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Advanced Database Systems:
transactions, database tuning, and
advanced topics
Dennis Shasha, [email protected]
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Main Topics
• Concurrency control — ensuring that each
user appears to execute in isolation.
• Recovery — tolerating failures and guaranteeing atomicity.
• Database Tuning — how to make your
database run faster.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Concurrency Control
Here is the BALANCES table:
Employee Number
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Concurrency Control — continued
Suppose the execution of several transactions
overlaps in time. Assume that we are running
a transaction, T1, that should compute and
print the total of employee balances.
Suppose employee 121 wants to move 40 from
account 121 to 101 using transaction T2.
Concurrency control must guarantee that the
outcome is as if T1 happened before T2 or
T2 happened before T1.
AVOID: debit from account 121, T1, then
credit to 101.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
The database must remain “consistent” despite the fact that hardware fails.
Suppose the above balances are to be credited
with their monthly interest. A single transaction might perform the updates.
Every account should be updated exactly once.
The recovery subsystem guarantees that this
change is all-or-nothing.
Once the transaction “commits,” the update
is secure.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Database Tuning
What is it?
The activity of attaining high performance for
data-intensive applications.
• Performance = throughput, usually.
• Performance = response time for real-time
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Tuning in Context
Designing an Information System requires:
• An accurate model of the real world —
user requirements analysis and specification.
Knowledge acquisition + Intuition + CASE
• High performance.
The concern of tuning.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Tuning Issues — just about everything
• Conceptual to logical schema mappings
— normalization, vertical partitioning,
aggregate maintenance.
• Logical to physical schema mappings —
indexes, distribution, disk layout.
• Transaction design — query formulation,
isolation degree desired, and transaction
• Operating system and hardware choices
— buffer size, thread priorities, number of
disks, processors, and amount of memory.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Target for this Material
• Database administrators and sophisticated
application users who already have a database
management system.
Question: How can I improve performance?
• Potential purchasers of a database
management system.
Question: What criteria should I use to
choose a system?
• Designers of a database management system.
Question: What facilities are important?
Also for students....
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Tuning Complements Internals
• Internals: teach how to build B-trees.
Tuning: show relationship between key
size, fanout, and depth.
This in turns motivates discussion of
• Internals: teach clustering indexes, then
later concurrency control.
Tuning: show how clustering indexes can
reduce concurrent contention for
insert-intensive applications.
This in turn motivates discussion of
the implementation of record-locking.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Why a Principled Approach?
• Portability — you can use techniques on
different systems or on different releases
of one system.
• Generalizability — principles will lead you
to good choices about features that we
don’t discuss.
• Comprehensibility — you can keep it all in
your head.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Overview of Tuning Part
Unit 1: basic principles of tuning.
Unit 2: concurrency control, logging, operating system, hardware.
theory applied to tuning: transaction chopping
Unit 3: index selection and maintenance.
Unit 4: tuning relational systems.
Unit 5: application-database interactions
Unit 6: data warehouses.
Unit 7+: case studies from consulting.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Advanced Topics
During the semester, we will discuss advanced
topics of my current research interest as appropriate. Here are some possibilities:
1. Data structures for decision support.
2. Data mining (why large databases make
statistics easy).
3. Buffering algorithms for databases and operating systems that beat LRU (theorists hide
a lot in those factors of 2).
4. Farout but very fast approaches to data
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Principles of Concurrency Control
Goal: Allow many users (perhaps many computers)
to use database at same time (concurrently).
Also “correctly.”
Rationale: While one transaction waits for a
or a write, allow another to do some work.
Same as operating system rationale.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Basic Unit of Work: a transaction
Transaction is a program including accesses
to the database.
Example: to process a sale, credit (reduce)
inventory and debit (increase) cash.
Assumption: If a database starts in a consistent state and transactions are executed serially, then the database remains consistent.
Correctness: Make concurrent execution have
same effect as a serial one. Give user illusion
of executing alone.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Model for Concurrency Control
Database is a set of data items. (Independent
of any data model).
Operations: read(data item); write(data item,
begin transaction
sequence of operations
end transaction
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
What’s the big deal?
Bank has two automatic teller machines and
Bob shares an account with Alice.
Bob wants to transfer 10000 dollars from checking to savings. Alice wants to check total in
both (which she believes to be about $30000.)
ATM1: Bob withdraws 10000 from checking.
ATM2: Alice returns checking+savings
ATM1: Bob deposits 10000 into savings.
Alice sees only about $20,000, accuses Bob
of gambling, and gets a divorce.
Reason: Execution was not “serializable.”
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
A concurrent execution of a set of transactions is serializable if it produces the same
return values from each read and the same
result state as a serial execution of the same
Banking example was not serializable. Can
you see why by looking at pattern of reads
and writes?
R1(checking) W1(checking) R2(checking)
R2(savings) R1(savings) W1(savings)
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Criterion for serializability
Two operations conflict if they both access
the same data item and at least one is a write.
Schedule – sequence of interleaved operations
from different transactions. Actually, operations on different arguments need not be ordered in time, provided conflicting ones are.
Schedule is serializable if following graph
(serialization graph) is acyclic:
Nodes are transactions.
Edge from Ti to Tj if an operation from Ti
precedes and conflicts with an operation from
Tj .
For example, T 1 −→ T 2 because of checking
and T 2 −→ T 1 because of savings. Hence
schedule is not serializable.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Schedule Equivalence
We say Ri(x) reads-from Wj(x) if Wj(x) precedes Ri(x) and there is no intervening Wk(x).
We say Wi(x) is a final-write if no Wk(x) follows it.
Two schedules are equivalent if
1) each read reads-from the same writes in
both schedules; and
Condition 1 ensures that each transaction reads
the same values from the database in each
schedule. So it must issue the same writes
(assuming writes depend only on values read
and not on something else, such as time).
