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HIST 5358 Nineteenth­Century Europe, 1815­1914 The University of Texas at Tyler This course is a study of Europe in the nineteenth century. It begins during the period of reaction following the defeat of Napoleon and proceeds through the growth of liberalism, nationalism, and socialism to the threshold of the twentieth century and world war. It examines some major social, political, diplomatic, and intellectual facets of the century and some of the issues that have given rise to historiographical controversy. The emphasis is on the literature of these subjects. Required Textbook: None, but students who have not had HIST 3358 or have not otherwise studied nineteenth­century European history should read the following book (or its equivalent) in its entirety, for background, as soon as possible: Winks, Robin W. and Joan Neuberger. Europe and the Making of Modernity, 1815­ 1914. Readings on Library Reserve: Winks, Robin W. (ed.). Historiography. (This is Vol V of The Oxford History of the British Empire). It is available on reserve for in­library use only. Grading the Course: Book Reviews Oral Presentations and Class Participation Final Examination Historiographical Essay 25% 25% 25% 25% Course Outline: Subject of the Class Orientation and GENERAL DISCUSSION: The Nineteenth Century in Europe LABOR DAY Topic #1A: The Congress of Vienna and the “New Regime” Topic #1B: The Industrial Revolution Topic #2A: Britain in the Victorian Age Topic #2B: The Romantic Movement Topic #3A: Nationalism Topic #3B: Social and Cultural History of the Bourgeois Century Topic #4: 1848: Revolution or Revolutions? Topic #5: Imperial Russia: Problems in the Czar's Domains SEMESTER BREAK Topic #6A: Trials and Achievements in the Habsburg Empire Topic #6B: European Ideas in a (Mostly) Post­Romantic Era
Topic #7: Napoleon III and the Second French Empire Topic #8A: Origins and Problems of the Third French Republic Topic #8B: The Paris Commune Topic #9: Europe’s New Imperialism Winks, Historiography. Read the following: Foreword, Preface, Chapters 1, 3, 38, and 41. Topic #10: Origins of World War I GENERAL DISCUSSION of Nineteenth­Century History and Historiography HISTORIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY DUE TODAY FINAL EXAM 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. (class option) FINAL EXAM 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. (if Dec. 3 option not selected) Description of Assignments
· · · · · · Read at least one book on each of ten topics in the course. Submit one written report in the appropriate form each week with bibliographic citation, summary, and evaluation or analysis. One page (double­ spaced and typed) in length. Total of ten reports.
Make weekly oral presentations using the guidelines provided. Total of ten reports.
Participate in the weekly class discussion on all topics in the course.
Write and submit an historiographical essay (approximately 20­25 pages) on nineteenth­century Europe that describes the existing literature that has been examined in this course..
Take a final essay examination at the conclusion of the course.
Become acquainted with documentary materials related to nineteenth­century Europe which are specified in class and available either at the Robert R. Muntz Library or on the Internet. Class Policies ! Attendance. Your attendance at all classes is expected and essential. In the unlikely event of illness or emergency that prevents your attending class, please notify the instructor in advance. Missed oral presentations ordinarily cannot be made up. ! Tardiness and Courtesy. Tardiness is not acceptable. It is disruptive, discourteous, and unprofessional. Habitual tardiness is cause for withdrawal. Students should not wear caps or hats to class as a matter of courtesy. Pagers and telephones must be turned off in class. University regulations do not allow food in the classroom. ! Deadlines. Weekly deadlines ordinarily are firm, but no penalty accrues if a few reports are submitted late, particularly near the beginning of the semester. Major written assignment may be submitted early, but no late assignments will be accepted. Guide to the Preparation of Short Book Reports Name. In the upper right corner, place your name followed by the number of the appropriate topic, e.g., Thompson #1. Bibliographic Citation. Single­space a full bibliographic citation before beginning the report. See the following example. Note the hanging indent format (as used in bibliographies). Gay, Peter. Schnitzler’s Century: The Making of Middle­Class Culture, 1815­1914. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2002. Body. Double­space the body of the report after providing the bibliographic citation. Two elements must be found in the report: (1) a summary or description of the main material in the book and (2) an analysis, evaluation, or criticism of the book. Style. The paper should be one page in length, but certainly not more than one and one­quarter pages. Use Times New Roman 12 pt. only. Guide to Oral Presentations in Class Some Elements of the Oral Presentation Identify title, author, date of publication, and nature of book (e.g., memoir, monograph, collection). Describe the types of sources used in writing the book. Tell the main thesis, line of argument, overall structure. Be precise and substantive. Evaluate the book, e.g., its clarity, validity, strengths and weaknesses.
