated precisely by using quantum
mechanics. According to the Max Planck’s Quantum theory [21], "small
particles are discrete packets of energy with wave", each energy element or quantum energy E, known as photon is proportional to its
frequency, () like equation (2):
where h is the Planck constant = 4.136 ×10-15 eV·s. From this relation,
the frequency of high energy quantum soul particle is either 1.37×1044
or 1.37×1041 Hz which is beyond our maximum measurement limits of
frequency, 7.74×1034 Hz of "Oh My God particle" [20]. Therefore we
could not measure the existence of soul like ultra high-energy quantum particle.
Again, Sternbach and Okuda provided a comprehensive schematization of a Galaxy-class starship where the much-vaunted Galaxy Class
starships are capable of speeds up 1516 times of the speed of light
[22]. At a velocity of 1516 c (c is the speed of light), traveling to the
centre of the galaxy would take, as perceived by the life forms on
board, a little more than 21 years. By contrast, an observer on board
the Oh-My-God particle would arrive at the nucleus of the Milky Way,
according to his clock, just about 3 seconds after leaving Starbase Terra. That's more than 9,700,000 times faster than the starship.
5. Enter of Soul and its Work in Body: Dark Plasma
Living systems are generally formed by the sexual interaction of male
and female. The act of sexual intercourse is an exchange of sacred energy. Sexual desire is the desire of Allah (God) to bring forth the highest creativity in every aspect of life. It is the tremendous momentum of
Allah desiring to be in physical manifestation, and it is the momentum
of energy that is needed for the union of the sperm and the egg known
J. Sci. Today's World, 2014, volume 3, issue 5, pages: 150-155
as fertilization (or conception). In case of human being, this momentum of energy appears as a wave of vibration known as heartbeat of
fetal at about 40 days from conception. The baby’s body, the greatest
miracle of Allah’s gift of love to man and woman, is a new house that
the soul will enter and integrate with during the period from conception to birth. The 39 chapter (Sura Al-Jumer, V: 6), of the Holy Qur'an
stated that "Allah creates you inside your mothers, in successive formations, in three darkness".
After fertilization, the process of embryogenesis (the early stages of
prenatal development for about 10 weeks to acquire the embryo's
basic form of heart, hands, feet, brain and other organs) particularly
starting of the fetal heartbeat and fetal development (next stage of organs become fully develop to fetal for up to 16 weeks) are fully performed by the supreme power of Allah.
At the stage of about 17-18 weeks of gestational age, after fertilization, the first natural sensation of quickening may feel like a light tapping, or the fluttering of a butterfly and mother starts to feel fetal
movement in the uterus [23-25]. The medical term equickening is the
moment in pregnancy and sometimes has been considered to be the
beginning of the possession of "individual life" by the fetus.
From the aspects of Quantum mechanics and Dark Plasma Theory, this
equickening is the entering of soul like dark plasma quantum energy
to the fetal from the supreme power of Allah through a photon like
Angel. The metaphysical literature confirmed that the appearance and
anatomy of our subtle bodies and the bodies of exotic life forms Angels
are composed not of ordinary plasma but "dark plasma" [26]. Generally, plasma of ordinary matter particles is very hot and short-lived but
the dark matter can remain in the plasma state even at room temperatures. Dark plasma, even if it is hot, generally does not interact with
our carbon-based bodies composed of ordinary matter particles, except through gravitational and weak interactions. It is therefore subject to Earth’s gravity and has weight, although it is generally invisible
to most of us. Angels, aliens, ghosts, jinns and other exotic life forms
also have subtle bioplasma bodies – just as we do. These bioplasma
bodies can therefore manipulate the degree of opacity and intensity of
radiation of their bodies by changing their internal plasma frequencies
(just as we can tense or relax our muscles) – allowing the bodies to
apparently appear, disappear or fade away. According to the Dark
Plasma Theory [26], "a substantial amount of dark matter particles is
composed of dark plasma and radiates dark light". Many experimental
metaphysicists have been reported that the dark plasma can emit
"dark photons" and gives rise to "dark electromagnetism" and is affected by electrical and magnetic fields. Thus the soul begins to weave
itself as part of the fabric of the developing body in the womb—a
unique soul, a unique potential.
The 23 chapter (Sura al-Mu’minun, V: 12-13-14), of the Holy Qur'an
stated that "And verily We create the human being from the extract of
earth (clay). Then We placed it (as a drop of sperm) in a place of rest,
firmly fixed. Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood.
Then of that clot We made a lump (fetus). Then We made out of that
lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh. Then We developed out
of it another creature (by breathing life into it). So blessed is Allah, the
most marvelous Creator”.
