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Review 05
History of Belief
Learning Targets
Buddhism: Becoming “the Force”
a. identify Buddhist terms, concepts, and historical figures: Siddhartha,
Middle Way, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, meditation,
impermanence, karma, reincarnation, enlightenment, and nirvana;
b. trace the history of Siddhartha’s life – from palace prince to
“Enlightened” Buddha;
c. compare and contrast Hindu and Buddhist beliefs about suffering
(causes/effects) and enlightenment.
Part I, Target A:
Term IDs
Match the Buddhist terms on the left with the “buzz words” on the right.
1. ____ Siddhartha
2. ____ Middle Way
b) the FREEDOM
3. ____ Four Noble Truths
c) the WISDOM
4. ____ Eightfold Path
d) the TEACHER
5. ____ Meditation
6. ____ Impermanence
7. ____ Karma
g) the STEPS
8. ____ Reincarnation
h) the CHANGE
9. ____ Enlightenment
10. ____ Nirvana
Part II, Target B:
List the major events in the life of Siddhartha Gautama. Use Notes 03 to
identify the events. List them in correct chronological order.
1. Born in
the country
2. His
parents gave
3. He left
the palace
and saw…
4. He wanted
to discover the
cause and end
5. Sat under a
Bhodi Tree for
49 days of…
6. After he
“awoke” from
meditation, he
was known as…
7. Siddhartha’s
discoveries are
called the…
Review 05
History of Belief
Part III, Target C:
Venn Diagram
Use your notes about Hinduism (Notes 03) and Buddhism (Notes 04) to
create a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts the major beliefs of
both religions.
Review 05
History of Belief
Part IV, Target C:
Flow Chart: Causes and Effects
Use the chart below as a tool to show the causes and effects of suffering
(according to the religion of Buddhism).
Part V, All targets:
Multiple Choice
1. ____ Buddhists respect Siddhartha as a God.
a. True.
b. False. Buddhists respect Siddhartha as a brahmin.
c. False. Buddhists respect Siddhartha as a messenger sent by God.
d. False. Buddhists respect Siddhartha as an enlightened teacher.
2. ____ There is no belief in karma in Buddhism like there is in Hinduism.
a. True.
b. False. There is no caste system in Buddhism like there is in Hinduism.
c. False. There is no reincarnation in Buddhism like there is in Hinduism.
d. False. There is no hope for enlightenment in Buddhism like there is in Hinduism.
3. ____ To end suffering Buddhists must follow the steps of the Narrow Way.
a. True.
b. False. Buddhists must follow the steps of the Four Noble Truths.
c. False. Buddhists must follow the steps of the caste system.
d. False. Buddhists must follow the steps of the Eightfold Path.
4. ____ Buddhism is the major religion of the country of China today.
a. True
b. False. Buddhism is the major religion of the United States today.
c. False. Buddhism is the major religion of South Africa today.
d. False. Buddhism is the major religion of India today.
Review 05
History of Belief
5. ____ For enlightened Buddhists, reincarnation is freedom from pain and suffering.
a. True.
b. False. Moksha is freedom from pain and suffering.
c. False. Nirvana is freedom from pain and suffering.
d. False. Karma is freedom from pain and suffering.
6. ____ Siddhartha taught all Buddhists to follow the Middle Way. He wanted people to live a
healthy life between extreme wealth and extreme poverty.
a. True.
b. False. Siddhartha wanted people to satisfy all their desires.
c. False. Siddhartha wanted people to stop all eating and drinking.
d. False. Siddhartha wanted people to connect their minds to atman.
7. ____ Meditation trains the mind to see that all things are connected, that everything is united.
a. True.
b. False. Karma trains the mind to see that all things are connected.
c. False. Impermanence trains the mind to see that all things are connected.
d. False. Nirvana trains the mind to see that all things are connected.
Part VI, All targets:
Critical Thinking
Answer the following questions. Your answers should show an
understanding of Buddhist beliefs.
1. Why do most Buddhists not believe in God?
2. Why do you think Buddhists practice nonviolence?
3. If a man offered the Buddha $10 million, how do you think the Buddha would respond? Why?
4. Why do some diet companies tell people practice meditation if they are trying to lose weight?