Criteria Used in Evaluating Oral Presentations (1) Clarity of Expression. Does the presenter explain the ideas of the author clearly, defining terms when necessary, using any visual aids when helpful, and remembering that class participants have not read the book and, therefore, rely upon an accurate reporting? (2) Comprehension of the Work. Does the presenter comprehend the work under consideration as evidenced by a presentation given in his or her own words, by an ability to answer questions about the book read, and by being able to make appropriate generalizations about the theme and structure of the book? (3) Evaluation. Does the presenter evaluate the book by addressing such items as its credibility, the sources upon which it is based, the method employed in research and writing, the effect of the time of its publication on the argument presented, the identity of the author, the suitability of its writing style, the logic of its argument? (4) Organization. Does the presenter organize the material so that an appropriate amount of time is devoted to each topic being covered? This usually means that the presenter should devote the same proportion of attention to each topic as that devoted by the author. Does the presenter adhere to the announced time limit within reason?
Reading Lists HIST 5358: Nineteenth­Century Europe, 1815­1914 #1A The Congress of Vienna and the “New Regime” (* means professor owns and lends) Alsop, Susan Mary. The Congress Dances: Vienna, 1814­1815. (*) Dallas, Gregor. The Final Act: The Roads to Waterloo (1997) (*) Gulick, Edward. Europe’s Classical Balance of Power: A Case History of the Theory and Practice of One of the Great Concepts of European Statecraft. Harsin, Jill. Barricades: The War of the Streets in Revolutionary Paris, 1830­1848. (2002) * Kissinger, Henry. A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812­ 22. Kraehe, Enno. The Metternich Controversy. Lockhart, John G. The Peacemakers, 1814­1815. Musulin, Stella. Vienna in the Age of Metternich: From Napoleon to Revolution, 1805­1848. Nicolson, Harold. The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity. Palmer, Alan. Metternich. Schwartz, Henry. Metternich, the “Coachman of Europe”: Statesman or Evil Genius? Straus, Hannah Alice. The Attitude of the Congress of Vienna toward Nationalism in Germany, Italy, and Poland Webster, C. K. The Congress of Vienna, 1814­1815. Woloch, Isser. The New Regime:Transformations of the French Civic Order.(1994) * Woodward, E. L. Three Studies in European Conservatism: Metternich, Guizot, the Catholic Church in the Nineteenth Century. #1B The Industrial Revolution Ashton, T.S. The Industrial Revolution, 1760­1830. Bailey, Brian. The Luddite Rebellion. Beaudoin, Steven M. (ed.). The Industrial Revolution. (Problems in European Civilization Series) (2003) Bowditch, John and Clement Ramsland. (eds.). Voices of the Industrial Revolution.* Checkland, S.G. The Rise of Industrial Society in England, 1815­1885. Cipolla, Carlo M. (ed.). The Industrial Revolution, 1700­1914 (Vol 3 of Fontana Ec. Hist of Eur) Clapham, J. H. Economic Development of France and Germany, 1815­1914. Deane, Phyllis. The First Industrial Revolution. Dunham, Arthur. Industrial Revolution in France, 1815­1848. Hamilton, Henry. The Industrial Revolution in Scotland. (microform; Books for College Libraries) Henderson W. O. The Industrial Revolution in Europe, 1815­1914. Hobsbawm, E. The Age of Revolution, 1789­1848. Hughes, Jonathan. Industrialization and Economic History. Knox, W. W. Industrial Nation: Work, Culture and Society in Scotland, 1800­Present (e­book) Lane, Peter. The Industrial Revolution: The Birth of the Modern Age. Lieberman, S. (ed.) Europe and the Industrial Revolution Macgregor, David. The Evolution of Industry. Mantoux, Paul. The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century.
