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The Albigensian or Cathcar Crusade
 Occurred in Southern France (1209 – 1229)
 Effort by Roman Catholic Church to eliminate Heresy
 Papal Diplomat murdered by Cathcar Count
 Pope Innocent III declared Holy Crusade against Cathcars
 Successful Military Campaigns by the Church until 1216
 Revolts against the Church reverse gains (1216 – 1225)
 Saint Dominic’s followers create the Dominican Order
 King Louis VIII led new Crusade (1226 – 1229)
 King Louis’ success followed by Medieval Inquisitions
This 15th century artwork depicts a story of
Saint Dominic and the Albigensians, in which
the texts of each were cast into a fire, but only
Saint Dominic's proved miraculously resistant
to the flames.
 Between 200,000 and 1,000,000 massacred
The Waldensian Persecutions
 Occurred in Southern France & Italy (1190 – 1848)
 Based on teachings of Peter Waldo (a wealthy Merchant)
 Excommunicated by Pope Alexander III in 1190
 Granted protection in Northern Italy by the Count of Savoy
 Pope Innocent VIII declared Holy Crusade in 1487
 They joined the German & Swiss Protestants in 1532
 Duke of Savoy orders elimination of Waldensians in 1655
 Thousands of Old men, women, and children died
Illustrations depicting Waldensians as
Witches in Le champion des dames,
by Martin Le France, 1451.
The Babylonian Captivity of Avignon Popes
 Occurred in Avignon, France (1305 – 1423)
 Conflict between Pope & Holy Roman Emperor over who
was the legitimate leader of Christendom
 Decline of Papal power due to failed Crusades
 Failed attempt by the Papacy to excommunicate Frederick II
 Conflict erupted between King Philip IV of France and Pope
Boniface VIII (1301 – 1303)
 King Philip IV ordered Pope Boniface VIII arrested
 French Pope is selected when Pope Boniface dies in 1303
 Pope Gregory XI returned Papacy to Rome in 1376
A medieval map of Rome from a
manuscript of the period shows Rome
personified as widow grieving the loss
of the papacy.
 Disputes over Papacy caused period of Three Popes
Moral Opposition to Church Practices
 John Wycliffe (1320 – 1384) an English Priest & Professor
• Claimed that the Pope was not Christ’s representative
on earth, but an anti-Christ
• Claimed that Christians could determined God’s
teachings by simply reading the Bible for themselves
• Died & Buried in 1384 – His bones dug up by church
and burned in 1428
 John Hus (1372 – 1415) a Czech Philosopher & Professor
• Continued the teachings of John Wycliffe
• Influenced Bohemian King Wenceslaus to appose the
Papal Schism between Rome and Avignon
• Hus condemned Church use of Indulgences
• Arrested, Excommunicated, & Burned at the stake
15th Century Portrait of Jon Hus
being burned at the Stake
Moral Opposition to Church Practices
 Desiderius Erasmus (1466 – 1536) a Dutch Humanist
• Published a New Greek Testament in honor of Pope
Leo X in 1514
• Mutual admiration & conflict occurred with Martin Luther
• He supported Freedom of Will and questioned some of
the Sacraments of the Church
Simon Fish (c. 1460 – 1531) an English Reformer
• Published The Supplication for the Beggars charging
the Roman Catholic Church with avarice, murder, and
• He contended that Purgatory was never mentioned in
the Bible
Desiderius Erasmus in 1523 as
depicted by Hans Holbein
(the Younger)
• He condemned the practice of Indulgences by the
Roman Catholic Church
Church Leaders start Questionable Practices
 Pope Leo X (1475 – 1521) an Italian from Florence, Italy
• Born as Giovanni de Medici (Son of Lorenzo de Medici)
• Last non-priest to be elected Pope
• Initiated the sell of indulgences to build St. Peter’s Basilica
• Challenged the Protestant Reformation
 Johann Tetzel (1465 – 1519) German Dominican Preacher
• He was appointed as an Inquisitor in 1509
• Pope Leo X commissioned him to sell indulgences
throughout the German states
Portrait of Pope Leo X
By Raphael
• Remembered for the statement “As soon as a coin in
the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.”
• Accused of numerous frauds and embezzlements
• Shunned by both the church and public by 1519
Martin Luther
(1483 – 1546)
 German Monk and Professor in Wittenburg
 Oppose the sale of Indulgences by Johann
 Wrote the 95 Thesis to expose violations
of the Roman Catholic Church to the
 Johann Gutenberg’s Printing Press helped
spread Luther’s words throughout Europe
 Pope Leo X issued Papal Bull ordering
Luther to re-cant his words and answer
church charges of Blasphemy & Heresy
Portrait of Martin Luther in 1529 by Lucas Cranach
 Luther appears before the Pope & Holy
Roman Emperor at the Diet of Worms
in 1521
The Selling of Church Indulgences
The sale of indulgences
shown in A Question to a
Mintmaker, woodcut by
Jorg Breu the Elder of
Augsburg, circa 1530.
This printed receipt of indulgence was issued in
December 1521 and delivered to two brothers
at Einsiedeln by a Benedictine monk
Martin Luther’s 95 Thesis against the Roman Catholic Church
Luther appears before
The Pope & Holy Roman
Emperor at the Diet
of Worms in 1521