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Parochial CE Primary School
Whole School Food Policy
an inclusive, inspirational school, preparing for the future; living,
learning and growing together in God.
At Parochial Primary School we recognise the importance of food in our lives. We
know that healthy eating is vital for good health and we understand that there is a
strong link between a healthy diet and effective learning. We recognise the
importance of food related knowledge in enriching social development, and in
celebrating and increasing our appreciation of cultural diversity. In addition we
also recognise that sharing food is a fundamental experience of all people and that
it is an excellent activity for being sociable and building friendships.
Parochial Primary School was awarded Food4Life Silver Award in January 2015.
Our school was recognised for good practice around healthy eating and healthy
lifestyle and is committed to providing a whole school approach to the provision and
promotion of healthy foods. Parochial is currently working towards achieving the
Gold Award.
Our aim is to improve the health of children and families by encouraging life-long
healthy eating habits through food education and skills, such as understanding the
nutritional value of the food served in schools, through classroom lessons and
shared experiences.
We aim to:
 Improve the health of our school community by influencing their eating
habits through increasing their knowledge and awareness of a healthy diet,
and how to ensure the food is prepared hygienically.
 To provide access to tasty nutritious food and an easily available water
supply throughout the school day.
 To increase the children’s knowledge of where their food comes from, food
production, manufacturing, distribution and marketing and how these impact
upon their own lives and the environment.
 To ensure that the food provision in school reflects the ethical and medical
needs of its staff and children e.g. catering for the needs of religious
groups, vegetarians and people with specific food-related allergies.
 To make the provision and consumption of food an enjoyable and safe
experience, in a pleasant and inviting environment.
 To introduce and promote practices within the school to reinforce these
We will work towards these aims in lessons through a cross-curricular approach,
through shared eating times and through social and pastoral activities.
Science / PSHE / Theme (Art, DT) – learning about healthy eating, food safety,
understanding of where food comes from, what people used to eat, what should our
diet consist of, what a healthy lunch box looks like, Fair Trade, food banks and diet
English – non-fiction writing - menus and recipes
Maths – weighing and measuring
RE – raising awareness of the rich diversity of other cultures and their specific
PE –foods that give us energy, as well as encouraging regular exercise
Opportunities to extend the curriculum are made through
Visits to different eating venues, healthy eating projects and opportunities to eat
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils are provided with a healthy snack each
morning free of charge. Key Stage 2 pupils are encouraged to bring a piece of
All children are encouraged to eat the food and to talk about why they are eating
it. No child will be forced to eat a snack.
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils are provided with a small bottle of milk
daily. Key Stage 2 pupils are encouraged to opt in purchasing milk. All pupils are
provided with clean fresh water daily.
Children are encouraged to drink milk or water during the morning break and to
drink water frequently throughout the day.
We view lunchtime as a pleasant social occasion where children sit down and enjoy
their meal with others. Our meals are prepared in our own kitchen, provided by
From September 2014 all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have been offered
a free school meal. Alternatively children may bring packed lunches to school and
we encourage parents to pack a balance of healthy foods that their children will
Some of our pupils receive free school meals. Criteria for receiving free school
meal can be obtained from the school office or Local Educational Authority.
Health and Safety
It is part of our normal school procedure that the children will be reminded to
wash their hands after using the toilet and before eating.
Fizzy drinks, sweets and bubble gum are not permitted in school at all.
Food will be stored in appropriate places, and parents will be reminded that the
packed lunches have to be stored in or outside the classrooms so it is best to use
cool packs in warm weather.
All staff and parents involved in the preparation of food will be aware of food
safety and hygiene.
The school has a member of its staff with a level 2 qualification in food nutrition.
Parents / carers are asked to keep the school informed if there are food allergies
or food related problems concerning their child. Class teachers and all relevant
staff are aware of pupils’ food allergy or intolerance. Special provision is made for
pupils with milk and wheat intolerance. Parochial will provide parents with
information about food in schools, menus etc.
Parents and carers of Parochial pupils are asked not to bring treats to school to
share with their child’s peers on special occasions such as birthdays. They can opt
to send a gift, e.g. a book, colouring pencils or small game for wet playtimes for the
In promoting a whole school policy we hope to give our children healthier options
and the ability to make their own life changing choices.
This Policy is available to all staff, governors and parents.
Reviewed by Z Evans, 4th January 2016
Next Review – January 2018
7th September 2015
Healthier Packed Lunches for Parochial pupils
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you might already be aware, Parochial Primary is a Healthy School and during the last
academic year we were awarded the Food4Life Silver Award for providing healthy food and
drinks which meet nutrition and oral health guidelines. This year we are determined to work
towards achieving the Gold Award. One of the requirements for the Gold is to improve our
pupils’ packed lunches.
Our children need to eat well in order to have enough energy and nutrients to grow and
develop, be healthy and active. We want them to thrive throughout the long school day,
being able to concentrate and learn well. We are asking for you to consider the amounts of
sugar, fat and salt content in your child’s daily packed lunch.
This information follows the government’s packed lunch guidelines.
Practical Tips for a Healthy Lunchbox
One portion of fruit and one portion of vegetable or salad every day to be included in
packed lunches
Meat, fish or another source of non-dairy protein should be included every day. Non- dairy
sources of protein include lentils, beans, chickpeas and hummus
An oily fish, such as salmon, should be included at least once every three weeks
A starchy food, such as wholemeal bread or pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other
cereals, should be included every day
A dairy food, such as cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard should be included every
Free, fresh drinking water should be available at all times
Include only water, still or sparkling, fruit juice, yoghurt or smoothies
Snacks such as crisps should not be included. Instead, include seeds, pitta strips, crackers,
vegetables and fruit finger foods (with no added salt, sugar or fat). Savoury crackers or
breadsticks served with fruit, vegetables or dairy food are also a good choice
Confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweets should not be
included. Cakes and biscuits are allowed but these should be part of a balanced meal
Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies corned meat and sausages / chipolatas
should be included only occasionally
If you have any questions regarding the healthier packed lunches or Food4Life Gold Award, do
not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Mrs Evans
SENCo/Inclusion Manager