Marshall, Dorothy. Industrial England, 1776­1851. Reeve, Robin. The Industrial Revolution, 1750­1850. Stearns, Peter. The Industrial Revolution in World History. Taylor, Philip (ed.) The Industrial Revolution in Britain: Triumph or Disaster? Zlotnick, Susan Women, Writing, and the Industrial Revolution. #2A Britain in the Victorian Age Baily, Francis E. The Perfect Age. Bailey, Peter. Popular Culture and Performance in the Victorian City. (1998) Beales, Derek E. From Castlereagh to Gladstone, 1815­1855 Briggs, Asa. The Age of Improvement, 1783­1867. [Part of The Making of Modern England] Briggs, Asa. Victorian Cities. Briggs, Asa. Victorian People: A Reassessment of Persons and Themes, 1851­67. Burn, William. The Age of Equipoise: A Study of the Mid­Victorian Generation. Charlton, John. The Chartists. (1997) Chase, Karen. The Spectacle of Intimacy: A Public Life for the Victorian Family. (2000) Clark, George Kitson. The Making of Victorian England. Evans, R. J. The Victorian Age, 1815­1914. Gilbert, Pamela K. Mapping the Victorian Social Body. (2004) (e­book) Gilmour, Robin. The Victorian Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context. Gleadle, Kathryn. British Women in the Nineteenth Century. (2001) (e­book) Hammond, J. L. The Age of the Chartists, 1832­1854: A Study in Discontent. Hammond J. L. The Village Labourer, 1760­1832: A Study in the Government of England before the Reform Bill Harvey A. D. Britain in the Early Nineteenth Century. Himmelfarb, Gertrude. The Idea of Poverty: England in the Early Industrial Age. Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Marriage and Morals Among the Victorians. Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Poverty and Compassion: The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians. (1991) (ILL) Hobsbawm, Eric and George Rude. Captain Swing. Huggins, Mike. Disreputable Pleasures: Less Virtuous Victorians at Play. (2004) (e­book) Jones, Gareth. Outcast London: A Study in the Relationship between Classes in Victorian Society. Longford, Elizabeth. Eminent Victorian Women. Low, Sidney J. The History of England During the Reign of Victoria, 1837­1901. Lubenow, William. The Politics of Government Growth: Early Victorian Attitudes toward State Intervention, 1833­1848. Packard, Jerrold M. Farewell in Splendor: The Passing of Queen Victoria and Her Age. Roberts, F. David. The Social Conscience of the Early Victorians. (2002) (e­book) Royle, Edward. Revolutionary Britannia? Reflections on the Threat of Revolution, 1789­1848. (2000) Seaman, L. C. B. Victorian England: Aspects of English and Imperial History. Stansky, Peter. (ed.). The Victorian Revolution: Government and Society in Victoria's Britain. Strachey, Lytton. Eminent Victorians. Thompson, F.M.L. English Landed Society in the Nineteenth Century.
Thompson, F.M.L. The Rise of Respectable Society: A Social History of Victorian Britain, 1830­1900. (1988) Thomson, David. England in the Nineteenth Century, 1815­1914. Tingsten, Herbert. Victoria and the Victorians. Wilson, A. N. The Victorians. (2004) Wilson, Ben. The Making of Victorian Values: Decency and Dissent in Britain, 1789­1837. (2007) Wingfield­Stratford, Esme Cecil. The Victorian Sunset. Woodward, E. L. The Age of Reform, 1815­1870. Young, G. M. Victorian England: Portrait of An Age. #2B The Romantic Movement Bann, Stephen. Romanticism and the Rise of History. Barzun, Jacques. Classic, Romantic and Modern (same as book entitled Romanticism and the Modern Ego). Berlin, Isaiah. The Roots of Romanticism. (1999) Bernbaum, Ernest. Guide through the Romantic Movement. Clark, Kenneth. The Romantic Rebellion. Crossley, Ceri. French Historians and Romanticism. (1993) (e­book) Dalhaus, Carl. Nineteenth­Century Music. Einstein, Alfred. Music in the Romantic Era. Evans, David. Social Romanticism in France, 1830­1848. Furst, Lilian. Romanticism in Perspective. Gaull, Marilyn. English Romanticism: The Human Context. Gleckner, Robert. Romanticism: Points of View. (heavy on ideology) Galsted, John (ed.). Romanticism. Honour, Hugh. Romanticism. Izenberg, Gerald N. Impossible Individuality: Romanticism, Revolution, and the Origin of Modern Selfhood, 1787­1802. (1992) also e­book Jones, Howard. Revolution and Romanticism. Klaus, Kenneth. The Romantic Period in Music. Krzyzanowski, Julia. Polish Romantic Literature. Locke, Arthur. Music and the Romantic Movement in France. Mowat, R. The Romantic Age. Mason, Daniel. The Romantic Composers. Peyre, Henri. What is Romanticism? Prawer, Siegbert. The Romantic Period in Germany. Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. Emergence of Romanticism (up to date, mostly literature) Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. Russia and the West in the Teaching of the Slavophiles: A Study of Romantic Ideology. Ringer, Alexander (ed.). The Early Romantic Era: Between Revolutions, 1789 and 1848. Sagarra, Eda. Tradition and Revolution: German Literature and Society. Schenk, H. G. The Mind of the European Romantics.(*) Talmon, J L. Romanticism and Revolt: Europe, 1815­1848. Taylor, Keith. The Political Ideas of the Utopian Socialists.