2) they have the same final writes. Same final
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Serialization Graph Theorem
Theorem: If the serialization graph of a
computation is acyclic, then every transaction
reads the same values and writes the same
values as it would in a serial execution consistent with the graph.
Proof: Take any topological sort of the graph.
The topological sort represents a serial schedule with each transaction’s operations executing all alone. We want to prove first that the
serial schedule has the same reads-from as the
schedule that produced the graph. We will do
that by looking at each item x and showing
that each transaction reads the same value of
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Serialization Graph Theorem Continued
Suppose the actual execution and the serial
order have different reads-from. Suppose Rm(x)
of Tm reads x from Wp(x) of Tp in the serial
order, but Rm(x) of Tm reads x from Wq (x) of
Tq in actual execution (implying that both Tq
→ Tm and Tp → Tm). Since both Tp and Tq
contain writes to x, they must be connected in
the serialization graph, so these three transactions must be ordered in the graph. Two
1) Tp → Tq . Then Tq must fall between Tp and
Tm in serial schedule. So Tm reads-from Tq in
serial schedule. Contradiction.
2) Tq → Tp. Then Tm must read x from Tp in
actual execution. Contradiction.
Final write: Your homework.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Guaranteeing Serializability
Predeclaration Locking: Transaction obtains
exclusive locks to data it needs, accesses the
data, then releases the locks at the end.
Exclusive lock: While T1 holds an exclusive
lock on x, no other transaction may hold a
lock on x.
Implies: concurrent transactions must access
disjoint parts of the database.
Example: L1(x) R1(x) L2(y,z) W2(z) W1(x)
UL1(x) W2(y) UL2(y,z)
Non-Example: L1(x,z) R1(x) ?L2(z,y) W2(z)
W1(z) UL1(x,z) W2(y)
Even though this is serializable. Transaction
2 cannot get a lock on z.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Two Phase Locking
Problem: Can’t always predict needed data
items; even if could, predeclaration locking is
often too conservative.
Solution: Get locks as you need them, but
don’t release them until the end.
Two phases: acquire locks as you go, release
locks at end. Implies acquire all locks before
releasing any.
Theorem: If all transactions in an execution
are two-phase locked, then the execution is
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Two Phase locking Proof Sketch
Call the lockpoint of a transaction, the earliest
moment when that transaction holds all its
Suppose there is a cycle in the serialization
graph: T1 → T2 → ... → Tn → T1. Then T1 accesses an item x1 before T2 accesses x1 and
the accesses conflict (at least one writes x1).
So T1 must release its lock after lockpoint(T1)
and before T2 acquires its lock on x1, which is
before lockpoint(T2). Therefore lockpoint(T1)
precedes lockpoint(T2). Similarly, there is an
x2 such that T2 accesses x2 before T3 and the
accesses conflict. So, lockpoint(T2) precedes
lockpoint(T3). By transitivity, lockpoint(T1)
precedes lockpoint(T1). Obviously absurd.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Read locks
Two phase locking based on exclusive locks is
too conservative. Consider the schedule:
R1(x) R2(x) R2(y) R1(y).
Since none of these write, every order is equivalent. So, exclusive (write) locks are too strong.
Introduce notion of shared (read) locks.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Read Lock Rules
• While T holds a read lock on x, no other
transaction may acquire an exclusive lock
on x.
While T holds an exclusive lock on x, no
other transaction may acquire any lock on
• T acquires a read lock on item x if it only
wants to read x.
T acquires an exclusive lock on x if it may
want to write x.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Deadlock Detection
Construct a blocking (waits-for) graph. T −→
T’ if T’ has a lock on an item x and T needs
a lock on x.
If system discovers a cycle, it aborts some
transaction in cycle (perhaps lowest priority
one or most recently started one).
Example: T1 −→ T2, T2 −→ T4, T4 −→ T5,
T4 −→ T3, T3 −→ T1
Abort one of T1, T2, T3, T4.
Cycle detection need not happen frequently.
Deadlock doesn’t go away.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Database Concurrency Control
and Operating System Concurrency Control
Similarities: notion of mutual exclusion. Concern with deadlock.
Difference: Database concurrency control
concerned with accesses to multiple data items.
Operating Systems generally only concerned
about synchronized access to single resources.
When multiple accesses are required, operating system will get a coarse lock that covers
That would be like locking the whole database
or a whole relation — unacceptable in database
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Multi-granularity Locks
What if your system has some short transactions (update a seat) and some long ones
(write a report)?
It would be nice to use fine (record) level granularity for the first and coarse (file) level granularity for the second.
Solution: use intention locks.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
What are Intention Locks?
In basic scheme, there are intention read and
intention write locks. No intention lock conflicts with any other.
However, intention read locks conflict with
write locks. Intention write locks conflict with
read and write locks.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Using Intention Locks
Intention lock down to the level of granularity
above what you need, e.g. intention write the
database and file, then write lock the record.
The report writer would intention read the
database, then read lock the file.
Thus, it would conflict with writes of the file,
but not with writes to another file.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Deadlock Avoidance Protocols
Give each transaction a unique timestamp.
Require that numbers given to transactions
always increase.
Use two phase locking.
Rosenkrantz, Stearns, Lewis, ACM Transactions on Database Systems 1978.
Desired Effect: Older transactions eventually
make it, because no one aborts them. Proviso: no transaction is allowed to stop trying
to make progress.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Wait-Die and Kill-Wait
• Wait-die: If T tries to access a lock held
by an older transaction (one with a lesser
timestamp), then T aborts and restarts.
Otherwise T waits for the other transaction to complete.
• Kill-wait: If T tries to access a lock held
by an older transaction (one with a lesser
timestamp), then T waits.
