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 The process by
which the shape of a
rock changes
because of stress.
 Examples of Stress
Compression – object
is squeezed
 Convergent boundary
(mountains form)
Tension – object is
 Divergent boundaries
 The bending of rock
layers because of
 Types of Folds
Anticline – upward
arching fold
Syncline – downward
troughlike folds.
Monocline – both ends
of the fold are
 Fault – surface along
which rocks break and
slide past each other
Normal Faults: causes
the hanging wall to
move down
Caused by tension
Reverse Faults: causes
the hanging wall to
move up
Caused by
 Form when opposing
forces cause rock to
break and move
San Andreas Fault
Folded Mountains
Form when rock layers are squeezed together
and pushed upwards
Form at convergent boundaries
Make up the highest mountain ranges in the
Fault Block Mountains
Formed when tension causes large blocks of
the Earth’s crust to drop down relative to other
Occurs along normal faults
Volcanic Mountains
Form as a result of subduction at convergent
Magma rises through the Earth’s surface to
form volcanic mountains.
The rising of regions of the Earth’s crust to
higher elevations
Formation of mountains
Rebound – when the crust slowly springs
back to its previous elevation
The sinking of the regions of the Earth’s
crust to lower elevations
Rocks that are hot take up more space than
cooler rocks.
Hot at the mid ocean ridge so the land is higher
Cooler and denser the further away you go so the
ocean floor subsides.
Rift Zone
A set of deep cracks that forms between two
plates pulling apart
As tectonic plates pull apart, stress
between the plates causes a series of
faults to form and the crust in the center of
the rift zone subsides.