Walicki, Andrzej. The Slavophile Controversy: A History of Conservative Utopia in Nineteenth Century Russian Thought. Walzel, Oskar. German Romanticism. #3A Nationalism Angell, Norman. The Unseen Assassins Breuilly, John. Nationalism and the State. Brubaker, Roger. Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany. (e­book) Burleigh, Michael. Earthly Powers: The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe, from the French Revolution to the Great War.(2007) (Chapter 5 only “Chosen Peoples: Political Messianism and Nationalism”) Chadwick, H. Munro. The Nationalities of Europe and the Growth of National Ideologies. Colley, Linda. Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707­1837. [e­book] (2003) Earle, Edward. Nationalism and Internationalism. Emsley, Clive. Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth­Century Europe. Ergang, Robert. Herder and the Foundations of German Nationalism. (mostly 18 th century) Erickson, Thomas. Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspective Hayes, Carlton J. H. Nationalism: A Religion. Hutchinson, John and Anthony D. Smith. (eds.). Nationalism. Kohn, Hans. The Idea of Nationalism: A Study in its Origins and Background. Kohn, Hans. Pan­Slavism: Its History and Ideology. Kohn, Hans. Prophets and Peoples: Studies in Nineteenth­Century Nationalism. Martin, M. The Making of France: The Origin and Development of the Idea of National Unity. (begins in antiquity) Mayer, Tamar. Gender Ironies of Nationalism: Sexing the Nation (e­book) Merkl, Peter. German Unification in the European Context. Minogue, K. R. Nationalism. Mosse, George L. Nationalism and Sexuality. (deals with all modern era) Mosse, George. The Nationalization of the Masses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars through the Third Reich. Porter, Brian. When Nationalism Began to Hate: Imagining Modern Politics in Nineteenth Century Poland (2000) Pundt, A. Arndt and the Nationalist Awakening of Germany. Shafer, Boyd C. Nationalism: Myth and Reality. Snyder, Louis. Contemporary Nationalisms Snyder, Louis. German Nationalism: The Tragedy of a People. Snyder, Louis. The Meaning of Nationalism. Teich, M. The National Question in Europe in Historical Context. (1993) Zamoyski, Adam. Holy Madness: Romantics, Patriots, and Revolutionaries, 1776­1871.*
#3B Social and Cultural History of the Bourgeois Century Gay, Peter. The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud: The Naked Heart. (1995) The Cultivation of Hatred. (1993) Pleasure Wars. (1998) Gay, Peter. Schnitzler's Century: The Making of Middle­Class Culture, 1815­1914. McMillan, James. France and Women, 1789­1914: Gender, Society and Politics (2000) Mosse, W. E. Liberal Europe: The Age of Bourgeois Realism, 1848­1878. Perrot, Philippe. Fashioning the Bourgeoisie: A History of Clothing in the Nineteenth Century. Perry, K. R. The Bourgeois Century: A History of Europe, 1780­1870 (very general) Walton, Whitney. France at the Crystal Palace: Bourgeois Taste and Artisan Manufacture in the 19 th Century. (1992) (e­book) #4 1848: Revolution or Revolutions? Amann, Peter. Revolution and Mass Democracy: The Paris Club Movement in 1848. Blanc, Louis. 1848: Historical Revelations. Deak, Istvan. The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848­1849. Dowe, Dieter et al. (eds.). Europe in 1848: Revolution and Reform. (2001) Eyck, Frank. The Revolutions of 1848­49. Fasel, George. Europe in Upheaval: The Revolutions of 1848. Fejtö, Frabcius. (ed.). The Opening of an Era, 1848: An Historical Symposium. Hahn. The 1848 Revolutions in German­Speaking Europe. * Körner, Axel. 1848—A European Revolution? International Ideas and National Memories of 1848. (e­book) Kranzberg, Melvin. 1848: A Turning Point? Lamartine, Alphonse. French Revolution: 1848. Langer, William. The Revolutions of 1848. [same as Chaps. 10­13 of Political and Social Upheaval] Lougee, Robert. Midcentury Revolution, 1848: Society and Revolution in France and Germany. Namier, Lewis. 1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals. Pech, Stanley. The Czech Revolution of 1848. Price, Roger. The Revolutions of 1848. Randers­Pehrson, Justine. Germans and the Revolution of 1848­1849. (1999) Rath, R. The Viennese Revolution of 1848. Robertson, Priscilla. Revolutions of 1848: A Social History. Sperber, Jonathan. The European Revolutions, 1848­1851. (e­book and also *) Sperber, Jonathan. Rhineland Radicals: The Democratic Movement and the Revolution of 1848­ 1849. Stadelmann, Rudolph. Social and Political History of the German 1848 Rev. Stearns, Peter. 1848: The Revolutionary Tide in Europe. Stiles, William. Austria in 1848­49.
