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Chapter 4 Quadratic Functions and Factoring
Opposite of Foil ( multiply: first, outside, inside, last terms)
Factor out into two expressions
Determine what numbers multiply together for last term (c), but add together for middle
term (b)
● If the last term is (+), the signs are the same, the x term tells you which sign it is
● If the last term is (­), the signs are opposite, put sign (+/­) of x term with the higher
*When there is a number in front of the coefficient, you will need to factor out. Can use box, and
super box method.
* May need to pull out a Greatest common factor that goes into the entire equation to make
factoring easier.
* When solving quadratics by factoring, need to set the equation to zero, before you can begin
factoring. (Get it in standard form ax 2 + bx + c = 0 )
Steps: (using the box/super box method of factoring)
Set up an X shape
Put A * C Value on top
Put B value on bottom
Determine what numbers add to be B value, multiply to be A*C value
Create a box with Ax^2 value in top left, C value in bottom right, and the factors in either
box with X.
● Factor out what each box has in common, going across twice, and up twice.
Create two factor groups, and set to zero. Solve to find roots.
Zero Product Property
If ab = 0
Then a = 0 and/or b = 0
Properties for Radicals:
√ab = √a ∙ √b
√a √ b = √b (√x ) 2 = x √x 2 = x
* Perfect squares ( number times itself): 4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225
Rules for Reducing Radicals:
1. There can be no perfect square factors under the radical sign (square root).
(insert example) Determine what biggest perfect square is a factor.
Break into two radicals: one a perfect square, one it's multiplicate.
Pull out the number from the perfect square root.
Put back together.
2. There can be no fractions under the radical.
Keep reducing until all of the rules are met.
3. There can be no radicals in the denominator.
Multiply top and bottom of fraction by the bottom value, to eliminate the radical in
the denominator
Solving with square root method:
Whenever you take the square root of both sides of an equation to solve, remember
plus/and minus symbol.
● BIG IDEA: to get rid of x squared, take the square root of it, as well as the other side of
the equation.
● Before solving, divide by the greatest common factor.
● May need to take a few steps, to isolate the squared term.
Solving by Completing the Square:
1. Subtract C from both sides and leave a space for a new constant
2. Pick a value to add to both sides to make it a perfect square do this by dividing B by 2,
and squaring the result. Add this to both sides (in the space).
3. Rewrite the left side as ( x + B/2 ) squared. (the third term is no longer used on the left)
4. Solve using the square root method ­ square root both sides to make x squared
5. Reduce to lowest form
Solve by using the Quadratic Formula:
Can be used when the equation is not able to be factored
Must be written in standard form = 0
Determine what numbers are used for A, B, C, plug into the equation
Formula easiest to use if there is a value in front of A rather than completing the square
Solve the discriminant first (the info under the radicand) tells how many real or imaginary
solutions exist.
1. If B^2 ­ 4ac > 0 , two real solutions
2. If B^2 ­ 4ac = 0 , one real solution
3. If B^2 ­ 4ac < 0 , no real solutions, 2 imaginary solutions (all solutions)
Vertical Motion Model:
Formula: h = ­16t^2 + vt+ s
h = final height in feet
v = initial velocity
­16 = gravity
s = starting height
t = time in seconds
Example: Drop a rock from 200 feet in the air, how long does it take for it to hit the ground?
0 = ­16t^2 + 200
Imaginary Unit:
When adding or subtracting factors including i, line up like terms and solve
When multiplying factors, use FOIL, and remember to change i^2 to ­1 and then combine
like terms.
● Whenever there is a ­1 under radical sign, remember to change to i.
● When reducing to lowest terms:
Use FOIL to simplify
Convert i^2 to ­1
Combine like terms
Graphing quadratic functions in standard form standard form ax 2 + bx + c = 0
If (A) is positive, the parabola opens up, if (A) is negative, it opens down
The X coordinate of the vertex is ­b/2a
Axis of symmetry is the vertical line = ­b/2a
● To Sketch:
1. Find the X coordinate of
the vertex (x,y). Plug X in to get
the Y coordinate. Plot the Vertex.
2. Construct table of values,
using two X values to the left and
right of the vertex
3. Plot the points and
connect them with a parabola. (
They should reflect over the y
* Wherever the parabola
touches/crosses the X intercept,
there is a real solution.
● touches in 2 points = 2
● If vertex is only point that
touches X = 1 solution
● If parabola does not touch
the X = no solutions
* This graph does not go with
the above example. It is just a
Graphing Quadratics in Vertex Form
K is the y value, Opposite of h is the x value.
Inside the ( ) effects the x values ­ moves the opposite of what you think ­ from the vertex
Outside the () effects the y values ­ moves the way you think ­ from the vertex
Finding Minimum and Maximum Values ( Only the y axis value)
The maximum or minimum is the value of the function at .
Whether it is a maximum or minimum depends on whether the parabola opens up =
minimum, or down = maximum.
You can tell which way the parabola opens by the sign on the lead coefficient. if is down, if , it isup, and, of course, if you don't have a parabola at all.
● If the vertex is the top of the graph, the vertex has the maximum y value.
● If the vertex is the bottom of the graph, it has the minimum y value.
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