Otherwise T aborts the other transaction.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Summary of deadlock considerations
Goals: 1. Every transaction will eventually
2. Want to keep deadlocks as short a time as
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Issue: Victim selection
current blocker – The one you find right away.
random blocker – any one at all.
min locks – one that holds fewest locks.
youngest – one with the most recent initial
startup time.
min work – pick the transaction that has consumed the least amount of physical resources.
min locks has best performance, though it
doesn’t guarantee termination.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Performance Conclusion
Use a locking strategy such as two phase locking.
Get highest throughput by using continuous
detection and min locks strategy. Picking the
youngest is within 10% of best throughout.
This assumes that deadlock detection itself
requires no work.
Kill-wait strategy comes in second, but is better if deadlock detection itself is expensive.
Also, in interactive environments where think
times are long, deadlock detection can cause
excessive blocking (even in absence of deadlock, a person may be very slow).
May try to optimize kill-wait as follows: wait
for some time before killing.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Optimistic Protocols (certifying)
Kung and Robinson, ”On optimistic methods
for concurrency control,” proc. 1979 international conference on very large databases.
Do not delay any operation, but don’t change
the permanent database either.
At commit time, decide whether to commit
or abort the transaction.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Optimistic Protocols at Commit
Ti’s readset, RS(i) = {x st Ti has read x}
WS(i) = { x st Ti has written x to a workspace}
When receiving endi, certifier does the following:
RS(active) = ∪ RS(j) for Tj active but j 6= i
WS(active) = ∪ WS(j) for Tj active but j 6= i
if RS(i) ∩ WS(active) = φ
and WS(i) ∩ (RS(active) ∪ WS(active)) = φ
then certify (commit)
else abort
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Verifying Optimisitic Protocols
Theorem: Certifier produces serializable schedules.
Proof: Only care about certified transactions.
If Ti → Tj , then Ti must have been certified
before Tj accessed the item on which they
conflict. (Two cases: Ti writes x before Tj
accesses x and Ti reads x before Tj writes x.)
This relation must be acyclic.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Applications for optimistic concurrency control
source: ”The datacycle architecture for very
high throughput database systems” Gary Herman, Gita Gopal, K. C. Lee, and Abel Weinrib, ACM SIGMOD 1987
In the Datacycle architecture proposed at Bell
Communications Research, there is a central
site that broadcasts the entire database repeatedly.
Updates to the database may come from any
site. These come across separate wires from
the broadcast wires from the central site.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Datacycle Architecture
Because the entire database is broadcast periodically, read and write locks would be absurd.
Read-only transactions commit provided they
read data from a single broadcast cycle.
An update transaction commits if the versions
of the data it reads are still the current versions. Updates are effected between broadcast cycles.
Why does this work? See homework.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Multiversion Read Consistency
A much used protocol in practice.
A read-only transaction obtains no locks. Instead, it appears to read all data items that
have committed at the time the read transaction begins.
Implementation: As concurrent updates take
place, save old copies.
Why does this work? See homework.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Available Copies Algorithm
Replicated data can enhance fault tolerance
by allowing a copy of an item to be read even
when another copy is down.
Basic scheme:
Read from one copy;
Write to all copies
On read, if a client cannot read a copy of x
from a server (e.g. if client times out ), then
read x from another server.
On write, if a client cannot write a copy of x
(e.g. again, timeout), then write to all other
copies, provided there is at least one.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Available Copies Continued
• At Commit time: For two phase locked
transactions, ensure that all servers that
you accessed (read or write) have been
up since the first time they were accessed.
Otherwise, abort. (Note: Read-only transactions need not abort in this case.)
• When a new site is introduced or a site
recovers: The unreplicated data is available immediately for reading. Copies of
replicated data items should not respond
to a read on x until a committed copy of
x has been written to them.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Site recovery
0. Commit transactions that should be committed and abort the others.
1. All non-replicated items are available to
read and write.
2. Replicated parts:
Option 1: Quiesce the system (allow all transactions to end, but don’t start new ones) and
have this site read copies of its items from
any other up site. When done, this service
has recovered.
Option 2: The site is up immediately. Allow
writes to copies. Reject reads to x until a
write to x has occurred.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Reason for Abort on Failure
Suppose we don’t abort when sites that we
have read from fail. Assume that lock managers are local to sites.
Suppose we have sites A, B, C, and D. A and
B have copies of x (xA and xB) and C and D
have copies of y (yC and yD).
T1: R(x) W(y)
T2: R(y) W(x)
Suppose we have R1(xA) R2(yD) site A fails;
site D fails; W1(yC) W2(xB)
Here we have an apparently serializable computation, yet transaction 2 reads y before transaction 1 writes it and transaction 1 reads x
before transaction 2 writes it.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Available Copies Problems
Suppose T1 believes site A is down but T2
reads from it. This could easily give us a nonserializable execution, since T2 might not see
T1’s write to a variable that A holds.
So, when T1 believes a site is down, all sites
must agree. This implies no network partitions.
If network partitions are possible, then use a
quorum. In simplest form: all reads and all
writes must go to a majority of all sites.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Weikum’s technique
• Research group at ETH Zurich led by Gerhard Weikum looked for automatic load
control techniques to maximize throughput.
They observe that higher multiprogramming levels may make better use of resources but may also increase increase data
• Key parameter: Fraction of locks that are
held by blocked transactions. If that fraction is 0, then there is no waiting. If it
is .23 or higher, then there is likely to be
excessive data contention.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Escrow Method
• Work by Pat O’Neil. Consider an aggregate data item, e.g. account balance.
• Observe that the operations are commutative, e.g. additions and subtractions.
Want to avoid holding locks until the end
of the transaction, but a subtraction can’t
go through if there are insufficient funds.