In the Hadith recorded by the two most authentic authorities, Imam
al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim (may Allah have mercy on them both) in
their respective truth collections, the Messenger of Allah (Peace be
upon him: PBUH) discusses in detail the periods elapsing between
these stages mentioned in the Qur’an. Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Mas’ud
(Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allahprophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him: PBUH) said:
َ ‫إنَّ َّأحدكم َّيُج َمع‬
َّ‫ َّثم َّيكون‬،‫ َّثم َّيكون َّعلقةً َّمثل َّذلك‬،‫َّخ ْلقُه َّفي َّبطن َّأمه َّأربعين َّيو ًما‬
َّ،‫َّورزقَه‬،‫َّاكتُبْ َّعملَه‬:‫َّويقالَّله‬،‫َّثمَّيَبعثَّهللاَّملكًاَّفيُؤمر بأربعَّكلمات‬،‫ُمضغةًَّمثلَّذلك‬
‫َّثمَّيُنفخَّفيهَّالروح‬،ٌ‫َّوَّشق ٌّيَّأوَّسعيد‬،‫))وأجلَه‬
“Each one of you is constituted in the womb of the mother for forty days,
and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and
then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel
who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his
deeds, his livelihood, his (date of) death, and whether he will be
blessed or wretched (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into him”
(Sahih al-Bukhari no: 3036).
Based on the above Qur’anic verse and Hadith, the jurists (fuqaha)
have inferred that the soul (ruh) enters the fetus at around 4 months
after gestation. Thus, when the age of the unborn child reaches about
120 days (4 months), it no longer remains a lifeless object; rather, it is
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a living human being. At this point, all organ differentiation is almost
completed and the child acquires the shape of a human body.
The 17 chapter (Sura Al-Boni-Israiel, V: 85), of the Holy Qur'an stated
that "they ask you (O Muhammad), about the soul (Rûh). Say, "The
soul (Rûh) is from the command (the affair) of my Lord. And mankind
has not been given of knowledge except a little". Again, in chapter 17
(Sura Al-Boni-Israiel, V: 88), of the Holy Qur'an stated that "Say, "Even
if humans and spirits all gathered together to produce something like
Recital, they could not produce anything like it, even if they helped
each other".
After the quickening the fetal gradually grown up to a mature fetus up
to 38-40 weeks gestational age. The circulatory system of a human fetus is different from that of born humans, mainly because the lungs
are not in use. The fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood circulation through the placenta and the umbilical cord [27].
At the time of immediate of birth, the soul like dark plasma quantum
energy (changing their internal plasma frequencies to adjust the visible environment) makes an electrical impulse (hit) at the Sinuatrial
(SA) Node of fetus heart (foramen ovale) to close it to make a perfect
heart and starts the conducting system of heart for circulating blood
and functioning the lungs for breathes, resulting the starts of the infant crying. If the electrical impulse (hit) at the Sinuatrial (SA) Node of
fetus heart is not performed successfully, the conducting system of
heart is not started, in that case death of infant occues. After the successful electrical impulse, the soul like dark plasma quantum energy
takes place at the Sinuatrial Node of infant's heart and supplying electrical energy (binding energy of soul with heart) to continuing the
conducting system of heart and functioning different organs of the
body. As a result, the soul like dark plasma quantum energy is decentralized in whole parts of the body and energy becomes loss for pumping of heart, operation of respiratory system, and others. In other hand,
for the intake of different foods and medicines, the mitochondria act
as a power house of different cells produces thermal and chemical energy by biochemical reactions and cell metabolism processes which
transfers by different composition of blood cells, electrolytes, enzymes,
etc. to the Sinuatrial Node of heart as the original point of 'soul like
dark plasma quantum energy' to balance its original value spontaneously, up to the death of human. Other than blood circulation, electromagnetic energy can also be transfer to the Sinuatrial Node of heart
as the soul point for energy balance through different channels of
body from outsides, like Laser Acupuncture (TIENS, Chinese), Reiki
(Japanese), etc. as an electromagnetic radiation treatment processes.
Thus the heart act as a central power house; supply energy to different
organs of the body through its pumping of heart for blood circulation,
nervous system and different channels to maintain the temperature of
the whole body through the Hypothalams (thermostatic system) of
brain. The binding energy of soul to heart (work function) in the living
system is controlled by the use, produce, transfer and transform of energy by the biochemical reaction or bio-metabolism process occurring
in the system like as a nuclear power plan. If the energy of the heart or
any part of the body becomes insufficient, raise up different problems;
need to supply energy through food or medicine or direct electromagnetic energy for living well.
