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Land Pollution
• Introduction, Lithosphere, Land Uses, Causes
of Land Degradation.
Important Questions
• What are causes of land Degradation? Narrate Common
Pollutants responsible for causing land pollution
• Describe uses and overuses of land.
• What is land degradation and what are the causes of land
• Describe uses and Overuses of land What are causes effects of
land pollution ?
• What are the major sources of land pollution? How does land
pollution affect soil productivity ?
• Define land pollution and explain the causes of land pollution.
Earth and Its Structure
• A large mass detached
from sun,
when a
powerful object collide
with sun.
• This large mass is the
• The earth is of size 12757
km in diameter.
• The earth is divided into
3 main layers
• 1) Core- Innermost
• 2) Mantle
• 3) Crust
• Crust: The outermost layer of the
earth is the crust which comprises of
varying rocks, the thickness of crust
varies from 64 to 96 km about 70 %
of the crust is immersed in oceans.
• Mantle: The next layer is the mantle
which forms the most of the earth’s
mass. It is about 2880 km thick. The
most of the internal heat of the earth
is located in this region.
• Core: The inner most part of the
lithosphere is the core, this layer
surrounds the centre of the earth its
thickness is about 3500 km. This is
hottest, heaviest and densest layer of
the earth.
• Crust comprises of minerals like Silica,
aluminium, magnesium
• Mantle comprises of minerals like chromium,
silicon, magnesium, nickle, iron.
• Core: Comprises of iron, and nickle and other
components like, sulphur, silica, and cobalt.
• The topmost part of the earth surface
(crust)which covers most of the land
containing hills, grasslands, deserts is called
• After the formation of earth, the rocks were
formed very first by cooling of the earth
mass and successively the soil was formed
due to degradation and fragmentation of the
rock due to physical, chemical and
weathering effects.
• The lithosphere includes all the metals,
minerals, inorganic and organic matter
present in the soil. The minerals are
essential for the growth of vegetation and
ultimately to the entire living organisms as
they are the basic elements in food cycle.
Land Uses
• Most human or natural activities need space for their
location and development, which is provided by land. The
various purpose for which land can be used, include
agriculture, human dwelling, industrial purpose, waste
disposal, forests, etc.
• The land use pattern of India is as Under
• Agricultural Land:- 43.6 %
• Permanent Pastures and meadows:- 4.6 %
• Cultural wastelands:- 12.2 %
• Forests:- 10.7 %
• Barren and unculturableland:- 8.4 %
• Urban Land:- 5.3 %
• No information available:- 5.2 %
Land Uses
Soil Profile
Soil and its Components
Sources of Land Pollution
• The sources of land pollution can be categorized as
• Agriculture
• Quarrying and mining
• Sewage sludge
• Dredged spoils
• Household-domestic solid waste
• Demolitions and constructions
• Industrial activities.
Sources Of Land Pollution
Agricultural Waste
Quarrying and Mining Waste
Sewage Sludge
Dredge Spoils
Solid Wastes
Demolition Wastes
Industrial Waste
Causes of Land Degradation
• Land Degradation is the temporary or
permanent lowering of the productive
capacity of the land.
• Soil erosion:- Soil erosion means
wearing away of soil. It refers to loss of
the superficial layer of the soil by the
action of wind, water or human
• The top layer of the soil is very fertile.
Therefore, its removal degrades the
quality of land making it less productive.
• Soil erosion is caused due to heavy
rainfall, lack of vegetation cover, and
soil mismanagement like, uncontrolled
grazing by cattle, faulty method of
surface drainage, removal of forest
• Salination:- Salination refers
to increase in the concentration
of soluble salts in the soil poor
irrigation practices, flood water
results in accumulation of
dissolved salts on the soil
surface. In dry areas water
evaporate quickly leaving
behind a white crust of salts in
soil on the surface. The higher
concentration of salts severely
affects the water absorption
process of the plants, resulting
into poor production.
• Water Logging:- Water- logging may be
due to surface flooding or due to high
water table.
• Excessive irrigation practices may cause
water logging due to rise in water table
of the area. The productivity of water
logged soil is severely affected due to
lesser availability of plants.
• Shifting Cultivation:- Among many
tribal communities a very peculiar
practice of cutting down a selected
portion of the forest and burning. Crops
were cultivated for a few years till the
fertility of soil is reduced. When the
fields become sterile the were abandoned
and a fresh patch of forest were burnt
and fresh fields were formed for crop
• Urbanization:- Man is to blamed
for most of the land degradation.
Productive areas is fast reducing
settlement, industries, roads ,
railways, airports etc.
• Dumping:- Dumping of solid
wastes is one of the most
important factors which are
responsible for the land pollution.
In developing countries like India,
the garbage and refuse products
are simply dumped leading to
land pollution.
Health Consequences of Land Pollution
• Land Pollution affects humans and wild life in number of
ways such as,
• It can cause Respiratory problems
• Lead to birth defects
• Cause skin problems
• Causes cancers
• The toxic substances causing soil/ land pollution can get into
human body directly by Skin contacts
• Toxic Substances Being washed into water sources like rivers,
reservoirs, Pollutes under ground water courses
• Consumption of vegetables and fruits grown on polluted soils
• Inhalation of Polluted dust or particles.
Effects of Land Pollution
Many of the widely used pesticides on agricultural lands are
potentially carcinogenic. The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) identified 15 such chemicals from the 27 most
commonly used.
Neurological Problems
The health effects of soil pollution, of course, vary with the
contaminant. Some toxins, such as lead, are both naturally
occurring and come from manmade sources. According to the
EPA, children are most vulnerable to the health effects of lead in
the soil. Their developing neurological systems put them at risk
for serious health issues, causing possible brain and nervous
system damage.
Effects of Land Pollution
Tissue Damage and Irritation
Mercury levels in the soil can increase through deposition from precipitation. Mercury
can cause irritation of your internal and external tissues, such as your skin and the
lining of your gastrointestinal tract. The severity depends upon the toxin and length of
Reduction of Soil Health
Soil pollution also degrades soil health, impacting both the environment as well as
people in the long term. The same chemicals that can harm people may also affect
plants and micro-organisms. Acid rain, for example, can create toxic conditions by
mobilizing what might otherwise be harmless chemicals in the soil. These toxins in turn
can slow plant growth as well as impact the soil bacteria and other organisms necessary
for plant growth.
How to Reduce Land Pollution
• Following steps can be taken to stop or reduce or avoid
land pollution
• Adoption of organic farming instead of using synthetic
• Adoption of recycle and reuse of a waste materials
• Proper disposal of industrial wastes into secured
landfill sites
• Educating people not to litter
• Proper
collection, transportation and disposal of
municipal wastes.
Reduce Land Pollution
Proper Disposal
• Make a visit to a sanitary landfill site located in your
vicinity and write a report on its operation and
• What does TSDF stands for ? Explain its
working along with its component parts in