• Basic idea: perform the operation on the
balance, release the lock, but keep the update in an escrow account. If the transaction commits, then update on balance
becomes permanent. Otherwise undone
is performed based on Escrow account.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Ken Salem and Hector Garcia-Molina: long
lived activities consisting of multiple steps
that are independent transactions. Example: making a multi-city airline reservation
for a large number of individuals.
• Each step is an independent transaction
and has a compensating counter-transaction.
Counter-transactions attempt to undo the
affect of the transaction, e.g. cancel a
reservation that a reservation transaction
• A compensating transaction commits only
if the corresponding component transaction commits but the saga aborts.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Workflow Systems
• I have an organization with many closed
database systems, e.g. a telephone company or a sales and manufacturing organization.
• An activity might be a sale. This touches
many databases. The results of one database
may affect the steps taken by the next
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Taxonomy of Workflow Applications
• route work among people in a good way
(e.g. Lotus Notes).
• Workflow
Management Coalition gives an overview
of systems.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Principles of Logging and Recovery
Motivation: Hardware and software sometimes
fail. Normal programs just restart. But data
may be corrupted.
Example: Money transaction fails after adding
money to cash, but before subtracting value
of item from inventory. Accounts unbalanced.
Recovery avoids incorrect states by ensuring
that the system can produce a database that
reflects only successfully completed transactions.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
What is a failure?
Innocent question, huge effect on algorithms.
Traitorous failure – failed components continue to run, but perform incorrect (perhaps
malicious) actions.
Clean failure – when a site fails, it stops running. (Mimics hardware error on fail-stop processors.)
Soft clean failure – contents of main memory are lost, but secondary memory (disks and
tapes) remain. Secondary memory called stable storage.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Our Assumptions
• Soft clean failure.
Protect secondary memory using disk mirroring or redundant arrays of disks.
Paranoia must be no deeper than your
• Atomic write – Can write a single page to
disk in an all or nothing manner.
Use checksums to see whether a write succeeded.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Database Model
Database — set of data items in stable storage. Each data item is a page.
Audit trail — set of data items in stable storage. Each data item is a page. (Scratch
Read — read a page from database.
Write — write a page to stable storage.
Commit — indicate that transaction has terminated and all updated pages should be permanently reflected in the database.
Abort — indicate that no updates done by
transaction should be reflected in the database.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
States of a Transaction
Active — issued neither abort nor commit.
Aborted — issued abort.
Committed — issued commit.
Note: a transaction may not be both committed and aborted.
Objective of recovery: Ensure that after a
failure, can reconstruct the database so it has
updates from committed transactions only.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Strategy: Keep around redundant information
The before-image of x with respect to a transaction T is the value of x just before the first
write of T on x occurs.
The after-image of x with respect to a transaction T is the value of x just after the last
write of T on x occurs.
Want to keep around before-images until commit and want after-images in stable storage by
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Logging Rules
1. Log-ahead rule: Ensure that before-images
of all pages updated by T are in stable
storage at least until T commits.
Allows system to recreate state before T
2. Commit rule: When T commits, have
after-images of all pages updated by T
somewhere in stable storage.
Allows system to create a database state
reflecting T’s updates.
Rules + atomicity of commit = recoverability
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Algorithmic Taxonomy
Undo strategy — Some of T’s writes may
go to the database before T commits. If T
aborts, the system restores the database state
to one excluding the updates caused by T.
Redo strategy — Some of T’s writes may not
go to the database before T commits. Sometime after T commits, the system transfers
T’s updates from the audit trail or the buffer
to the database.
No Undo, No Redo
No Undo, Redo
Undo, No Redo
Undo, Redo
All four have been implemented.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
No Undo, Redo
Description: Each after-image for T is written to audit trail (i.e. log) sometime before
commit time. Satisfies commit rule.
Before-images not touched in database. Satisfies log-ahead rule.
Commit step consists of writing “commit T”
in the audit trail atomically (i.e., on a single
Recovery from System failure — transfer pages
from audit trail to database of committed
Abort a transaction — erase its audit trail
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
No Undo, Redo — Issues
Question: When exactly to write committed
pages to database? (At commit or later.)
Issues: size of physical memory; disk head
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Undo, No Redo
Description: Transaction first transfers
before-image of each page to audit trail, then
puts the after-image in the database.
Commit — write a commit page to audit trail.
Abort a transaction — write all before-images
of pages updated by the transaction into database.
Recovery from System failure — abort all
uncommitted transactions.
Issue: Requires forcing pages to database disks
while transaction executes. Bad for performance.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Redo and Undo (Writeahead log)
Description: T doesn’t touch the database
disks for short transactions, but may write
after-images to the database for long update
transactions. In such a case, it writes the
before-image to the audit trail first.
Commit — write commit record to audit trail.
Abort — Transfer necessary before-images back
to the database.
Recovery from System failure — abort all
uncommitted transactions.
Evaluation: requires more I/O than the above
schemes, but that I/O is all to the audit trail.
Most freedom for buffer manager.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
No Redo, No Undo
Assume we have a directory on one page that
points to every data item. (Otherwise, create
a data structure with one page at the root.)
Description: Duplicate the directory. Call one
real and the other shadow. Record transaction T’s updates on the shadow directory, but
don’t change the items pointed to by the real
Commit consists of making the shadow directory the real one and making the real one the
shadow directory.
Abort and recovery require no work.
Evaluation: disrupts secondary memory layout. Very fast recovery.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Recovery and Concurrency Control
The two are conceptually independent.
Reason: When scheduling algorithm allows a
transaction to commit, it is saying that T’s
updates may become permanent. Recovery
merely ensures that the updates become permanent in a safe way.
Example: Two Phase Locking + Redo, No
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
2PL + Redo, No Undo
Transaction acquires locks as it needs them
and doesn’t release them until commit (in
primitive versions, until writes are written to
the database disks). All writes during transaction are to audit trail.