#5 Imperial Russia: Problems in the Czar's Domains (or see addendum) Becker, Seymour. Nobility and Privilege in Late Imperial Russia. Barker, A. The War against Russia, 1854­56. Berlin, Isaiah. Russian Thinkers. Byrnes, Robert. Pobedonostsev: His Life and Thought. Crankshaw, Edward. The Shadow of the Winter Palace. Daly, Jonathan. Autocracy under Siege: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1866­1905. Fischer, George. Russian Liberalism: From Gentry to Intelligentsia. Frank, Stephen. Crime, Cultural Conflict, and Justice in Rural Russia, 1856­1914. Graham, Stephen. Tsar of Freedom. Lincoln, W. Bruce. In the Vanguard of Reform: Russia's Enlightened Bureaucrats, 1825­1861. Lincoln, W. Bruce. In War's Dark Shadow: The Russians before the Great War. Macey, David. Government and Peasant in Russia, 1861­1906. Mazour, A. The First Russian Revolution, 1825. Mosse, W. Alexander II and the Modernization of Russia. Offord, Derek. Nineteenth­Century Russia: Opposition to Autocracy. Payne, Robert. The Fortress. Riasanowsky, Nicholas. Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia. Riasanowsky, Nicholas. A Parting of the Ways: Government and the Educated Public in Russia, 1801­1855. Seton­Watson, Hugh. The Russian Empire, 1801­1917 (no need to read the chapters dealing with the 18th century) Starr, S. F. Decentralization and Self Government in Russia, 1830­1870. Ulam, Adam. In the Name of the People: Prophets and Conspirators in Pre­revolutonary Russia Wirtschaften, Elise Kemerling. From Serf to Russian Soldier. Venturi, K. Roots of Revolution. Verner, Andrew M. The Crisis of Russian Autocracy: Nicholas II and the 1905 Revolution. #6A Trials and Achievements in the Habsburg Empire Bridge, F. From Sadowa to Sarajevo: The Foreign Policy of Austria­Hungary, 1866­1914. Crankshaw, E. The Fall of the House of Habsburg. Dedijer, Vladimir. The Road to Sarajevo. Gordon, Harold and Mary Gordon (eds.) The Austrian Empire: Abortive Federation? (*) Jaszi, Oscar. The Dissolution of the Habsburg Empire Jelavich, Barbara. The Habsbsurg Empire in European Affairs, 1814­1918. Kann, Robert. The Habsburg Empire: A Study in Integration and Disintegration. Kann, Robert. A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526­1918. Kann, Robert. The Multinational Empire (2 vols) May, A. The Habsburg Monarchy, 1867­1914. Morton, Frederic. A Nervous Splendor: Vienna, 1888/1889. Morton, Frederic. Thunder at Twilight: Vienna, 1913/1914. Pauley, Bruce F. Habsburg Legacy, 1867­1939. Schorske, Carl. Fine­de­siPcle Vienna: Politics and Culture.
