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Conservative Judaism:
 Keep mosaic laws
 Allow adaption of other requirements to fit circumstances
Liberal Judaism:
 Progressive form of Judaism
 Brings Judaism to modernity
Orthodox Judaism:
 Strictly observe mosaic laws (interpreted in the Talmud)
Reform Judaism:
 Mostly liberal Jew
 Does not follow the Talmud strictly
 Adapts all historical forms of Judaism (to modern world)
Humanistic Judaism:
 Movement that emphasizes Jewish culture & history (not really belief in god)
 Source of Jewish identity
 Rituals and ceremonies don’t include prayer
Modern Orthodox Judaism:
 Movement within Orthodox Judaism
 Attempts to synthesizes Jewish values
 Observes Jewish law (with modern world)
Reconstructionist Judaism:
 Modern America0based movement
 Based on ideas of Mordecai Kaplan (1881-1983)
 Views Judaism as a progressively evolving civilization
 Originated as a branch of Conservative Judaism before separating
Originated in the Middle East (3500 years ago)
Founded by Moses
Jew trace their history all the way back to Abraham
Jew believe they have a convent (binding agreement) with god
Jews keep gods laws and try to bring holiness in everything they do in change for all
the god has done for them
Their religious book is the Torah
The interpretation of the Torah’s laws is called halakhah
Rabbis is their spiritual leader
Worship in synagogues
Fact: In the Holocaust, 6 million Jews were murdered to rude of Judaism
There's only one god who they have an individual relationship with.
Believe that god chose them to be this chosen people
Appointed by God to set an example for others
They consider themselves a family because when reading the Jewish prayer book,
they us WE and OUR in prayers.
Someone who is born from a Jewish mother ( if they convert to Judaism which is
hard to do so, they are not viewed as a Jew).
Majority of the things a Jew person does is an act of worship
Made bargain with god therefore they must do things the way god pleases
God exists
There is only one god (there is no other god other then him).
Jewish people worship only one god
God is everywhere all at the same time
He above and beyond EVERYTHING
God does not have a gender (neither female nor male)
God created the universe
God punishes the bad and rewards the god
He is merciful but also just
He is forgiving to those who make mistakes
God is interested, listens, and sometimes speaks to every individual
God does exist and always will
Sabbath also known in Hebrew as Shabbat (comes From the Hebrew word rest)
Commanded by god
Jews observe the Sabbath and have to keep it holy
Starts a few minutes before sunset on Friday until an hour after sunset on Saturday
(25 hours long)
It originates from the story of creation: God made the world in 7 days and on the 7 th
day he rested
Therefore Jews rest and no don’t carry, push or pull anything on the 7 th day of the
Also the 4th commandments says that you must observe and keep the Sabbath day
This day is a deal between Jews and God
It’s a reminder of the convent (a binding agreement) to keep his laws and bring holiness
to every aspect of their life
A traditional greeting used on this day is Shabbat Shalom (Hebrew) and Gut Shabbos
Avoid work so shopping, cleaning, and cooking for the Sabbath is done the day before
The ritual of lighting the candles is done by the women of the house
This marks the beginning of the Sabbath
The candles represent the 2 commandments:
 Zachor (to remember the Sabbath)
 Shamor (to observe the Sabbath)
Jewish families drink sweet wine from a special goblet called a Kiddush cup
Drinking this wine symbolizes joy and celebration
They eat Challah (soft rich eggy bread in the shape of a braid)
Every Jew must eat 3 meals every Sabbath (bread must be included in one of the
A prayer is said before eating the challah
The prayer:
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu ha’olam, hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz
This means:
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth the bread from
the earth
This is an enclosed area
Its not closed by walls built specifically for it but by railroads or wall of houses
This area is used to allow Jews to performs the tasks they are able to do in their
home but outside their home
Jews are not allowed to carry, push or pull anything but only in their homes
In North West London an eruv was “made” and was validated by the London Beth din
which is the orthodox Jewish court
Jews can carry house keys, handkerchiefs, food or drinks, prayer shawls, book, extra
clothing, nappies, glasses, wheelchairs, and walking frame (crutches).
