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Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Class: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ __
10: B
Mountain Buiiding Test
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. When the oceanic and continentallithospheres collide,
a. they reach isostasy.
c. their momentum stops each other.
b. the continental plate subducts.
d. the oceanic plate subducts.
2. What happens when two continental plates collide?
a. The impact can cause huge earthquakes. c. Large mountains can form.
b. The plates subduct beneath each other.
d. Dome mountains are likely to form.
3. The type of stress that squeezes and shortens a body is
a. tension.
b. compression.
c. deposition.
shear stress.
4. What type of mountain is most likely to form when plates with edges that have oceanic lithosphere collide?
a. folded mountain
c. domed mountain
b. volcanic mountain
d. fault-block mountain
5. How does a reverse fault occur?
a. Compression thrusts the fault into reverse.
b. The hanging wall moves downward relative to the footwall.
c. Blocks slide past each other.
d. The hanging wall moves upward relative to the footwall.
6. Materials that respond to stress by bending or deforming without breaking are
a. isostatic.
b. ductile.
c. faulted.
d. brittle.
7. What happens when oceanic and continental plates collide?
a. The continental lithosphere subducts beneath the oceanic lithosphere.
b. The asthenosphere and the lithosphere are disrupted.
c. Valleys are created by the excessive energy release.
d. Mountains can be created through uplift and volcanic eruptions.
8. A dome mountain is a mountain formed
a. when faults break off dome-shaped rock blocks.
b. by the eruption of magma from below Earth's sUiface.
c. by pressure from magma below Earth's surface that does not erupt.
d. by the collision of continental plates.
9. What force is exerted by the asthenosphere in isostatic adjustment?
a. magnetism
b. buoyancy
c. gravity
10. What type of fault results when the rock on either side of a fault plane slides horizontally in response to shear
a. normal
b. reverse
c. thrust
d. strike-slip
11. The rock below the fault planes is know as the
a. hinge.
b. fracture.
hanging wall.
Name: _____________________
10: 8
12. How do faults and folds compare?
a. Faults are breaks in rock where rocks do not move, and folds are bends in rock.
b. Faults are bends in rock where rocks do not move, and folds are breaks in rock.
c. Faults are breaks in rock where rocks move, and folds are bends in,rock.
d. Faults are bends in rock where rocks move, and folds are breaks in rock.
13. The type of stress that stretches and pulls a body apart is
a. strain.
b. tension.
c. stress.
14. The Himalaya Mountains were formed in a collision at a
a. divergent boundary.
c. transform boundary.
b. fracture zone.
d. convergent boundary.
15. Orogenesis is a
a. type of asymmetrical anticline
b. term for the processes that porduce mountains
c. theory that explains the formation of oblique faults
d. mount rang in Asia
__ 16. In mountainous regions, the
a. b. c. d. thickness of the crust is same all over
curst is sometimes thicker and sometimes thinner than average
Earth's crust is thicker than average
Earth' s crust is thinner than average
17. As erosion removes the tops of mountains. the mountains will buoy upward. This is known as
a. geosynclinal development
c. isostatic adjustment
b. orogrphic uplift
d. normal faulting
18. When the rock above the fault plane moves down relative to the rock below, a
fault has occulTed
a. strike-slip
b. normal
c. reverse
d. transform
19. Strike-slip faults _ _ _ _ __
a. are faults wher no movement occurs
c. have mainly vertical movement
b. are low angle reverse faults
d. have mainly horizontal movement
20. Once the elastic limit of a rock is surpassed, ________
a. none of these
c. the rock may rupture
b. the may deform plastically
d. an earthquake may occur
21. If erosion stripped the top off a dome, one would find _ _ __
a. the youngest rocks were exposed at the center
b. a linear patter of outcropping rock layers
c. oldest rocks were exposed at the out edges
d. olderst rocks were exposed at the center
22. Linear downfolded structures with the youngest strata in the center are __________
a. anticlines
b. domes
c. basins
d. synclines
23. When rock layers undergo compressional forces a series of anticlines and synclines are formed, these are
know as
a. faults
b. ten'anes
c. joints
d. folds
24. An elongated, uplifted block of crust bounded by faults plunging towards the V's closed end is
a. thrustfault
b. graben
c. horst
d. a monocline
25. A low angle reverse fault is referred to as a
b. normal
a. thrust
Name: ______________________
26. An accumulation of sedimentary, metamorphic rocks, which are slab pulled during subduction, aiding in the
lifting of mountains
a. accretionary wedge
c. isostasy
b. magma nsmg
d. subduction
27. The Black Hills of South Dakota are a good example of a
a. basin
b. anticline
c. syncline
d. dome
28. A plunging anitcline will plunge
a. north
c. towards closed Vend
b. towards open Vend
d. south
29. Formed by the upfolding or arching of rock layers
a. monocline
b. transform fault lim c. syncline
d. anticline
30. When rock layers produce wave like layering they are said to be
a. doming
c. isostatic adjusting
b. folding
d. domed mountains
31. When a anticline is exposed at the surface and faulting occurs a
is formed.
b. graben
c. horst
d. basin
a. arete
32. All faults that have vertical movement are group as
a. terrane faults
b. oblique
c. dip-Slip faults
d. strike-slip faults
33. Most of Michigan is a circular elongated down fold called a _ _ __
a. horst
b. basin
c. dome
d. anticline
34. Breaks or fractures along which no displacement occurs is considered a
c. joint
d. fault
a. detachment fault b. rift
35. Andean - Type Mountain building occurs along
plate boundaries.
a. ocean ocean
c. continent - continent
b. ocean - continent
d. all boundaries
36. When a rock is able to return to its original shape after it has been deformed, it is said to have experienced
___________ deformation
a. brittle
b. ductile
c. elastic
d. folded
37. A linear downfold in rock strata is known as a ________
c. monocline
a. incline
d. syncline
b. decline
38. Diagram and explain the process for the Himalayan Mountain orogenesis.
39. Explain how a series of folded rock layers, grabens, horsts, anticlines, synclines, domes and basins are