Seton­Watson, R. W. The Southern Slav Question and the Habsburg Monarchy. Sked, Alan. The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815­1918. Steed, H. The Hapsburg Monarchy. Strong, George W. Seedtime for Fascism: The Disintegration of Austrian Political Culture, 1867­ 1918. (e­book) Tapie, Victor. The Rise and Fall of the Habsburg Monarachy. Wheatcroft, Andrew. The Habsburgs: Embodying Empire. (*) Winters, S. B. and Joseph Held (eds.). Intellectual and Social Developments in the Habsburg Empire from Maria Teresa to World War I. #6B European Ideas in a (Mostly) Post­Romantic Era Arendt, Hannah. Origins of Totalitarianism: Anti­Semitism. Biddiss, M. D. The Father of Racist Ideology: Social and Political Thought of Count Gobineau. Chadwick, Owen. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century. Fried, Albert and Richard M. Elman (ed.s). Charles Booth's London. Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution. Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Victorian Minds. Joll, J. B. The Anarchists. London, Jack. The People of the Abyss. Masur, Gerhard. Prophets of Yesterday: Studies in European Culture, 1890­1914. Mayer, Arno J. The Persistence of the Old Regime: Europe to the Great War. Perrot, Philippe. Fashioning the Bourgeoisie: A History of Clothing in the Nineteenth Century. (*) Poliakov, L. The Aryan Myth: A History of Racist and Nationalist Ideas in Europe. Pulzer, P. J. The Rise of Political Antisemitism in Germany and Austria. Staum, Martin S. Labeling People: French Scholars on Society, Race, and Empire, 1815­1848. (2003) (*) #7 Napoleon III and the Second French Empire Barker, Nancy. Distaff Diplomacy: The Empress Eugene and the Foreign Policy of the Second Empire. Bierman, John. Napoleon III and His Carnival Empire. Campbell, Stuart. The Second Empire Revisited: A Study in French Historiography. Corley, T.A.B. Democratic Despot: A Life of Napoleon III. Friedrich, Otto. Olympia: Paris in the Age of Manet.* Gooch, Brison. The Reign of Napoleon III. Gooch, Brison (ed.). Napoleon III­­Man of Destiny: Enlightened Statesman or Proto­Fascist? Guedalla, Philip. The Second Empire. Jordan, David P. Transforming Paris: The Life and Labors of Baron Haussmann.(*) Mainardi, Patricia. Art and Policy of the Second Empire: The University Expositions of 1855 and 1867. (new)
Napoleon III. The Second Empire and Its Downfall. (Correspondence between Napoleon III and Crown Prince Napoleon–not for class presentation) Osgood, Samuel (Ed.). Napoleon III: Buffoon, Modern Dictator or Sphinx? Pinkney, David. Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris.(1958) also (2002 e­book ed.) Sencourt, Robert. Napoleon III: The Modern Emperor. Simpson, F. A. Louis Napoleon and the Recovery of France, 1848­1856. Smith, W. H. C. Napoleon III. St. John, James. Louis Napoleon: Emperor of the French. Vandam, Albert. Undercurrents of the Second Empire. Williams, Roger L. Gaslight and Shadow: The World of Napoleon III. #8A Origins and Problems of the Third French Republic Anderson, R. D. France, 1870­1914: Politics and Society. Birnbaum, Pierre. The Anti­Semitic Moment: A Tour of France in 1898. (1998) * Chapman, Guy. The Dreyfus Trials. Cooke, James. New French Imperialism, 1880­1910: The Third Republic and Colonial Expansion. Derfler, L. The Dreyfus Affair: Tragedy of Errors? Dimnet, Ernest. France Herself Again. Doty, C. Stewart. From Cultural Rebellion to Counterrevolution: The Politics of Maurice Barres. Dreyfus, A. Five Years of My Life. (FYI) Dreyfus, A. and P. Dreyfus. The Dreyfus Case. (FYI) Elwitt, Sanford The Making of the Third Republic. Fortescue, William. The Third Republic in France, 1870­1940. (documents; e­book) Harding, James. The Astonishing Adventure of General Boulanger. Hause, Steven. Women's Suffrage and Social Politics in the French Third Rep. Hoffman, Robert L. More Than a Trial: The Struggle Over Captain Dreyfus. Irvine, William. The Boulanger Affair Reconsidered: Royalism, Boulangism, and the Origins of the Radical Right in France. (1989) Jackson, J. Hampden. Clemenceau and the Third Republic. Kedward, H. R. The Dreyfus Affair: Catalyst for Tensions in French Society. Locke, Robert R. French Liegitimists and the Politics of Moral Order in the Early Third Republic. Nord, Philip. The Republican Moment. Paleologue, Maurice. My Secret Diary of the Dreyfus Case, 1898­1899. (FYI) Porter, Charles W. The Career of Theophile Delcasse. Ralston, David B. The Army of the Republic. Schuman, Frederick L. War and Diplomacy in the French Republic. Sedgwick, Alexander. The Third French Republic, 1870­1914. Shirer, William. The Collapse of the Third Republic (Chapters 1­9 only). Snyder, Louis L. The Dreyfus Case: A Documentary History. Thomson, DAvid. Democracy in France Since 1870 (Chapters 1­4 only). Weber, Eugen. Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of France, 1870­1914. (e­book) Wright, Charles H. A History of the Third French Republic.