Things like shopping, swimming, riding bikes, and playing games etc. are not
Also known as phylacteries
Cubic black leather boxes with leather straps that Jewish men wear on their head
and arm
Jewish men wear these things during the weekday morning prayer
They wear tefillins because it is considered a great Mitzvah (command)
The box contains 4 hand-written texts from the bible
The texts are from Exodus 10:1-10, 13:11-16, and Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:12-21
The hand tefillin have 4 texts on single parchments strips
The head tefillin have 4 separated compartments with single texts in them
Jewish men start wearing the tefillin right before their Bar Mitzvah (around 8 years
A certified specialist approved bit the rabbi make the
Everything has to be perfect
There are 3188 letters in the parchments
Takes the scribe about 15 hours to write it all
The scribes have to purify themselves before making
the tefillin at a mikvah (ritual bath)
The box and straps have to be completely black, and
The stiches must e perfect and the threat and leather
must be acceptable
The arm tefillin is put on first (upper part of weaker arm)
A blessing is recited while the straps are wrapped around the arm 7 times
 Blessed are You, Lord our God, Kind of the universe, who has sanctified us with His
commandments and commanded us to put on Tefillin
The head tefillin is loosely fastened half a centimeter above the person original
A blessing is recited and the straps are tightened (knot at the back of the head)
Strap of the hand is now wounded 3 times around the middle finger wile reciting
Hosea, chapter 2
Men wear the Kippah
Wear skullcap on Jewish men’s head
Skullcap in Hebrew is known as Kippah and in Yiddish is known as Yarmulke
Jew men wear the kippah to cover their head when attending the synagogue or
religious events
Wearing Kippahs is a sign of devotion
It is a sign of respect and fear of god to wear a Kippah
Wearing it separates God and humans and recognizes that God is above all mankind
 Here is a disagreement over if it is a Torah agreement to cover your head
 Evidence in the Talmud (Jewish teaching) that some form of head covering is
The old testament:
Jews are first mentioned in the bible
The bible is split between the old testament and the new testament but this topic is in
God chose the Jews to be an example to the world
It describes how god and Jews (chosen people) worked out their relationship
In the old testament is shown how god changes and develops alongside his people
The Bronze Age:
This is the beginning of Jewish history and is located in the Middle East
God guides the chosen people through trouble and this leads to the ten
commandments given by Moses
The commandments are a set of rules which Jews must live by
The kingdom declines:
Around 920 BCE, Jewish people split into groups
This was the time of the prophets
Around 600 BCE the temple was destroyed
Jewish leadership was killed
Jews were sent to exile in Babylon
Soon after they were allowed to return home but man people stayed in exile
This is the beginning of the tradition of Diaspora (living away from Israel)
Rebuilding a Jewish kingdom:
Jews grew strong in the next 300 years BCE
Their land is ruled by foreign rulers
Practice their faith freely
Jews were led by scribes and teachers who explained and interpreted the Bible
Roman times – Zionism:
Jesus came as the messiah but Jews didn’t believe he was the messiah but just a prophet
During the 150 years CE (Current Era), the Jew rebelled against the Roman leaders
leading to a stern restriction Jewish freedom
A few revolts occurred and one of them causing the temple of God to be destroyed
Starting in 1200 – 1500 Jews were expelled from:
 England
 France
 Spain
 Portugal
 Germany
1930-1940 the holocaust dominated Jewish history
A plan was created by the Nazi government of Germany and their allies
The plan was too wipe out the whole Jewish population in Europe
6 million people were murdered and 1 million of them being children
the tragedy affected the religious thinking of Jews
Jews try to make sense of a God who allowed this horrible thing to happen to his
chosen people
Rosh Hashanah:
Jewish New Year
Believed that God decides what happens to them in the coming year
There is a synagogue service held to worship God and where a shofar (ram’s horn
trumpet) is blown
The beginning 10 days of this festival is called the Days of Awe
Everyone is expected to ask the people they hurt the pervious year to forgive them
Yom Kippur
Jews have until this day to ask for forgiveness
This day is always known as the day of Atonement
It is believed that this is when god writes in his book of life who lives, dies, prospers, or
fails in the upcoming year
Worship consists of asking for forgiveness done by the whole congregation
Also known as the feat of Tabernacles
This event commemorates over the years that Israelites wandered the desert to the
promise land (in the book Exodus)
Jews live in temporary huts (sukkot) built out of branches and leaves
Hold celebrations every day with 4 types of plants: palm branches, myrtle and willow,
and citrus fruit (etrog).
