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Blood and Blood Cells - Notes
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Blood transports substances and maintains homeostasis in the body.
Hematophobia =
What kind of tissue is blood?
Composed of 2 basic components:
1. Cells (rbc, wbc, platelets)
2. Plasma (water, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, cellular
Hematocrit -
Types of Blood Cells:
red blood cells (erythrocytes)
white blood cells (leukocytes)
platelets (thrombocytes)
RED BLOOD CELLS (erythrocytes)
What is their shape?
How many are found in a cubic millimeter?
What cell structure is missing from blood cells?
What is hematopoeisis?
How are old blood cells destroyed?
What hormone causes the production of rbc's?
Main Functions of Red Blood Cells
- transport O2 throughout body, removes CO2
- Hemoglobin = molecule which combines with O2 to transport it
Blood and Blood Cells - Notes
Oxyhemoglobin - plenty of oxygen, color =
Deoxyhemoglobin - not carrying much O2, color =
Elements Critical for RBC Production =
Anemia = too few RBC
General function - defend the body against disease-causing agents (microorganisms)
PLATELETS (thrombocytes)
- help initiate formation of blood clots, close breaks in damaged blood vessels
Blood Plasma
- the liquid portion of the blood, 92% water
- transport nutrients, gases, vitamins, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, and pH
Blood and Blood Cells - Notes
Plasma Proteins
1. Albumins 2. Globulins 3. Fibrinogen Hemostasis - the process of stopping bleeding. Involves coagulation and the clotting
of blood to seal site of damage, 3 Key Events:
1. Blood vessel spasm =
2. Platelet plug formation =
3. Blood coagulation =
Thrombin causes change of fibrinogen to fibrin, which trap platelets
and blood cells to form a hematoma
Thrombus = a blood clot abnormally forming in a vessel
Embolus = when the clot moves and becomes lodged in another place