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Obj. 2.1.2 Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Form A
____1.An earthquake’s epicenter is ____.
a. any spot along the nearest fault
b. the spot below the focus
c. the place on the surface directly above the focus
d. a spot halfway between the focus and the surface
____2.Violent shaking from an earthquake can cause soil and rock on slopes to fail and cause a ____.
a. landslide
c. sinkhole
b. fault
d. tsunami
____3.Which one of the following statements is true about P waves?
a. They cannot be recorded on a seismograph.
b. They travel only through solids.
c. They travel faster than S waves.
d. They are the most destructive type of seismic wave.
____4.In areas where unconsolidated sediments are saturated with water, earthquakes can turn stable soil into a fluid
through a process called ____.
a. tidal effect
c. liquefaction
b. underwater landslide
d. fault creep
____5.The adjustments of materials that follow a major earthquake often generate smaller earthquakes called ____.
a. aftershocks
c. foreshocks
b. surface waves
d. body waves
____6.A caldera is a ____.
a. type of volcano
c. very large volcanic bomb
b. violent volcanic explosion
d. large depression in a volcano
____7.Which of the following factors helps determine whether a volcanic eruption will be violent or relatively quiet?
a. amount of dissolved gases in the magma
b. composition of the magma
c. temperature of the magma
d. all of the above
____8.A tsunami can occur when there is vertical movement at a fault under ____.
a. a small inland lake
c. a mountain range
b. the ocean floor
d. the San Andreas Fault
____9.Why do earthquakes often cause damaging fires?
a. Magma from deep underground escapes through faults.
b. Earthquake vibrations can break gas lines, water lines, and electrical lines.
c. Lightning strikes are common during earthquakes.
d. Tsunamis from earthquakes generate enough heat to start fires.
____10.What instrument records earthquake waves?
a. barometer
c. Richter scale
b. seismograph
d. seismogram
____11.Overall, which seismic waves are the most destructive?
a. S waves
c. compression waves
b. P waves
d. surface waves
____12.Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting how violently or quietly a volcano erupts?
a. magma’s temperature
b. size of the volcano’s cone
c. concentration of dissolved gases in the magma
d. magma’s composition
____13.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of S waves?
a. They shake particles at right angles to the direction the waves travel.
b. They travel more slowly than P waves.
c. They cannot be transmitted through water or air.
d. They temporarily change the volume of material by compression and expansion.
____14. The most violent volcanic eruptions are associated with what type of volcano?
a. composite cones
c. cinder cones
b. fissure eruptions
d. shield volcanoes
____15.What is the minimum number of seismic stations that is needed to determine the location of an earthquake’s
a. three
c. four
b. two
d. one
____16.A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a ____.
a. composite cone volcano
c. shield volcano
b. cinder cone volcano
d. pyroclastic volcano
____17.What type of volcano is built almost entirely from ejected lava fragments?
a. pahoehoe volcano
c. shield volcano
b. cinder cone
d. composite cone
____18. What boundaries are associated with earthquakes?
Divergent and convergent
Divergent and transform fault
Convergent and transform fault
Earthquakes occur along all the boundaries
____19. Which would produce the most severe earthquake damage along the surface of Earth?
a. an earthquake with a deep focus and a magnitude of 2.5
b. an earthquake with a shallow focus and a magnitude of 2.5
c. an earthquake with a deep focus and a magnitude of 4.5
d. an earthquake with a shallow focus and a magnitude of 4.5
____20. Volcanoes that have the most violent eruptions have magma with the following characteristics:
a. magma with a high silica content, high viscosity and higher gas content
b. magma with a low silica content, low viscosity and higher gas content
c. magma with a high silica content, low viscosity and low gas content
d. magma with a low silica content, high viscosity and low gas content
____21. Out of the list below, which feature is not found outside of a volcano?
a. Crater
b. Magma
c. Lava
d. Conduit (pipeline)
____22. Where will you find the most earthquake and volcanic activity?
a. Along the Ring of Fire which is found in the Atlantic Ocean on the pacific plate.
b. Along the Ring of Fire which is found in the Pacific Ocean on the pacific plate.
c. Along the Ring of Fire which is found in the Atlantic Ocean on the Nazca plate.
d. Along the Ring of Fire which is found in the Pacific Ocean on the Mediterranean sea.
____23. Which volcano will have the highest viscosity?
a. Cinder Cone
b. Composite
c. Shield
____24. Faults are ________.
A fracture in the Earth’s crust due to movement
The point within earthquake starts
The location on the surface directly above the focus
None of the above
B (The opening)
____25.What feature is labeled A in Figure 10-1?
a. pipe
b. crater
____26.What feature is labeled D in Figure 10-1?
a. crater
b. volcanic neck
c. vent
d. volcanic neck
c. pipe
d. lava flow
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