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Chapter 10 Test
Solid Earth
*Multiple Choice
On your paper: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.
1. Which of the following forms when lava cools and hardens?
a. sedimentary rock
b. igneous rock
c. metamorphic rock
d. sediment
2. Minerals that form flat surfaces when they break have a property called BLANK.
a. luster
b. density
c. cleavage
d. fracture
3. Earth’s layer that consists of liquid metal is the BLANK.
a. outer core
b. inner core
c. crust
d. mantle
4. The color of a mineral’s powder is its’ BLANK.
a. luster
b. density
c. hardness
d. streak
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5. The three major groups of rocks are BLANK, BLANK, and BLANK.
a. intrusive, extrusive, and banded
b. clastic, organic, and chemical
c. banded, nonbanded, and granite
d. igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
6. A solid material made up of one or more minerals is a BLANK.
a. crystal
b. rock
c. gemstone
d. grain
7. Scientists called BLANK study Earth and the processes which shape it.
a. biologist
b. chemist
c. geologist
d. physicist
8. The layer of solid rock that surrounds Earth’s surface is the BLANK.
a. outer core
b. mantle
c. inner core
d. crust
9. The process that moves sediment from place to place on Earth is called BLANK.
a. compaction
b. cementation
c. erosion
d. deposition
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10. Which of the following is a characteristic of a mineral?
a. It is organic.
b. It has a crystal structure.
c. It is a liquid.
d. It has a variable chemical composition.
On your paper: Fill in the line to complete each statement.
11. Minerals that break apart along irregular surfaces have a property known as BLANK.
12. A(n) BLANK rock is a sedimentary rock formed from the remains of plants and animals.
13. A rock’s BLANK refers to the size, shape and arrangement of its’ grains.
14. Heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface can change an igneous rock into
a(n) BLANK rock.
15. Minerals that form from solutions often occur underground in narrow bands called
16. BLANK is a mineral that is valued for its’ beautiful color, hardness, and glassy luster.
17. The BLANK BLANK is the series of processes on and in Earth that change one kind of
rock into another.
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*True or False (3 points each)
If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, write the correct word the underlined word or
words to make the statement true.
18. An igneous rock that forms from magma is called an extrusive rock.
19. Scientists hypothesize the circulation of molten metal within Earth’s mantle helps to
create a magnetic field.
20. Molten material on the surface of the Earth is called lava.
21. Everything that is made of metal began as minerals inside Earth.
22. If molten material cools rapidly large crystals are formed.
23. Geologists use the Mohs Hardness Scale to rate the luster of minerals on a
scale of 1 to 10.
24. Talc can scratch all other substances and is the hardest known mineral.
25. Minerals with large crystals are formed when molten material cools slowly.
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*Using Science Skills (3 points each)
Use the diagram below to answer the
following questions.
Identify each of the layers in the diagram
26. layer A.
27. layer B.
28. layer C.
29. layer D.
*Essay (6 points each)
Answer the following with a brief paragraph.
30. Identify and explain which layers have the greatest and least temperatures,