If transaction aborts, system releases locks
and frees pages of audit trail.
Try Optimistic + Undo, No Redo?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Distributed Commit Protocols
Scenario: Transaction manager (representing
user) communicates with several database servers.
Main problem is to make the commit atomic.
Naive approach: Transaction manager asks
first server whether it can commit. It says
yes. Transaction manager tells it to commit. Transaction manager asks next server
whether it can commit. It says no. Transaction manager tells it to abort.
Result: partially committed transaction. Should
have aborted.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Two phase commit:
1) Transaction manager asks all servers whether
they can commit.
1b) Upon receipt, each able server saves all
updates to stable storage and responds yes.
If server cannot say yes (e.g. because of a
concurrency control problem), then it says no.
In that case, it can immediately forget the
2) If all say yes then transaction manager tells
them all to commit. Otherwise, (some say
no or don’t respond after a time) transaction
manager tells them all to abort.
2b) Upon receipt, the server writes the commit record.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Failure Scenarios
If a database server fails during first step, all
If a database server fails during second step, it
can see when it recovers that it must commit
the transaction.
If transaction manager fails during second step,
then the servers who haven’t received commit
either must wait or must ask other servers
what they should do.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Performance Enhancements
1. Read-only transaction optimization. Suppose a given server has only done reads (no
updates) for a transaction. Instead of responding to the transaction manager that it
can commit, it responds READ-only.
The transaction manager can thereby avoid
sending that server a commit message.
2. Eager server optimization. If the protocol dictates that each server will receive
at most one message from each transaction,
then the server can precommit after completing its work and inform the transaction manager that it is prepared to commit. The transaction manager then does the second phase.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
On Recovery
A site can play the role of a transaction manager and a server.
Transaction manager role: Site checks its commit log (this is a stable log of all the ”commit
T” commands that it has written). It then
checks all the server logs and resends commits
for any transaction that has been committed
at the site but has not been committed at the
Server role: Site checks its logs for transactions that have been precommitted only. It
then asks the manager of that transaction
what to do. It can also ask the other servers
what to do, if the other servers don’t forget
their transaction information.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Throw Away Concurrency Control and Two Phase Commit
Arthur Whitney
KX Systems, [email protected]
Dennis Shasha
New York University, [email protected]
Steve Apter
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Our Biases
• Lots of experience helping people speed
up applications.
Arthur: design a better programming language.
Dennis: tune the databases and fix bugs.
• Modern database systems seem to require
many escapes, e.g. for Wall Street analytics, graphical user interfaces. We prefer a
monolingual environment that embodies a
programming language.
• Our customers are impatient and very nervous.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
What’s Wrong With Concurrency
Control and 2PC
• Concurrency Control:
Nasty bugs: if aborts aren’t handled properly by the application, effects of aborted
transactions leave effects on program variables. These bugs are not discovered until
Performance: bottlenecks on shared resources are frequent. They require radical
schema changes, e.g. hash the processid
into a special field, version fields.
• Two Phase Commit:
Customers don’t like the message overhead of two phase commit, particularly
in WAN environments, so they settle for
replication servers which give warm, not
hot, backups.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
An Example Alternative
• Main memory database, logically single threaded,
operation logging, full replication. Net result: a replicated state machine whose
commits are uncoordinated.
• Operations are logged and acked in batches,
so much less than one overhead message
per transaction. Each site dumps its state
in a round robin fashion.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Large Databases: what is needed
• Since the algorithm executes transactions
sequentially, big databases (i.e., too big
for RAM) can’t take advantage of disk
Like life before operating systems.
• Executing in order of arrival is too slow,
but want to appear to do so.
• NB: Serializability at each replicated site
is not enough. Do you see why?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
1. Construct a predicate called CONFLICT
that takes two transaction instances and
determines whether they would conflict.
2. If t CONFLICTS with t’ and t has an earlier arrival number than t’, then form a directed edge (t, t’). This produces a graph
G = (T, E) where T is the set of all the
transactions in the batch (or batches) and
E is the set of directed edges formed as
3. Execute T in parallel, respecting the order
implied by E.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Issues with OBEYORDER
• Need a CONFLICT predicate.
difficult to write.)
(Can be
• If there are many conflicts, must do more.
Observe: can always prefetch data provided it is globally visible.
• The old standby: if data can be partitioned, buy another processor.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• In-memory databases can use a different
approach from on-disk databases (just ask
TimesTen). No concurrency control, operation recovery, and hot backups.
• If data spills over to disk, then you need to
invent a new concurrency control scheme.
• You can get transactional guarantees plus
hot backup, all with low overhead.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Simple, Rational Guidance
for Chopping Up Transactions
How to Get Serializability
Without Paying For It
Dennis Shasha
Eric Simon
Patrick Valduriez
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Many proposals for concurrency control
Aimed at designers.
• Practitioners are stuck with two phase locking. Their only tuning knobs are
– chop transactions into smaller pieces
– choose degrees 1 or degree 2 isolation.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Critical Assumption
Environment in which we know the transaction mix (e.g., real-time or on-line transaction
That is, no unpredictable, ad hoc queries.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase Transaction — 1
add value of item to inventory;
subtract money from cash.
Constraint: cash should never be negative.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase Transaction — 2
Application programmers chop as follows:
1. First transaction checks to see whether
there is enough cash.
If so, add value of item to inventory.
Otherwise, abort the purchase.
2. The second transaction subtracts the value
of the item from cash.
Cash sometimes becomes negative. Why?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase Transaction — 3
No surprise to your university professor, who
says something like:
You fool! You should never have chopped this
transaction up!
Why did I pass you from my course anyway?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase Transaction — 4
Surprise: Simple variant guarantees that cash
will never become negative.
1. First transaction checks to see whether
there is enough cash.
