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Dr. Raymond Carrelle
WE Care
Green Tea
Red Yeast Rice
Acetyl L Carnitine
N Acetyle Cysteine
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Co Enzyme Q10
Safety – supplements can interact with
prescription medications and can cause side
Research the company – do they do 3rd party
testing of their product?
Quality – you get what you pay for. Testing is
expensive and will be reflected in the price.
Be aware - your doctor may not know a lot
about supplements or interactions.
Tropical fruit
Appears to block an enzyme called citrate lyase
which your body uses to make fat
May also have an affect on glucose and cholesterol
Potential side effects: dizziness, dry mouth,
headache, upset stomach, diarrhea
Cautions: Leukotriene inhibitors (Singulair,
Accolate), Diabetes meds that can cause
hypoglycemia, Statin cholesterol meds, Blood
Dosing: 100 – 500mg 3 times/day with meals
Polyphenols play a role in the ecology of most
plants. Typically found in the leaf, bark, flower or
fruits of plants
EGCG is the major polyphenol in green tea and
may increase resting metabolic rate and fat
It may also improve insulin resistance and
cholesterol, and have antioxidant effects
Potential side effects: dizziness, insomnia,
agitation, fatigue
Cautions: blood thinners, Diabetes meds that can
cause hypoglycemia
Dosing: 100 – 750 mg daily (in divided doses)
Found in wakame (edible brown seaweed)
May increase metabolism and fat oxidation
May reduce blood sugar and improve insulin
Potential side effects: none known
Cautions: no known drug interactions, caution
with diabetes meds that can cause
Dosing: 300mg twice/day
Is a mineral essential for proper glucose
metabolism and with insulin function
May help with cholesterol
Potential side effects: headache, sleep
disturbance, mood changes
Cautions: may inhibit thyroid medication
absorption, caution with diabetes medications
that can cause hypoglycemia
Dosing: 200 mcg 1-3 times/day
Potential benefits for healthy glucose
Potential side effects: none known
Cautions: no drug interactions known, caution
with diabetes medications that can cause
Dosing: 1-3 grams/day (1 gram = 1/4 -1/2 tsp)
Is a chemical found in the bark, roots and stems
of plants including Oregon grape, Barberry,
Tree Tumeric, Goldenseal and Yellowroot
Can lower a1c, glucose, insulin and cholesterol
Potential side effects: headache, nausea,
vomiting, bloating
Cautions: AVOID if taking Cyclosporine.
Caution with diabetes meds that can cause
Dosing: 350 – 500mg 2-3 times/day
Is made from yeast grown on rice
Dietary staple in some Asian countries
Contains compounds called monacolins that block
the production of cholesterol. May also affect
blood sugar.
Cautions: blood thinners, diabetes medications
that can cause hypoglycemia
Patients intolerant of statins may get similar
reactions with red yeast rice
Dosing: 1200mg twice/day
Extract of the Bergomot fruit, a bitter citrus
fruit found in Southern Italy. Is commonly
used as a flavoring in Earl Grey tea
May reduce cholesterol, raise HDL (good
cholesterol), remove fatty deposits in the liver
and lower blood sugar.
Potential side effects: rare cases of GI upset,
nausea, increased gas, diarrhea, constipation
Cautions: no know interactions, but caution
with using other cholesterol meds
Dosing: 1000 – 2000mg daily
Amino acid derivative that plays a vital role in
helping the body turn fat into energy
Can have benefits for cholesterol, Diabetes,
neuropathy, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s
Potential side effects: GI upset, nausea,
Cautions: AVOID if history of seizures, may
interfere with thyroid hormone meds
Dosing: 1000 – 3000mg daily in divided doses
Form of the amino acid cysteine that is found in
high protein foods
Can have benefits for COPD, cholesterol, chronic
pain, OCD. Many other uses.
Potential side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
Cautions: can increase the effects of nitroglycerine.
Potential concerns for triggering bronchospasm in
asthma. Caution with blood thinners. Potential
risk for cysteine kidney stones in prone patients
Dosing: 500 – 1000mg twice/day
Take Vitamin C 500 – 1500mg/day to reduce risk
for stones
Is produced naturally by the body to help build
May stimulate the production of healthy, new
Best known for treating joint pain and increasing
mobility in people with osteoarthritis, esp of the
Potential side effects: nausea, diarrhea, bloating,
Cautions: caution with blood thinners and with
Dosing: 1500 – 3000mg daily in divided doses
Often found in combo with Chondroitin and MSM
Substance that makes the cartilage in your
joints resilient. One of the basic building
blocks of most connective tissues
May help pain and joint stiffness of
osteoarthritis, esp of the knee
Potential side effects: rare nausea, bloating,
Cautions: may interact with blood thinners
Dosing: 1200mg daily in divided doses
Chemical found in plants, animals and humans
May benefit joint pains and arthritis, esp of the
Potential side effects: nausea, diarrhea,
bloating, headache, insomnia
Cautions: no known interactions
Dosing: 1500mg daily in divided doses
The boswellia tree is a flowering plant native to regions of
Africa and Asia.
