Download Lunch Box Policy - Willow Tree Primary School

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Willow Tree Primary School
Our Vision
Inspiring Learners for Life
At Willow Tree Primary, everyone has the right to :
Be safe
This policy sits within our whole school values which have been agreed by parents,
children, governors and staff. It recognises that our children come from diverse
home backgrounds, cultures and ethnic faith groups.
Some of our children have special educational needs which may include allergies or
intolerances to particular foods. Our school aims to meet the needs of all these
groups of children and ensure equality and equity of provision whilst taking account
of this diversity and difference.
We also recognise that some children are ‘fussy’ eaters and that it is a major step to
get some children to eat anything at all. We would want parents to let us know if
this is the case so that we can deal with such children sensitively and with
encouragement and praise for what they have eaten.
Due to government funding all pupils from reception to Y2 will be provided with a
cooked meal at school free of charge from September 2014. Any parent who feels
that this is not the best option for their child must request, in writing, to allow for a
packed lunch to be brought from home. All written requests should be submitted to
the Deputy Head teacher, Marion Conway.
We want to ensure that all packed lunches brought from home and eaten in our
school provide all children with healthy and nutritious food that is equal to that
served to children having a school prepared lunch, as these meals are regulated by
national standards.
There is a nationally recognised issue with obesity in the adult and child population.
As a recognised National Healthy School we are committed to ensuring that our
children are as healthy as possible. Research shows that there may be a direct link
between foods/drinks and their additives and children’s behaviour and progress at
How this policy was formulated
This policy was formulated after
 the completion of a lunch box survey
 seeking the views of staff, parents and governors.
Completing a healthy eating workshop with a selection of KS2 children
 Seeking the views of children.
The findings gathered from our lunchbox survey suggest that over half of our pupils
who had a packed lunch were not eating a balanced, nutritious meal at lunchtime.
The key finding were that a large majority of pupils lunchboxes:
Had high sugar contents. In many cases a large proportion of the sugar
intake came from sugary drinks.
Did not have 1 or more portions of fruit or vegetables.
Often contained more than one food item of high fat and/or sugar content. (
e.g cakes, crisps, biscuits)
In response to our findings we asked parents their thoughts on what would
constitute a healthy packed lunch that would be enjoyable and affordable. 88% of
the parents that we spoke to agreed that we needed to reduce the sugar and fat
content of the children’s lunchboxes by limiting the number of cakes, biscuits and
crisps that the pupils are given.
Families were also consulted on Willow Tree becoming a ‘water only’ school. There
were a small number of parents spoken to who said that their child does not like
water but the vast majority of parents agreed that children not drinking any sugary
drinks at school would be a fair and reasonable adjustment.
Aims and Objectives
We aim to educate our children and families with the skills, knowledge and
understanding to enable them to make informed healthy lifestyle choices. To do that
effectively we need to work in partnership with parents in securing the best for
every child.
The aims of our lunchbox policy are:
To promote the schools policy of becoming a water only school by not
allowing any drinks in lunchboxes other than water. The school will provide
all children with fresh drinking water and cups at lunchtime.
To reduce the sugar and fat content of lunchboxes by asking parents who
wish to add a small treat to limit the inclusion of biscuits, cakes and crisps to
one small portion per lunchbox. Chocolate and sweets are not to be brought
to school in a child’s lunchbox.
To increase children’s intake of fruit and vegetables increase by ensuring that
there is at least one portion in every child’s lunchbox.
To whom this policy applies
This policy applies to all children and parents/carers providing packed lunches to be
eaten on school premises or on school visits.
Whole school agreement on lunchbox food
• We will provide a safe, healthy and social eating environment for pupils bringing in
packed lunches and ensure that free, fresh drinking water is available at all times.
• We will work with parents/carers to try to ensure that packed lunches contain
items of the food groups/Eatwell Plate. ( see appendix 1)
The following guidelines for lunchbox contents and frequency of serving for each
item mirror the statutory guidelines for school provided meals. This ensures equality
of entitlement for all children.
Packed lunches should include:
• At least one portion of fruit and or vegetable every day.
• Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. lentils, chick peas, and
houmous) every day.
• Oily fish at least once every three weeks.
• A starchy food such as bread, rice or pasta every day.
• Dairy food such as cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais every day.
Some balanced lunch box menus can be found in appendix 2 of this policy.
Children should know that lunchboxes should contain some carbohydrate, protein, a
dairy product and either a piece of fruit or vegetable sticks.
If parents choose to include a small treat in their child’s lunchbox they may include
1 of the following . The suggested portions sizes are:
2 small biscuits OR
1 small cake OR
1 small packet of crisps OR
1 small cereal bar
Chocolate,( this includes chocolate covered biscuits such as Kit Kats,
Penguins, Clubs, sweets or any drinks other than plain water should not be
included in children’s pack lunches. Please note that flavoured waters are
not permitted due to the sugar they contain.
Children’s lunches should be sent to school in a named packed lunch box.
Parents should be aware that packed lunches are not refrigerated so
parents may wish to add a small ice pack to their child’s lunch box to keep
food chilled.
Any food not eaten by a child will be returned in their lunchbox. If parents
are concerned about the amount their child is eating at lunchtime they
should speak to their child’s class teacher.
Monitoring and Review
On a daily basis, staff in school will see what children have in their lunchboxes as a
matter of course as they are supervising in the dining hall. This is an opportunity for
them to talk with the children about their lunchboxes and congratulate them if a
lunchbox has a good balance across the food groups. In this way they will be aware
of children who bring excessive amounts of high fat/sugar content food on a daily
If a child’s packed lunch contains a banned item i.e. chocolate or a chocolate
covered biscuit, sugary drinks ( this includes flavoured water) or more than 1
small treat, this item will be removed by the lunch time supervisors and water,
fruit or vegetables offered as an alternative. The item removed will be labelled
and can be collected from the front desk at the end of the day.
Staff will be vigilant to ensure that children are hydrated during the day. If a
child is not drinking the water provided or if they are not eating a reasonable
amount each day the teacher will inform the parent and the school will work
with the parent to support the needs of the individual child
At no time will a child be made to feel ashamed of their lunchbox contents.
However, we will send parents a reminder of this policy if lunchbox contents
regularly fall short of the expectations in this policy. We want to work with parents
to help educate our children about healthy dietary choices so that they can make
their own informed choices independently when they are older. We have the best
interests of the children at heart.
This policy will be reviewed at least every three years.
Involvement of Parents and Carers
We will continue to work with parents/carers and consult them in the
implementation and review of this policy.
This policy will be available on the school website.