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LS 123
Accent: missing, superfluous, or in the wrong place
Missing word
Spelling mistake
Review how numbers are written in Spanish. See pages 19 and 113 of your text.
You need to begin the sentence or phrase with an inverted question mark or exclamation point. For example:
¿Cómo te llamas? or ¡Eso no es la verdad!
Not Spanish: use your dictionary to find the Spanish equivalent.
Incorrect choice of word. Yes, it’s Spanish, but it’s not the right word to use in this context.
Meaning unclear. Rework.
Incorrect structure. For example: no always precedes the verb in a negative sentence, so Ella habla no español,
should read Ella no habla español.
Use the negative form of this word. See page 162 for the corresponding word.
In the negative, we use the singular form. Tengo todos los libros.  No tengo ningún libro.
Error in agreement: nouns, articles and adjectives must all agree in number and gender. For example: el
diccionario pequeño; los diccionarios pequeños; la casa blanca; las casas blancas
Error in subject/verb agreement: the person doing the action and the conjugation of the verb must match. For
example: Yo eres would be incorrect, while Yo soy would be correct.
Incorrect subject. Make sure you’re talking about the right person.
Verb that is irregular in the form of “yo”. Check the appendix on verbs at the back of your textbook.
Stem changing verb: some verbs undergo a stem change when conjugated. For example: pensar (to think)  yo
pienso (e  ie). Check the conjugation of this verb at the back of your textbook or in your dictionary.
Irregular verb: check the conjugation of this verb at the back of your textbook or in your dictionary.
Reflexive verb. Must be accompanied by a reflexive pronoun: me, te, se, nos, os, se. The verb should be
conjugated according to the subject. For example: Yo me levanto a las seis. ¿A qué hora te levantas?
Not a reflexive verb.
Don’t forget to conjugate (change) the verb to reflect the subject (i.e. who is doing the action). For example: Yo
estudiar español should read Yo estudio español.
When you combine two verbs, the first should be conjugated while the second is left in the infinitive form. For
example: Yo necesito estudiar.
Use an infinitive after a preposition. E.g. Estudio para aprender.
Some common prepositions are: a, de, con, sin, por, para
Incorrect choice of SER or ESTAR.
ESTAR is used to indicate location, emotional or physical condition, and (along with the present participle) to form
the present progressive.
SER is used to indicate things that are considered defining characteristics: such as nationality, origin, physical
appearance, age, etc. It is also used to indicate time, date, year, etc. (See p.153-154 for a more detailed
Special use of the verb TENER, please review page 51 of your text.
GUSTAR (or verbs like GUSTAR). See pages 62, 203-204, and 246-247.
When you indicate to whom something is pleasing, you must include A before the name. For example: A Pedro le
gusta el béisbol.
If there is one thing we like (ie. that is pleasing to us) we use GUSTA. If what we like is plural, we use GUSTAN.
With verbs, we always use GUSTA.
Me gusta el chocolate. No me gustan las langostas. Me gusta comer y dormir.
Include the definite article: el, la, los, las
Include the indefinite article: un, una, unos, unas
Change the definite article (for example el) to the indefinite article (un), or visa versa.
Incorrect preposition. For example: Trabajo a la cafeteria should read Trabajo en la cafeteria.
Certain verbs must be followed by the preposition “a” before you can add an infinitive. For example: (IR) Voy a
estudiar; (REGRESAR) Regreso a mi casa. (EMPEZAR) Empiezo a comprender; (APRENDER) Aprendo a
When the direct object of a verb is human, you must include the preposition “a” (known as the a personal) to
indicate this. Notice the difference between: Miro la tele. versus Miro a mi amigo.
The exception to this rule is the verb TENER. (Tengo un hermano.)
Incorrect use or omission of a possessive adjective. Possessive adjectives are: mi(s), tu(s), su(s), nuestro/a(s),
vuestro/a(s). See page142 of your text for more information.
Include the direct object pronoun: me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las
Include the indirect object pronoun: me, le, nos, os, les
Incorrect placement of the pronoun (or pronouns.) Review pages 402, 408, 411 of your text.
You need to review how to use two pronouns together. See page 411 of your textbook.
Incorrect tense.
Incorrect form of the past tense.
This clause should be followed by the subjunctive.
For example: Quiero que tú tengas un buen fin de semana. Or: Es possible que llueva mañana.
Remember that the subjunctive is used to indicate doubt, possibility, influence, hope for the future, or emotional
There is only one subject here so omit the que and use the infinitive. For example: “Yo quiero que yo gane la
lotería.” should read: “Yo quiero ganar la lotería.”
This clause indicates certainty and must be followed by the indicative. If you wish to indicate doubt, use the
negative form. No creo que, no pienso que, would require the subjunctive.
Remember to be consistent. If you’re going to use the formal mode, don’t switch into the informal mode, or visa