6. Death Process and Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect
Einstein’s photoelectric effect is that "the electrons of many materials
can be emitted by the action of light". In this process, the energy of the
emitted electrons depends only on the energy (equivalently frequency) of the individual photons of light, not on the intensity of the incoming light. It is a quantum mechanical interaction between the incident
photon and the outermost electrons i.e. the electron emits when it absorbs the energy of one photon and acquires more energy then its
(electron) binding energy (work function) of the material. Again, from
the Dark Plasma Theory [26] and religious concepts, Angels are made
of light/fire as well as photons.
According to this photoelectric effect, considering the soul weight and
the photon like Angel, during the death of a living system- high energy
soul particle like as an electron can be emitted from their body (heart)
by the action of Angel (Azrail) like as a high energy photon. At a particle time, when the "heart-soul binding energy" of the living body became equivalent to the photon energy of Angel (Azrauil) for different
reasons, also controlled by Allah, soul might be emitted like as Einstin's photoelectric effect resultant the death of the human.
J. Sci. Today's World, 2014, volume 3, issue 5, pages: 150-155
Thus, only one Angel named Azrail is assigned for performing the
death process (Prophet Muhammad PBUH). Again, when the human
being is sleeping, soul energy can exist simultaneously in the body
(continuing heart conduction system) and any other parts of the universe. But during the sleeping, brain and nerves system are becoming
rest, five sensation of human being are workless i. e. having about no
sense but not death. About the sleeping and death, the 39 chapter (Sura Al-Jummer, V: 42), of the Holy Qur'an stated that "Allah takes souls
at their death, or in their sleep if they are not dead, keeping those sentenced of death, and sending the rest to a definite term. Surely there
are signs in that for people who reflect".
7. Picture of Human Soul
After four years of soul weight experiments, Dr. MacDougall took his attention to obtaining the ability to photograph the soul as it left the
human body [28]. He performed the experiments with X rays about to
be made at the University of Pennsylvania will be successful in picturing the human soul, because the X ray is in reality a shadow picture.
He admits, however, that at the moment of death the soul substance
might become so agitated as to reduce the obstruction that the bone of
the skull offers ordinarily to the Roentgen ray and might therefore be
shown on the plate as a lighter spot on the dark shadow of the bone.
Dr. MacDougall failed to establish any further scientific breakthroughs
about soul picture. The picture of soul could not be possible because of
its high-energy quantum nature dark mater, over the range of X-ray.
8. Conclusion
The above observations suggest that heart and soul is the same thing of
energy quantum of light. When this energy quanta exists in the heart
of living system- known as heart and when this energy exist in empty
space like photon - known as soul. Actually, heart is the supper object
of soul. This energy quantum shows famous wave-particle dual property like electron which can exist simultaneously in more than one
place, in every part of the body and also different places of the universe. For example, if a picture is displayed by electromagnetic radiation as photon from a Television center, the same picture can be seen
in all Televisions over the world at the same time at the same center.
Therefore, by staying in one place, one can imagine to be in other
places by soul closing eyes. The physics of the process of experiencing
these beings involves an interaction between our soul and heart. On a
higher level, everyone embodies the archetypal aspects of Jesus,
Krishna, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), etc. These archetypes of our
ideals heal our sense of soul loss and serve our spiritual revival to help
us remember a part of us. The material world has evolved from the
absolute vacuum of space that is the place of God (Allah) and this is
the home of the soul. The first law of thermodynamics "energy can not
be destroyed or created, it can be converted only from one form to another, ultimate energy is constant" proved the correctness of the spiritualistic concept of the immateriality of the soul as energy. Actually,
everything of the universe is made of light [29], even heart and soul,
which would be a new direction towards the modern world to understand the whole universe.
First of all I praise to my Almighty Allah (SWT) and His prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) for given me a tiny knowledge to write
the article. I wish to thank to my spiritual leader Sheikh Shahzada Professor Dr. Ahmed Peyara Bagdadi (R), and my wife Mrs. Rof Rof Peyaree (Takwa), Shahpur Dargah Sharif, Comilla, Bangladesh for their
kind inspiration to perform the study. I indebted to my parents for
their grace to me to see the universe. I also wish to thank Professor Dr.
Tajmeri S. A. Islam of Dhaka University for bringing my attention to
the weight of soul which encouraged me to write the paper. I am
grateful to A. Einstein, Max Plank and J. Alfred for their development
of Special theory of relativity, Quantum theory and Dark plasma theory, respectively. I also thankful to Hafez Mowlana Muhammadullah for
his religious discussion and Dr. Md. Mamun Khan for his discussion
about medical science. Finally, I extent my thanks to my daughters:
Shadita, Sakira and Sakura for their suffering during the preparing of
the manuscript.
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