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Summer task As chemistry
Present your findings on the developing ideas of the atom through history.
Your presentation should cover the ideas of the following scientists and peoples.
The ancient Greeks
Robert Boyle
John Dalton
Henri Becquerel
Ernst Rutherford
Niels Bohr
Erwin Schrödinger
James Chadwick
You will also need to describe the currently accepted model of the atom. You must describe
the three main subatomic particles, their relative charge and mass, and the forces that hold
them together
Curriculum link
From the AQA As chemistry specification
3.1.1 Atomic structure
Fundamental particles
 be able to describe the properties of protons, neutrons and electrons in terms of
relative charge and relative mass
 know that early models of atomic structure predicted that atoms and ions with noble
gas electron-arrangements should be stable
Success criteria
In an unsatisfactory presentation
Pupils will have only partially completed their research
Pupils will show work that is entirely cut and pasted with little thought given to presentation
Show no understanding of the current model of an atom
In a satisfactory presentation
Pupils will have some research on all the scientists listed above
Pupils will show that some thought has been given to presentation style
Pupils will have a basic description and a basic understanding of an atom and its subatomic
In a good presentation
Pupils will have thoroughly researched and processed their research in order to explain the
scientists ideas in their own words
Pupils will present their work in a professional and well thought out way
Pupils will use diagrams and their own words to describe, in detail, the current model of the