If so, subtract cash.
Otherwise, abort the purchase.
2. The second transaction adds value of item
to inventory.
Goal of research: Find out why this works!
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Special Recovery Hacks
Must keep track of which transaction piece
has completed in case of a failure.
Suppose each user X has a table UserX.
• As part of first piece, perform
insert into UserX (i, p, ’piece 1’), where i
is the inventory item and p is the price.
• As part of second piece, perform
insert into UserX(i, p, ’piece 2’).
Recovery includes reexecuting the second pieces
of inventory transactions whose first pieces
have finished.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
For simplicity, assume sequential transactions.
A chopping is a partition of the transaction
into pieces
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Graphical Characterization
Chopping graph — Undirected graph whose
nodes are pieces. Two kinds of labeled edges.
1. Conflicts: C edge between p and p’ if the
two pieces come from different transactions and issue conflicting instructions.
2. Siblings: S edge between p and p’ if they
come from the same original transaction.
Note: no edge can have both an S and a C
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
A chopping of a set of transactions is correct
if any execution of the chopping is equivalent
to some serial execution of the original transactions.
Equivalent = every read returns same value in
two executions and writes write same value.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Sufficient Conditions for Correctness
SC-cycle — a simple cycle that includes at
least one S edge and at least one C edge.
Theorem 1: A chopping is correct if its
chopping graph contains no SC-cycle.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase Example
Original transactions:
1. if cash > p then invent(i) += p;
2. cash -= p;
If we chop P(i,p) into two transactions, we’ll
get an SC-cycle.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase Variant
Original transactions:
1. if cash > p then cash -= p;
2. invent(i) += p;
Chopping P(i,p) does not introduce an SCcycle.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Purchase transaction ( price, item)
1. read(cash); If cash price then
read(inventoty[item]); inventory[item]+=price;
2. read(cash); cash-=price;
The chopping graph has SC-cycles
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
1. read (cash); if cash price then
read (cash); cash-=price;
2. read(inventory[item]; inventory[item]+=price;
There is no SC-cycle in the chopping graph
Fig. C.2
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Question: Does a finest chopping exist?
Answer: yes.
Key Observation: If T is chopped and is in an
SC-cycle with respect to T’, then chopping
T’ further or gluing the pieces of T’ together
will not eliminate that cycle.
Moral: if chopping T causes a cycle, then
nothing you do to other transactions can help.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Suppose we break p of T’ into p1 and p2.
If p is in a cycle, then p1 will have an S edge
to p2, so at most the cycle will be lengthened.
Suppose we combine two pieces p1 and p2 of
T’ into piece p.
If p1 alone had been in a cycle, then so will
p. If cycle went through S edge between p1
and p2, then cycle will just be shorter.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Systematic Method to Obtain
Finest Chopping
Original set of transactions: T1, T2, ..., Tn.
• For each transaction Ti, Fi = chop Ti as
finely as possible with respect to the other
(unchopped) transactions.
• Finest chopping is F1, F2, ..., Fn.
Algorithm is connected components algorithm
in C graph for each Ti. Complexity is O(n ×
(e + m)), where e is the number of C edges in
the transaction graph and m is max number
of database accesses.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Example Application
Suppose a single query of form:
FROM account
is concurrent with updates of the form:
Update ...
FROM account
WHERE acctnum = :x
If acctnum is a key, then conflict on only one
Can run at degree 2 isolation. (Or could chop
if all updates in first query were modifies.)
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
accntnum = :x
accntnum = :x
Degree 2 isolation has the effect of chopping the scan
so each record access is a single transaction.
In this case, degree 2 isolation is as good as degree 3.
Reason: no SC-cycle because Replace is on a key.
Fig. C.4
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Future Work
simple, efficient algorithm to partition transactions into the smallest pieces possible when
transaction mix is known.
• How to extend to sagas (undo transactions), tree-locking, multi-level concurrency
• Suppose a given set of transactions do
not chop well. Can one partition the set
into several subsets, execute each subset
in its own subinterval, and thereby achieve
a good chopping?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Lessons from Wall Street:
case studies in configuration,
tuning, and distribution
Dennis Shasha
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Computer Science
New York University
[email protected]
occasional database tuning consultant on Wall Street
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Wall Street Social Environment
• Very secretive, but everyone knows everything anyway (because people move and
• Computers are cheap compared to people. e.g., 200 gigs of RAM is a common
configuration for a server and will grow.
• Two currencies: money and fury.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Wall Street Technical Environment
• Analytical groups use APL or Matlab or
Excel with extensions to value financial instruments: bonds,
derivatives, and so on. These are the
“rocket scientists” because they use continuous mathematics and probability (e.g.
Wiener processes).
• Mid-office (trading blotter) systems use
Sybase. These maintain positions and prices.
Must be fast to satisfy highly charged traders
and to avoid arbitrage (delays can result
in inconsistencies).
• Backoffice databases handle final clearance.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Configuration — disaster-proof systems,
interoperability among different languages
and different databases.
• Global Systems — semantic replication,
rotating ownership, chopping batches.
• Tuning — clustering, concurrency, and
hashing; forcing plans.
• Complaints, Kudos, and a Request
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Preparing for Disaster
• Far from the simple model of stable storage that we sometimes teach, though the
principles still apply.
• Memory fails, disks fail (in batches), fires
happen (Credit Lyonnais, our little terrorist incident), and power grids fail. If your
system is still alive, you have a big advantage.
• You can even let your competitors use
your facilities ... for a price.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Bond Futures
• Server for trading bond futures having to
do with home mortgages.
• Application used only a few days per month,
but the load is heavy. During a weekend
batch run, 11 out of 12 disks from a single
vendor-batch failed.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
High Availability Servers
• A pair of shared memory multiprocessors
attached to RAID disks.