The biblical incense frankincense is made of resin from the
boswellia tree
Appears to have anti inflammatory properties by inhibiting
enzymes called leukotrienes that contribute to inflammation
and pain.
Can have benefits for arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis,
rheumatoid arthritis. Has also been researches in Crohn’s
and Ulcerative Colitis.
Potential side effects: rare diarrhea, skin rash, nausea, acid
Cautions: may interact with certain asthma / allergy meds
called Leukotriene inhibitors (Singulair, Accolate)
Dosing: 150 – 400mg 3 times/day, take with a fatty meal
Best known as a spice. Is one of the main
components of curry
Has anti inflammatory and anti oxidant
May benefit joint pain, arthritis, chronic pain,
Potential side effects: nausea, diarrhea,
increased bleeding
Cautions: may interact with blood thinners
Dosing: 500 – 2000mg daily in divided doses
Has been used to treat nausea, motion sickness
and arthritis pain. May potentially lower blood
Has anti inflammatory properties
Potential side effects: rare
Cautions: high doses could interfere with
cardiac, diabetes and blood thinning meds
Dosing: 1000 – 4000mg daily divided into 2-4
Is a fatty acid that is essential to the body’s
production of energy
Is an anti oxidant found in most foods, esp. kidney,
liver, spinach, broccoli and yeast extract
May have benefit in glucose/insulin function,
diabetic neuropathy and chronic fatigue
Potential side effects: rare
Cautions: no known drug interactions. Caution if
taking diabetes meds that can cause hypoglycemia
Dosing: 50-100mg daily, but can take up to 1800mg
Is a mineral that plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions
Foods high in magnesium include spinach, broccoli, sunflower
seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, cashews, peanut butter, beans,
peas, edemame
Can help with migraines, insomnia, palpitations, muscle cramps
(esp. nocturnal leg cramps)
Is available in different forms: Magnesium citrate, Magnesium
gluconate, Magnesium glycinate, Magnesium lactate
Potential side effects: GI upset, diarrhea
Cautions: is excreted in the kidneys so caution with chronic
kidney disease; do not take with amiloride (heart medication);
may increase absorption of some diabetes meds (esp Glipizide,
Glyburide); hold if also taking any of the following antibiotics
(Ciprofloxin, Avelox, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline)
Dosing: 120 – 500mg daily
Has enzymes that can reduce cholesterol, blood
pressure and platelet adhesion (clot formation)
resulting in improved heart health
Potential benefits for reducing coronary artery
calcifications/plaque, lowering BP
Potential side effects: GI upset, body odor, bad
Cautions: blood thinners
Dosing: 1 clove daily, 2400mg daily
Improves the production of energy in cells
Is an anti oxidant
Can have benefits for CHF, blood pressure,
cholesterol, side effects of statin medications
(may reduce levels of CoQ10 in the body) and
Potential side effects: rare
Cautions: blood thinners
Dosing: 100 – 300mg daily divided 2-3
A substance found in red wine, grapes,
blueberries, raspberries, mulberries
Potential heart protection effects – blood vessel
dilator, prevent blood clots.
Is also has anti oxidant and anti inflammatory
Potential side effects: rare
Cautions: blood thinners; women on estrogen
therapy (can have some possible estrogen like
Dosing: 20-60 mg daily divided into 2 doses
Is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland in
the brain to regulate sleep
Levels are suppressed during the day in response to
sunlight, then rise at night to trigger sleep
Has anti oxidant properties at higher doses
Helpful for insomnia, sleep disturbances due to jet lag
and shift work; may help with Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Potential side effects: drowsiness, GI discomfort,
morning grogginess
Cautions: may interact with Prozac (Fluoxetine); may
increase the effects of sedating meds (Benzodiazepines
and anti histamines)
Dosing: 0.5 – 10 mg at bedtime
Is essential for red blood cell production, healthy
nerves, producing DNA
Is not found in plant sources. Common food
sources – beef, cheese, liver, eggs, salmon,
sardines, trout, tuna
Risks for deficiency: vegetarians, Metformin use,
use of stomach acid medications, colchicine
Potential side effects: none common
No concerning interactions
Dosing: 500-1000mcg daily. Available in oral,
injection and nasal (Nascobol) forms
Taking Vitamin C with B12 can increase improve
its absorption