* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Healthy Eating and Nutrition Name: ___________________________________ Task 1: Select, match and insert the information in the ‘Word Bank’ with the information provided in the table. Nutrient What it does Where you get it Carbohydrates Major energy source Vegetables, fruit, pasta, rice, bread Building blocks for growth and repair Fats Clears out the digestive system Vitamins and Minerals Dairy products, meats, fruits, vegetables, cereals, various others Hydration, heat control and transports nutrients Word Bank: Fibre Nuts, dairy or snack foods Protein Water Apples, pears, cabbage, lettuce, cereal Tap, bottle or in food or other drinks Fish, poultry, meat, beans, nuts, eggs, milk Minor energy source, insulation and protection Helps maintain good health (function, growth, immunity, energy) Task 2: Write in the number of serves per day for each food group next to the word ‘servings’. Healthy Eating and Nutrition Name: ___________________________________ SAM’S LUNCHBOX Breakfast 1 serve of yogurt, 1 banana, 2 slices of bread, a serving of butter Lunch Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich, 1 apple Snack 1 serve of potato chips Dinner Chicken, pasta, carrot, peas, corn, potato (1 serve of each) Task 3: Categorise each food item in Sam’s Lunchbox into the table below then answer the questions. Cereals/Grain Vegetables Fruit Meat Dairy Q. Does Sam’s Lunchbox contain enough serves of each food group? Identify any issues. __________________________________________________________________________________ Q. Suggest a change or addition to Sam’s Lunchbox. Explain the reason for your suggestion. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Healthy Eating and Nutrition Name: ___________________________________ ______________’S LUNCHBOX Breakfast Lunch Snacks Dinner Task 4: Write your name above. In the lunchbox, write a list of foods you would consume on a typical day. Categorise each food item in your Lunchbox into the table below then answer the questions. Cereals/Grain Vegetables Fruit Meat Dairy Q. Does your Lunchbox contain enough serves of each food group? Identify any issues. __________________________________________________________________________________ Q. Suggest a change or addition to your Lunchbox. Explain the reason for your suggestion. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Healthy Eating and Nutrition Name: ___________________________________ Task 1: Select, match and insert the information in the ‘Word Bank’ with the information provided in the table. Nutrient What it does Where you get it Carbohydrates Major energy source Vegetables, fruit, pasta, rice, bread Protein Building blocks for growth and repair Fish, poultry, meat, beans, nuts, eggs, milk Fats Minor energy source, insulation and protection Nuts, dairy or snack foods Fibre Clears out the digestive system Apples, pears, cabbage, lettuce, cereal Vitamins and Minerals Helps maintain good health (function, growth, immunity, energy) Dairy products, meats, fruits, vegetables, cereals, various others Water Hydration, heat control and transports nutrients Tap, bottle or in food or other drinks Word Bank: Fibre Nuts, dairy or snack foods Protein Water Apples, pears, cabbage, lettuce, cereal Tap, bottle or in food or other drinks Fish, poultry, meat, beans, nuts, eggs, milk Minor energy source, insulation and protection Helps maintain good health (function, growth, immunity, energy) Task 2: Write in the number of serves per day for each food group next to the word ‘servings’. 2-3 3-5 6+ 2-3 2-4 Healthy Eating and Nutrition Name: ___________________________________ SAM’S LUNCHBOX Breakfast 1 serve of yogurt, 1 banana, 2 slices of bread, a serving of butter Lunch Ham, cheese and tomato sandwich, 1 apple Snack 1 serve of potato chips Dinner Chicken, pasta, carrot, peas, corn, potato (1 serve of each) Task 3: Categorise each food item in Sam’s Lunchbox into the table below then answer the questions. Cereals/Grain 2 x bread 2 x bread (sandwich) 1 x pasta Vegetables 1 x tomato 1 x potato (chips) 1 x carrot 1 x peas 1 x corn 1 x potato Fruit 1 x banana 1 x apple Meat 1 x ham 1 x chicken Dairy 1 x yogurt 1 x butter 1 x cheese Q. Does Sam’s Lunchbox contain enough serves of each food group? Identify any issues. Sam’s Lunchbox contains enough serves of most food groups. It does, however, fall short in the Grain group (5/6+ serves) and exceeds the 3-5 serves of vegetables (6 serves). [Could discuss the credibility of some potato chips – does this constitute a serving of the vegetable food group?] Q. Suggest a change or addition to Sam’s Lunchbox. Explain the reason for your suggestion. Sam could swap out his snack of potato chips (minus one vegetable serve) for a healthy muffin or serving of cereal (add one grain serve). This would lead to Sam fulfilling the recommended daily serves of all food groups.