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Cellular Respiration Review
1. What is cellular respiration?
2. List the two stages in cellular respiration that require oxygen.
3. Write the BALANCED equation for Cellular Respiration. Label the appropriate sides reactants
and products.
4. Compare and contrast anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
5. Which organisms carry out cellular respiration?
6. Cellular respiration occurs in three main stages. List each stage and indicate 1) where it occurs in
the cell and 2) whether it is anerobic or aerobic.
7. Summarize ATP production in glycolysis
8. NAD+, NADP+, NADH are all types of _____________ carriers.
9. Which stage produces the most ATP in cellular respiration?
10. T or F: Prokaryotes can undergo aerobic respiration inside the mitochondria. Explain you
11. What is the job of the mitochondria?
12. Compare and Contrast ADP and ATP
13. List cellular activities that require the energy of ATP.
Use the word bank below to fill in the blanks of the paragraph. You may use them more than once.
When energy is available, a cell can _____________ small amounts of it by adding a phosphate to _____
to form ___________. The addition of the third __________stores ________________. When the cell
needs energy, the third _________________ is _________________, releasing energy. This energy is
used to do the ______________ of the cell.
Label the 3 parts of the ATP molecule below. Circle the high energy bond.
Fill in the missing pieces of the diagram below.
Anaerobic Respiration
1. What is another name for glycolysis that occurs in cells like bacteria, yeast and muscle cells?
2. List the two types of fermentation. Summarize events in each type of fermentation.
3. What organism did we look at to carry out alcoholic fermentation? Explain the results of the
4. What organisms carry out lactic acid fermentation?