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Subject: Science
Differentiation and support (Detailed differentiation in weekly plans.)
Unit: Living things and their habitats
English: using dictionaries, sequencing, and listening for information in video
clips, biographical information and giving and listening to presentations
SEN: write up investigations on writing frames. Support from more able
partners in mixed ability work. Additional adult support.
Maths: sorting and classifying and measuring plants
GT: Provide extension activities to apply their own knowledge and to
research information independently
ICT: videos on IWB, researching information on websites and creating
Art / D+T: drawing and annotating diagrams
PSHCE & PE: reproduction
At the start of the unit have children try to grow a new plant from seeds, stems, root cuttings, tubers and bulbs
Learning objective
To show what
existing knowledge
Teaching activities
Children to complete given a mind map with named branches e.g. parts of a flower,
how a baby develops etc
Mind maps
Success Criteria
Formative assessment
To be able to name
and know the
function/s of each
of the parts of a
(1 hour)
Ask children to think, pair, share what they have learnt in previous years about the
parts of a plant and their functions (root, stem, leaves, flower and fruit)
Ask children to think, pair, share what they have learnt in previous years about how
plants reproduce (seeds, fruit and pollination)
Explain that we are going to be learning in more detail how a plant reproduces and
the parts of a flower
Watch videos about the parts of a flower at:
 (if link
does not work, Google ‘BBC class clips 117 plant reproduction’)
 (slight accent to voice on the
video, but otherwise very good. Warn children about this and not to laugh)
Explain and model independent work, including
 how ‘annotate’ means label
 how to change the longer information from the diagrams from being in full
sentences to being in bullet point / not form
 how big their diagrams should be so that the parts of the flower can be seen, but
there should also be space to add notes about each part of the flower
Children to use the information an diagrams at the following websites to draw and
annotate a diagram of the parts of a flower:
 (if link
does not work, Google ‘BBC science clips parts of a flower’)
 - scroll down to ‘Life Cycles’ and use
Activity 2 – Flower anatomy diagram (if link does not work, Google ‘Crickweb KS2
Extension (only after I have checked the children’s work): Play the game at (if link
does not work, Google ‘BBC parts of a flower play)
Complete the activity at (select ‘Label’
from under the diagram of the plant):
1) Choose a box for children to say which label should go in it
2) Ask children to write what label they think should go in it on their pupil
whiteboards OR ask them to think, pair, share the answer each time
3) Ask one of the children to come and add the label on the activity
4) Ask the children to think, pair, share some of the information about that part
of the flower that they found out during the lesson
PCs / laptops
Cards for plenary
(laminated and
cut up)
MUST: draw and
annotate the parts of a
SHOULD: add some
notes to their diagram
COULD: add more
detailed notes to their
To understand how
sexual and asexual
reproduction occurs
in plants
(1 hour)
Ask children to think, pair, share the names of as many part of a flower, and the
functions of each of these, as they can from the previous lesson
Explain that plants can reproduce in two different ways: sexual reproduction and
asexual reproduction
Explain that asexual reproduction does not involve flowers and only ever involves one
parent plant
Explain that sexual reproduction does involve flowers and requires pollination
between two different flowers
Watch the video on some of the ways that plants can reproduce asexually at (if the link does not work, search
for ‘Plant Reproduction: Asexual Reproduction (’ in YouTube
Watch the videos on how plants reproduce sexually at:
 (if
link does not work, Google ‘BBC class clips 2255 plant reproduction’)
 (if link does not work, Google
‘VEA Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants’)
 (if link does not work, Google
‘Sexual reproduction in flowering plants - Biology - YouTube’)
Ask children to think, pair, share the process by which plants reproduce sexually
Explain independent work, including the need to arrange the steps into a cycle i.e. an
oval-type shape and draw arrows between each step
Children given the steps in the process of sexual reproduction of plants
Given steps in a jumbled up order and need to order them correctly for the sexual
reproduction cycle of plants
Extension: Children to look up the meaning of the following words related to sexual
reproduction in plants: angiosperm, gymnosperm, embryo, genome, meiosis, haploid
and diploid
Ask children who got on to the extension to share the meaning of some of the words
that they looked up
Collect in books and any spare worksheets
In pairs / teams, ask children to remember and write down as many steps in the of
the plant sexual reproduction cycle as they can
Award points to the pair / team that remembers the most correctly
Check videos
open and play OK
and skip and / or
close ads
MUST: know some of
the steps in the sexual
reproduction cycle of
Steps to cut out
and stick
SHOULD: know all of
the steps in the sexual
reproduction cycle of
Dictionaries (for
extension) –
make sure include
terms to look up
COULD: find out the
meaning of some more
scientific terms related
to the sexual
reproduction cycle of
To compare sexual
and asexual
reproduction in plants
(45 mins)
Ask children to think, pair, share the two types of reproduction that we learnt about in the
previous lesson
Ask children to think, pair, share the steps in the sexual reproduction cycle of flowering plants
Explain that we are going to be comparing the asexual and sexual reproductive processes in
Read through the information text that explains the features of sexual and asexual reproduction
in plants
Copies of
information text
(keep these for
Lesson 5)
Statements to cut
out and stick
Children given copies of the information text
Children given a number of statements to classify as being part of asexual reproduction or part
of sexual reproduction
Extension: Children to look up the meaning of the following words: clone, plantlet, cutting,
tuber, bulb, runner parthenogenesis and apomixis
Dictionaries (for
extension) – make
sure include terms
to look up
Ask children who got on to the extension to share the meaning of some of the words that they
looked up
Complete the quiz at (if
link does not work, Google ‘BBC plant life cycles quiz’)
For each question ask children to vote and / or think, pair, share what they think the answer is,
before having one of them come and select an answer
MUST: correctly sort some
of the features based on
whether they are part of
sexual reproduction or
asexual reproduction
SHOULD: correctly sort all
of the features based on
whether they are part of
sexual reproduction or
asexual reproduction
COULD: find out the
meaning of some more
scientific terms related to
asexual reproduction in
To access the complete version of this Year 5 Living things and their Habitats planning, and all of the resources to go with it,
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