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Science 7: Final Review
Physical Science Units
Part I: Atoms, Elements, Compounds, and Periodic Table
Directions: Complete each sentence or answer each question. You may use a
periodic table.
1. The atomic mass refers to the number of __________ and ________
in the nucleus of an atom.
2. The subatomic particle with a negative charge is the ________________.
3. The element with an atomic number of 20 is ___________________.
4. How is water different from salt water? (how is a compound different from
a mixture?)
5. A) In order for two atoms to be isotopes of the same element they must
contain the same number of ______________ but different number of
B) An isotope of Oxygen is O-18. Using your knowledge of oxygen and the
periodic table, determine the following?:
 Number of protons in O-18:______________
 Number of neutrons in O-18:_____________
 How O-18 is different than most atoms of oxygen:
6. Which of the following cannot be broken down into simpler substances?
(circle one)
A) Gold
B) Water
C) Salt
Why? ____________________________________________________
7. Describe some differences between metals and nonmetals.
8. Describe how electrons are configured in the atom.
9. The periodic table is arranged in order of increasing _______________
number. This is the number of ____________ in the nucleus of an atom.
10. Find N on the periodic table. Complete the information below.
Element name: ____________________
Atomic number = _____
Protons: _____
Atomic mass = ________
Electrons: _____
Atomic mass rounded = ______
Neutrons: _____
Classification: _____________________________
Physical Characteristics: ______________________________
11 . Find K on the periodic table. Complete the information below.
Element name: ________________________
Atomic number = _____
Protons: _____
Atomic mass = ________
Electrons: _____
Atomic mass rounded = ______
Neutrons: _____
Classification: _____________________________
Physical Characteristics: ______________________________
Part II: Phases of Matter:
1. What are the characteristics of a solid?
2. What are the characteristics of a liquid?
3. What are the characteristics of a gas?
4. Draw the particle diagrams for the three phases of matter.
5. Give an example of a physical change:
6. Give an example of a chemical change:
Part III: Density
1. Why does density change during phase changes?
2. Describe why when the amount of a substance changes, the density does NOT
Use the formula for density : 𝐷 =
and your calculator to answer these
3. If a substance has a mass of 150g and a volume of 25ml. What is its density?
4. A substance has a density of 2.3g/ml and a volume of 10ml. What is its mass?
Part IV: Forms of Energy
A. Match each form of energy to the correct definition.
1. ___ nuclear
A. produced by machines or moving parts
2. ____ electromagnetic
B. heat energy
3. ____ thermal
C. movement of electrons
4. ____ electrical
D. energy stored in atoms
5. ____ chemical
E. travels in waves
6. ____ mechanical
F. stored in the bonds of compounds
Fill in the following chart:
Nonrenewable Energy
Environmental Impacts
Renewable Energy
Part V: Heating and Cooling Curves
Heating/Cooling and Phase changes:
Use the following diagram of a heating/cooling curve of a substance to answer
questions 1-5.
1. What phase of matter is represented at A?____________
2. During an exothermic reaction, what phase change begins at point D?
3. During an endothermic reaction what phase change will begin at point B?
4. What happens to the temperature of substances during phase changes?
5. Fill in the following Table:
Heat Energy is…
The molecules move…
The density…
6. As a substance changes phase what happens to its mass?
7. As a gas is cooled its temperature decreases from 160°C to 80°C. The
temperature then remains at 80°C for 6 minutes then begins to decrease again.
What can be inferred about this substance from this information?
Complete these sentences or answer these questions.
8. How is renewable energy different from nonrenewable? _______________
9. What happens to the amount of energy when it changes form?
10. Can energy be created or destroyed? __________________________
11. How does the potential energy of an object change as you move farther away
from sea level? ________________________________________________
Part VI: Newton’s Laws of Motion and Rate
1. Newton’s laws describe motion and force Define force:
2. An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
An example of this is a book resting on a table. Which of Newton’s 3 laws
does this follow?
3. According to Newton’s second law, the acceleration of an object is equal to
the force divided by the mass. This also means that the force exerted by
an object can be found by multiplying the object’s mass by the object’s
a) What force will be needed to move a desk with a mass of 450kg at an
acceleration of 4m/s2?
b) What is the mass of an object if it exerts as 217N force while accelerating
at 3.3m/s2?
c) At what rate will an object accelerate if it has a mass of 150kg and the
force exerted upon it is 500N?