#8B The Paris Commune Baldick, Robert. The Siege of Paris. Becker, George J. (ed.). Paris Under Siege, 1870­1871: From the Goncourt Journal. Bernstein, Samuel. The Beginnings of Marxian Socialism in France. Christiansen, Rupert. Paris Babylon: The Story of the Paris Commune. Edwards, Stewart. The Communards of Paris, 1871. Edwards, Stewart. The Paris Commune, 1871. Gullickson, Gay L. Unruly Women of Paris: Images of the Commune. (1996) Horne, Alistair. The Fall of Paris: The Siege and the Commune, 1870­71. (1990) Horne, Alistair. The Terrible Year: The Paris Commune, 1871. Harrison, Royden (Ed.). The English Defence of the Commune, 1871. Joughin, Jean T. The Paris Commune in French Policy, 1871­1880: The History of the Amnesty of 1880. Kranzberg, Melvin. The Siege of Paris, 1870­71: A Political and Social Hist. Leith, James A. (ed.). Images of the Commune. (some sections in French) Tombs, Robert. The Paris Commune, 1871. (1999) * Tombs, Robert. The War against Paris, 1871. Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. My Adventures in the Commune, Paris, 1871. Williams, Roger L. (ed.) Commune of Paris, 1871. #9 Imperialism Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. (especially the section on imperialism) Arnold, David. Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Diseases in Nineteenth­ Century India. (e­book) Bell, Jeffrey. Industrialization and Imperialism, 1800­1914: A Biographical Dictionary. (e­book, for reference only) Betts, Raymond. The False Dawn: European Imperialism in the 19th Century. Bodelsen, C. Studies in Mid­Victorian Imperialism. (1968) Brewer, Anthony. Marxist Theories of Imperialism. (e­book) Cannadine, David. Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire.* Chaudhuri, Nupur and Margaret Strobel. Western Women and Imperialism. (e­book) Cohen, Benjamin. The Question of Imperialism. Colley, Linda. Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707­1837. [e­book; not for presentation] Conklin, Alice and Ian C. Fletcher. European Imperialism, 1830­1930: Climax and Contradiction. (1999) (helpful on historiography) (library and *) Curtin, Philip D. Imperialism. Doyle, Michael W. Empires. Eldridge, C. Victorian Imperialism. Ferguson, Niall. Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lesson for Global Power. (2002) Fieldhouse, D. K. Economics and Empire, 1830­1914. Gilmour, David. The Ruling Caste: Imperial Lives in the Victorian Raj. (2006) Headrick, Daniel R. The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century. Hobson, J. A. Imperialism. Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. (1998)
Hobsbawm, Eric. The Age of Empire, 1875­1914. Irwin, Robert. Dangerous Knowledge: Orientalism and Its Discontents. (2006) Kiernan, V.G. Marxism and Imperialism. Langer, William L. The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 1890­1902. Lauren, Paul Gordon. Power and Prejudice: The Politics and Diplomacy of Racial Discrimination. Lindqvist, Sven. "Exterminate All the Brutes." (1996) Louis, William R. Imperialism: The Robinson and Gallagher Controversy. Mommsen, Wolfgang J. Theories of Imperialism. Murphy, Agnes. The Ideology of French Imperialism, 1871­1881. Nelson, Samuel Henry. Colonialism in the Congo Basin, 1880­1940. (e­book) Parsons, Timothy. The British Imperial Century, 1815­1914: A World History Perspective. Procida, Mary A. Married to the Empire: Gender, Politics and Imperialism in India. (2002)* Robinson, Ronald. Africa and the Victorians: The Climax of Imperialism in the Dark Continent. Said, Edward. Orientalism. Snyder, Louis L. (ed.) The Imperialism Reader. Strauss, William. Joseph Chamberlain and the Theory of Empire. Tierney, Brian. The Origins of Modern Imperialism: Ideological or Economic? Watts, Sheldon. Epidemics and History: Disease, Power and Imperialism. Wesseling, H. L. Divide and Rule: The Partition of Africa, 1880­1914. Woolf, L. Economic Imperialism Wright, Harrison M. (ed.). The "New Imperialism" An Analysis of Late 19th Century Expansion. #10 Origins of World War I Adams, Michael. The Great Adventure: Male Desire and the Coming of World War I. (1990) (e­book) Albertini, L. The Origins of the War of 1914. (3 vols) Asquith, H. H. The Genesis of War. Barnes, H. E. The Genesis of the World War. Barnes, H. E. In Quest of Truth and Justice:Debunking the War Guilt Myth. Beck, James. The Evidence in the Case. Bloch, Camille. The Causes of the World War. Bullard, Arthur. The Diplomacy of the Great War. Fay, S. B. The Origins of the War (2 vols) Ferguson, Niall. The Pity of War. Fischer, Fritz. Germany's Aims in the First World War. Fromkin, David. Europe’s Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914? Herwig, Holger. The Outbreak of World War I. (1991, fifth ed of Lee’s book) Joll, James and Gordon Martel. The Origins of the First World War. (fifth ed., 2007) * Koch, H. W. The Origins of the First World War: Great Power Rivalry and German War Aims. Lafore, L. The Long Fuse. Langhorne, Richard. The Collapse of the Concert of Europe: International Politics, 1890­1914. Lee, Dwight E. The Outbreak of the First World War: Who or What Was Responsible? (1970 edition) Remak, Joachim. The First World War: Causes, Conduct, Consequences. Schmitt, Bernadotte. The Coming of the War, 1914 (2 vols). Seton­Watson, R. W. Sarajevo:A Study in the Origins of the Great War. Seymour, Charles. The Diplomatic Background of the War, 1870­1914. Tuchman, Barbara. The Guns of August.
