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What we ask you to do:
Thornhill Primary School is a healthy
school. We achieved Healthy School
status in 2009. Healthy eating is a
crucial element of this standard and
as part of our continuous work
towards maintaining this status we
must promote health awareness
throughout the school community. By
working in partnership with parents,
staff and governors we can provide a
valuable role model to our pupils and
promote healthy eating patterns. We
are committed to giving all of our
pupils consistent messages about all
aspects of their health to help them
understand the impact of their
actions and behaviour and encourage
them to take responsibility for the
choices that they make. We believe
that a healthy packed lunch can
contribute to the health of our pupils
and improve their performance in
school and needs to be consistent
with the nutritional standards
provided by school meals.
What we will do:
•We will provide somewhere
comfortable, clean and attractive for
your child to eat their packed lunch
•Your child’s lunch will be stored in
the cloakroom until lunchtime
•We will give you as much information
as possible about the nutritional
standards and support you in
complying with this policy
•Provide packed lunches that meet the
government’s nutritional standards
•Ask for support if you find meeting
the guidelines difficult
•Prepare lunches in a clean, hygienic
container that is washed at the end of
each day. Food should not be sent in a
carrier bag
•Send packed lunches with your child in
the morning and avoid bringing them in
later in the morning which can be
disruptive and time consuming for staff
•Provide any necessary cutlery
•Provide an insulated bag with an ice
pack during warmer weather
•Let us know if your child has any
allergies or special dietary
What we ask your child to do:
•Leave their packed lunch in the
cloakroom before going to class each
day and collect it at the end of the day
before leaving
•Eat as much of their lunch as they can
•Remember not to swap food with other
Contents of packed lunches
We ask that all packed lunches be
based on the School Food Trust’s food
based standards for packed lunches
and include the following:
•Fruit and Vegetables: at least one
portion of fruit and one portion of
vegetables each day
•Protein: meat, fish, egg or other
source of non-diary protein (eg lentils,
kidney beans, chickpeas or hummus)
every day
•Oily Fish: tinned or fresh mackerel,
salmon or sardines at least once every
three weeks
•Starchy food: bread, pasta, rice,
couscous, noodles, potatoes or other
cereals each day
•Dairy: Milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage
frais or custard each day
•Drinks: Water still or sparkling, pure
fruit juice, milk, yoghurt drinks or pure
Foods to be avoided
•Snacks: Snacks with a high fat content
such as crisps should not be included.
As the nutritional standards state that
foods such as chips and waffles should
be served only once per week, the same
will apply for crisps in packed lunches
which may only be brought on a Friday.
Savoury crackers or breadsticks are a
healthy alternative. Please be aware
that Dairylea Dunkers and Lunchables
have a high fat and salt content and do
not count as a healthy starchy food and
should also be limited to Fridays, as an
alternative to crisps.
Serving the Community
•Confectionary: Sweets, chocolate bars,
chocolate spread and chocolate coated
biscuits should not be included. Plain cakes
and biscuits are allowed but should be eaten as
part of a healthy well balanced packed lunch
and not as an alternative to healthy foods.
•Meat products: Sausage rolls, pies, corned
beef, sausages should be included only once
per week due to their high fat content
•Fizzy/sugary drinks: This includes diet
drinks, those which claim to be sugar free and
energy drinks which can all contain high levels
of caffeine and additives which are not
suitable for children
Special diets and allergies
We recognise that occasionally some children
may require special diets for medical or
cultural reasons that do not conform to the
national standards exactly. If this is the case,
please inform us and we will seek advice in
supporting you to ensure that your child eats
as healthy as possible. Please be aware that
your child’s preference for particular types of
food over healthier options do4es not
constitute a special dietary requirement and if
we are concerned about your child’s diet we
will seek medical advice. If your child has a
food allergy, please notify us immediately.
Occasionally, we have pupils who have
potentially dangerous nut allergies therefore
we ask you to refrain from putting nut
products into packed lunches
Thornhill Primary School
Ehen Road
CA22 2SJ
Phone: 01946 820402
Fax: 01946 823383
[email protected]
What can my child
have in their packed
Headteacher: Mrs W Figes
Issue 1 Created September 2012
Circulation: All parents of children
eating packed lunches
Contact: 01946 820402
E-mail: [email protected]