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The Sanskrit word Karaka means —significator˜. In simpler English we could translate
it as —stands for˜. For example, in Vedic Astrology the Moon signifies or stands for the
mind of the person. Jupiter is the Karaka for children, which means that we look to
Jupiter in one’s chart to know something about their children. However, the fifth house
and it’s lord also have much to do with children in one’s chart. Speaking very strictly, we
would say that Jupiter is the Karaka for children, while the fifth house and it’s lord,
although having much to do with children for certain, are not directly referred to as —
karakas˜ for the subject of children.
However, the student of astrology needs to know which houses, signs and planets affect
each particular aspect or subject in life. In order to be able to accurately assess charts
and give true predictions, the astrologer must know where to look in a chart for each
subject they attempt to understand through the chart. Therefore, the following indexes
of Karakas has been assembled. Even though, as stated, the houses and signs are not
strictly referred to as —karakas˜ of the subject items attached to them, still, the word
karaka is the most accurate single word we could find to use to summarize what we have
assembled herein. We apologize to the erudite Sanskrit grammarian for this liberality on
our part.
The karaka listing herein are presented in various sections, the first being a complete list
of all karakas for all planets, signs and houses that could be assembled from all the classic
works we could find that listed karakas of any type. This was a large task. Many karakas
are listed more than once, in rearranged wordings in hopes that you would find them
where you looked for them. For example, the item of —property of the brother˜ might
be listed also under —brother, property of˜. Similarly, —higher education˜ might also be
listed as —education, higher˜.
Following the first section which contains all the items listed, are sections which repeat
the exact same items, but listed underneath their karaka. For example, all the items
whose karaka is the first house, can be found listed together under First House.
Similarly, everything that the Sun is karaka for can be found in the section under Sun.
These individualized chapters (sometimes only single pages) are included especially for
studying a planet, sign or house in detail. Reading these sections greatly enhances one’s
understanding of what each of the planets, signs and houses stands for. Whereas the
first and largest section, which contains all the listed items, is the place to look up a
particular item fast. For example, you can look up —travel˜ in the first section, and see
all the planets, signs and houses that affect this important life subject.
Some items are indicated by their karaka only when the same is afflicted. This means
that when the planet, sign or house karaka listed with the item is afflicted by the aspect or
conjunction of a malefic planet, then that item will be found to be caused by the listed
karaka (planet, sign or house). For example, if the item —bad accounting˜ is said to be
caused by afflicted Mercury, then bad accounting can be expected if the person gets
involved with the subject of accounting in a Mercury ruled period (any level of Dasha)
and if in their chart Mercury is indeed afflicted by a malefic planet. This is a very general
and unreliable example. In all aspects of life, the astrologer will have to look to
numerous places before deciding any prediction. It is very rare to find predictions
coming true based on only one placement.
The elegant blending of karakas, based on developed intuition through experience, is a
yogic art achieved by few. These lists point out the things that the planets, signs and
houses stand for, but it is up to the astrologer to then correctly blend the items together
for a real prediction to take shape.
From my own chart I can present an example. I have Saturn and Jupiter in the ninth
house in Sagittarius. Now, in the following lists, you could find that Saturn in the ninth
house stands for —an apostate˜, which is a person who goes against the standard religion
presented in their life. On the other hand, Jupiter in the ninth, in it’s own sign especially,
stands for —following the traditional religion˜. So, which will it be for me? How should
the astrologer blend these two items which are seemingly contradictory?
The truth about this subject so far in my life goes like this: I did switch from the religion
of my birth family, Catholicism, when I was 19 and in Jupiter Major Dasha, to the
Vaisnava faith, which is a Hindu sect. However, now that I am in Saturn Major Dasha,
and all my close friends are Vaisnavas, I still have some —apostate˜ karma to endure, in
that I am initiated underneath a more —standard, old fashioned˜ branch of our
sampradaya, when compared to that of all my Vaisnava friends. So although they see
that I am in a slightly different branch of the sampradaya (the apostate, or Saturnian
part), the fact is that it is the older, more traditional branch of the sampradaya, since it is
their Gurudeva who liberalized things a bit for the West. So, you can see the Jupiterkaraka items coming through, such as attachment to the traditional ways of the religion.
Yet, you can see that I have to deal with being seen as a bit of an outsider of the norm,
which is the —apostate˜ part of the karma indicated. I may be an apostate, but not for
the usual cause of the apostate, which is to liberalize the faith. In my case, I’m rooting
for some of the older ways of the faith, which have been dropped, in my opinion by the
accident of lack of education about our sampradaya. So, this is an example of how the
blending of karmas indicated must be carried out by the astrologer. It is tricky, but
possible with deliberate study and practice with the real charts of persons whose lives
you know well.