This festival allows Jews to live closer to nature and know that god is taking care of
• Extra day after the end of Sukkot
• Simchat Torah means “rejoicing to the Torah”
• Synagogues read form Torah every week ( complete one readthrough every year)
• This holiday marks the end of the cycle and the beginning of
Also known as the “miracle of the oil”
164 BC, group of Jews called the Maccabees recaptured
Jerusalem from occupying Syrian Greeks
When rededicating the temple, they only had enough sacred oil
to light the menorah (seven0branched candlestick) for one day
Candles stayed lit for 8 days
Hanukkah last for 8 days and one extra candle is lit on the ninebranched menorah (chanukkiya) each night
On this day Jews eat dried foods and pray to remind them of the
Jewish new year for trees
Torah forbids jaws from eating from the true until the 4th year
On the 4th year it is brought to the temple
It is counted as he birthday of the tree (tithing purposes)
Often eat fruits connected to the holy lands
The 7 plants mentioned in Torah: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives,
and dates
Told in the book of Ester
A wicked man named Haman created a plan to
murder all jews
Ester fasted before going to the her husband,
the king, to ask to prevent the massacre and
execute Haman
The only thing is that no one is allowed to
come to the kind without being asked for and
Ester was not asked for therefore she was
putting her life in danger
This festivals is proceeded as a fast
Jews are commanded to eat, drink, and
celebrate because their lives were spared
Most important Jewish festival
Jews remember the time when god free the them from
slavery in Egypt
God unleashed 10 plagues on the Egyptians (killing the
eldest son of every family)
To escape this fate, gold told the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb
and take the blood from it and smear it on their front door so
when the angel of death comes, it will spare their family
They ate the lambs with bitter herbs and unrisen bread
(without yeast)
Form 3 components of family meal, called Seder (eaten on
the first 2 nights of Passover)
Blessings, songs, and other ingredients come from this story
and when Jewish families have the meal they explain the
symbolism behind it
Festival of weeks
Harvest festival
this is when the first fruits of the harvest are brought the temple
This marks the time when the Jews received the Torah on mount Sinai
They give thanks for this book, therefore the day consists of prayer and eating fruit
The synagogues are decorated with flowers
Commemoration of series of tragedies
Some tragedies Jews commemorate is the Holocaust, World War I, and the first and
second temples of Jerusalem being destroyed.
Day of mourning
Jews observe strict fasting
Jews avoid laughing, joking, and chatting on this day
Synagogues are dimly lit
Synagogues are undecorated
The Torah is draped in a black cloth
Wedding rites
Most common that marriage was arranged by parents with a help f a match maker
known as a Yenta
Even if a union is made the man still needs to ask the father of the bride for her hand
in marriage.
A dowry is paid to secure the marriage
Ritual begins when the couple is engaged (ceremony known as tena’im)
A plate is broken to symbolize the destruction of Jerusalem's temples
This is done to remind that the Jews that although this is a happy time, there should
still be sadness involved for their loss
It is repeated in the wedding the ceremony (breaking of the glass)
Before the wedding (announcement):
A special ceremony arranged for groom a week before wedding known as Ufruf
Groom goes to the synagogue, actively participating in service and announcing the
wedding to congregation
During this ceremony the groom is usually showered with sweets
Occasionally after this ceremony refreshments are had
A bride will go to mikveh (ritual bath) a week before wedding
This is done so cleanses herself spiritually and enter marriage in a clean slate
To properly cleanse oneself as a bride, you must remove all jewelry and nail polish
You must immerse yourself in water while reciting a special prayer (supervised to
make sure it is done right)
Traditional for bride and groom to not see each other all week (less common now a
Traditionally married under a canopy (chupa)
Chupa symbolizes the home the couple will share
A ceremony can take place outside but is most commonly held in synagogues
As long as the chupa is present, it doesn’t matter where the ceremony is held
The wedding day:
Bride and groom fast on the day of wedding
Fasting is a way to cleanse themselves of their sins and start fresh
Ceremony is under the supervision of a rabbi (one has to be represent)
Most couples have a rabbi conduct the ceremony but they can get someone else to
do it (with permission from rabbi)
Ceremony begins with a signing of a Ketubah (Jewish marriage contract)
This signing that sets the legal terms of marriage is done in front of 4 witnesses and
the officiator of the service
During the Ketubah, men will sign an agreement that says that they will not allow a
Get (Jewish divorce) if the couple separates (they can never remarry)
Bedecken (veiling) is the ceremony when the bride-groom puts the brides veil down
over her face to show that he will clothe and protect her (comes from the bible story
when Rebekah covered her face before marrying Abraham’s son, Isaac.
There isn't a formal rule about who gets to
escort the bride but traditionally the father
does but both parents can
The bride is last to enter
Before reaching the Chupa, the bride
walks around bride 7 times which comes
from the bible story of creation – god
created the world in 7 days ( symbolically
creating the couples walls of their home)
Ceremony ends with the breaking of a
glass (linked to the destruction of the
“Man men joke that the breaking of the
glass also symbolizes the last time a newly
married man will ever be able to put his
foot down!”
After Wedding:
Newly weds spend sometime alone in a special room
After their time alone, they greet the guests
Jews like to film and photograph wedding
The reception:
Some weddings take place in synagogues but the receptions doesn’t have to take
place there too
Reception can take place in a hall or hotel (depends on budget, needs of couples,
and guest number)