• If the primary multiprocessor fails, the backup
does a warm start from the disks.
• If a disk fails, RAID masks it.
• Does not survive disasters or correlated
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Client ..... Client ..... Client
Interface file
Disk Subsystem
Writes go to the primary and into the high availability
disk subsystem. This subsystem is normally a RAID device,
so can survive one or more disk failures.
If the primary fails, the secondary works off the same
disk image (warm start recovery).
Vulnerability: High availability disk subsystem fails
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Dump and Load
• Full dump at night. Incremental dumps
every three minutes.
• Can lose committed transactions, but there
is usually a paper trail.
• Backup can be far away.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Replication Server
• Full dump nightly. All operations at the
primary are sent to the secondary after
commit on the primary.
• May lose a few seconds of committed
• Slight pain to administer, e.g. schemas,
triggers, log size.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Client ..... Client ..... Client
Interface file
Log sniffer
Basic architecture of a replication server.
The backup reads operations after they are committed
on the primary. Upon failure, the secondary becomes the
primary by changing the interface file configuration variables.
Vulnerability: if there is a failure of the primary after commit
at the primary but before the data reaches the secondary, we
have trouble.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Remote Mirroring
• Writes to local disks are mirrored to disks
on a remote site. The commit at the local
machine is delayed until the remote disks
• Backup problems may cause primary to
• Reliable buffering can be used (e.g. Qualix),
but the net result is rep server without the
ability to query the backup.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Two Phase Commit
• Commits are coordinated between the primary and backup.
• Blocking can occur if the transaction monitor fails. Delays occur if backup is slow.
• Wall Street is scared of this.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Client ..... Client ..... Client
Two phase commit: transaction manager ensures
that updates on the primary and secondary are
commit-consistent. This ensures that the two
sides are in synchrony.
Vulnerability: blocking or long delays may occur
at the primary either due to delays at the secondary
(in voting) or failure of the transaction manager.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Quorum Approach (e.g., DEC,
HP, IBM, ISIS....)
• Servers are co-equal and are interconnected
via a highly redundant wide area cable.
• Clients can be connected to any server.
Servers coordinate via a distributed lock
• Disks are connected with the servers at
several points and to one another by a
second wide area link.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Heartbeats monitor the connectivity among
the various disks and processors.
• If a break is detected, one partition holding a majority of votes continues to execute.
• Any single failure of a processor, disk, site,
or network is invisible to the end users (except for a loss in performance).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Disk Wide Area Network
Processor Wide Area Network
Distributed lock manager
Quorum Approach as Used in most Stock and
Currency Exchanges.
Survives Processor, Disk, and Site failures.
Quorum approach used in most exchanges.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Which to Use
• Stock exchanges use the quorum approach.
• Midoffice database servers often use dump
and load or rep server. Symmetric approaches that may cause the primary to
delay are too scary.
• Don’t buy batches from one vendor.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Indicative Data Display
• Indicative data is data that doesn’t change
much, e.g. payment schedules of bonds,
customer information.
• Must be at a trader’s fingertips.
• Relational connections to personal computers are too slow. So data is held outside the database.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Please give me data
It’s 10 past the hour
Here is data.
You’re out of date
Here is new data.
The fashion is for the serves to be stateless,
but this implies that clients may have out-of-date data.
Stateful Servers are better.
What happens if two clients update concurrently?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
How to Handle Updates?
• Ignore updates until the next day (used all
too often).
• Program clients to request refresh at certain intervals.
• Have the server hold the state of the clients.
Send messages to each client when an update might invalidate a client copy or simply refresh the screens.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Question for Vendors
• Consider data structures that are kept outside the database because it is too computationally or graphically intensive to put
in the database.
• How best should you keep the data used
by that application up-to-date?
• What facilities should you give to handle
concurrent client updates?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Interdatabase Communication
• As in many industries, financial database
systems grow up as islands and then discover — surprise — they must interconnect. Source sends data to destination
which then sends some confirmation.
• Replication server is a possible solution to
this problem, but
(i) Commits at the source may not make
(ii) Responses from the destination imply
two-way replication. Known to be hazardous.
(iii) Hard to determine where the data is.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Use Tables as Buffers
• Implement a buffer table on the source
system side that holds information in the
denormalized form required by the destination side.
• The destination database reads a new tuple t from the buffer table.
• After processing t, the destination database
flags t as deletable or deletes t itself in the
buffer table.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Overcoming Blocking
• Get blocking if source and destination scan
the buffer table for update purposes.
• Approach 1: Destination database puts
responses in a different table to avoid updateupdate conflicts on the buffer table.
• Approach 2: Use clustering in the buffer
to avoid blocking.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Source System
Source system transactions write to
buffer tables and back office systems
read from them.
If back office systems must respond,
then either cluster the buffer tables
or use a second response table written
by the back office system.
Buffer Tables
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Clustering Solution Expanded
• Cluster on some hashing of a key value.
• Source writes new records to one cluster
at a time.
• Destination updates records in one cluster
at a time in round-robin fashion.
No FIFO guarantee, but every sent tuple
will be received.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
The Need for Globalization
• Stocks, bonds, and currencies are traded
nearly 24 hours per day (there is a small
window between the time New York closes
and Tokyo opens).
• Solution 1: centralized database that traders
can access from anywhere in the world via
a high-speed interconnect.
• Works well across the Atlantic, but is very
expensive across the Pacific. Need local
writes everywhere in case of network partition.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Distributed Solution
• Two phase commit worries users because
of blocking and delays. Replication can
result in race condition/anomalies. (e.g.
Gray et al. Sigmod 96).
• Sometimes, application semantics helps.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Options traders
• A trading group has traders in 8 locations
accessing 6 Sybase servers. Access is 90%
• Exchange rate data, however, is stored
centrally in London. Rate data is read
frequently but updated seldom (about 100
updates per day).