Addendum to HIST 5358 Syllabus If needed in Fall 2007 #5A Imperial Russia: Nineteenth­Century Conditions Becker, Seymour. Nobility and Privilege in Late Imperial Russia. Berlin, Isaiah. Russian Thinkers. Byrnes, Robert. Pobedonostsev: His Life and Thought. Chapman, Tim. Imperial Russia, 1801­1905 (e­book) Crankshaw, Edward. The Shadow of the Winter Palace. Daly, Jonathan. Autocracy under Siege: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1866­1905. Frank, Stephen. Crime, Cultural Conflict, and Justice in Rural Russia, 1856­1914. Graham, Stephen. Tsar of Freedom. Lincoln. W. Bruce. The Romanovs:Autocrats of All the Russias. Lincoln, W. Bruce. In War's Dark Shadow: The Russians before the Great War. Marlin, A. Romantics, Reformers, Reactionaries: Russian Conservative Thought and Politics in the Reign of Alexander I. Palmer,Alan. Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace. Payne, Robert. The Fortress. Riasanowsky, Nicholas. Nicholas I and Official Nationality in Russia. Riasanowsky, Nicholas. A Parting of the Ways: Government and the Educated Public in Russia, 1801­1855. Seton­Watson, Hugh. The Russian Empire, 1801­1917 (no need to read the chapters dealing with the 18th century) Verner, Andrew M. The Crisis of Russian Autocracy: Nicholas II and the 1905 Revolution. #5B Imperial Russia: Modernization, Reform, and Revolutionary Movements Adams, Arthur. Imperial Russia after 1861: Peaceful Modernization or Revolution? Dixon, Simon. The Modernisation of Russia, 1676­1825 (e­book) Engel, B. A. Et al. (Eds.). Five Sisters: Women Against the Tsar. Evans, John L. The Petrasevskij Circle, 1845­1849. Field, Daniel. Rebels in the Name of the Tsar. Fischer, George. Russian Liberalism from Gentry to Intelligentsia. Hingley, Ronald. Nihilists: Russian Radicals and Revolutionaries in the Reign of Alexander II Lincoln, W. Bruce. In the Vanguard of Reform: Russia's Enlightened Bureaucrats, 1825­1861. Mazour, Anatole. The First Russian Revolution, 1825. Mehlinger, Howard and John Thompson. Count Witte and the Tsarist Government in the 1905 Revolution. Mosse, W. Alexander II and the Modernization of Russia. Offord, Derek. Nineteenth­Century Russia: Opposition to Autocracy. (1999) Pomper, Philip. The Russian Revolutionary Intelligentsia. Prawdin, Michael. The Unmentionable Nechaev: A Key toBolshevism. Rogger, Hans. Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution, 1881­1917. Sablinsky. The Road to Bloody Sunday. Starr, S. F. Decentralization and Self Government in Russia, 1830­1870. Stites, Richard. The Women’s Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism, and Bolshevism, 1860­1930. Ulam, Adam. In the Name of the People: Prophets and Conspirators in Pre­revolutonary Russia
Venturi, Franco. Roots of Revolution: A History of the Populist and Socialist Movements in Nineteenth­Century Russia. #5C Imperial Russia: Abolition of Serfdom Blum, Jerome. Lord and Peasant in Russia: From the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century. Emmons, Terence. Emancipation of the Russian Serfs. Robinson, Geroid. Rural Russia under the Old Regime. Macey, David. Government and Peasant in Russia, 1861­1906 Moon, David. The Aboliton of Serfdom in Russia, 1762­1907. (2001) Zaionchkovskii, Petr. The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia. Wirtschafter, Elise. From Serf to Russian Solder: The Lower Ranks in the Prereform Army.