• For traders outside of London, getting
exchange rates is slow.
Can we replicate the rates?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Consistency Requirements
• If a trader in city X changes a rate and
then runs a calculation, the calculation
should reflect the new rate (So, can’t update London and wait for replication.)
• All sites must agree on a new exchange
rate after a short time (must converge).
(So, can’t use vanilla replication server.)
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Clock-based Replication
• Synchronize the clocks at the different sites.
(Use a common time server.)
• Attach a timestamp to each update of an
exchange rate.
• Put a database of exchange rates at each
site. An update will be accepted at a
database if and only if the timestamp of
the update is greater than the timestamp
of the exchange rate in that database.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Clients send rates to local machines where they take
immediate effect.
Rates and timestamps flow from one server to the other.
Latest timestamp does the update.
Ensures: convergence and primacy of latest knowledge.
Timestamped Replication
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Security Baskets
• Trade data is mostly local, but periodically
traders collect baskets of securities from
multiple sites.
• The quantity available of each security must
be known with precision.
• The current implementation consists of an
index that maps each security to its home
database. Each site retrieves necessary
data from the home site.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Rotating Ownership
• Maintain a full copy of all data at all sites.
• Not all of this data will be up-to-date (“valid”)
at all times however. Can be used for approximate baskets.
• When a market closes, all its trades for the
day will be sent to all other sites. When
receiving these updates, a site will apply
them to its local database and declare the
securities concerned to be “valid.”
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Rotation Issues
• Receiving ownership must be trigger-driven
rather than time-driven.
• Suppose New York assumes it inherits
ownership from London at 11 AM New
York time. If the connection is down when
London loses its ownership, then some updates that London did might be lost.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Ownership travels from east to west as exchanges close.
A given exchange should assert ownership only after
it is sure that the previous exchange has processed all
Rotating Ownership
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Batch and Global Trading
• When the trading day is over, there are
many operations that must be done to
move trades to the backoffice, to clear out
positions that have fallen to zero and so
on. Call it “rollover.”
• Straightforward provided no trades are hitting the database at the same time.
• In a global trading situation, however, rollover
in New York may interfere with trading in
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Chop the batch
• “Chop” the rollover transaction into smaller
• The conditions for chopping are that the
ongoing trades should not create cycles
with the rollover pieces.
• New trades don’t conflict with rollover.
Lock conflicts are due to the fact that
rollover uses scans.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Good Candidates for Chopping
• Batch operations that don’t logically conflict with ongoing operations. (Index conflicts are not a problem).
• Chopping means take each batch operation and break it into independent pieces,
e.g., delete zero-valued positions, update
profit and loss.
• If batch operations are not idempotent, it
is necessary to use a “breadcrumb” table
that keeps track of which batch operations a process has completed.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Tuning Case: Sequential keys,
clustering and blocking
• Sequential keys (i.e., keys whose values
are monotonic in time) are used to identify
rows in trade and position tables uniquely.
Suppose the table is clustered on a sequential key.
• Buffer behavior is good since all inserts hit
the same few pages.
• Multiple concurrent inserts will conflict on
the last page of a data structure or of a
data page. Especially bad for page-level
locking systems.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Hash Clusters
• Create a key:
concat(hash(process id), sequential key).
• inserts cluster at as many locations as there
are possible hash values.
• Good clustering without concurrency loss.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
random key 0
sequential key
random key 1
sequential key
Data Tuples in sorted order based on clustering
Different random key, sequential key concatenations
will not conflict with one another.
They will still however give good buffering behavior
since only one page per random key need be in the
database cache.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Tuning Case: Interest Rate Clustering
• Bond is clustered on interestRate and has
a non-clustered index on dealid. Deal has
a clustered index on dealid and a nonclustered index on date.
• Many optimizers will use a clustering index
for a selection rather than a non-clustering
index for a join. Often good. The trouble
is that if a system doesn’t have bit vectors, it can use only one index per table.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Query to be Tuned
from bond, deal
where bond.interestRate = 2.6
and bond.dealid = deal.dealid
and = ’7/7/2011’
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
What Optimizer Might Do
• Pick the clustered index on interestRate.
• May not be selective because most bonds
have the same interest rate.
• This prevents the optimizer from using
the index on bond.dealid. That in turn
forces the optimizer to use the clustered
index on deal.dealid.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Make deal use the non-clustering index on
date (it might be more useful to cluster on
date in fact) and the non-clustering index
on bond.dealid.
• Logical IOs decrease by a factor of 40
(170,000 to 4,000).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Complaints and Kudos
• It’s important to know what your system
does badly. For Sybase, the NOT IN subquery is particularly bad. Rewriting queries
to get rid of them can reduce the number
of logical IOs by a factor of 6 in cases I’ve
• Removing DISTINCTs when they are unnecessary can improve a query’s performance by 25%.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Case: Temporal Table Partitioning
• Position and trade were growing without
bound. Management made the decision
to split each table by time (recent for the
current year and historical for older stuff).
Most queries concern the current year so
should be run faster.
• What happened: a query involving an equality selection on date goes from 1 second
with the old data setup to 35 seconds in
the new one. Examining the query plan
showed that it was no longer using the
non-clustered index on date. Why?
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Use of Histogram
• Optimizer uses a histogram to determine
usefulness of a non-clustering index.
• Histogram holds 500 cells, each of which
stores a range of date values.
• Each cell is associated with the same number of rows (those in the cell’s date range).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Initially, each cell was associated with several days’ worth of rows.
Many days
After reducing the size of the table, each cell was associated
with less than a day’s worth of rows. So, a single day query
spills on several cells.
Single day
Non-clustering index is not used if more than
one cell contains the searched-for data.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Heuristic Brittleness
• The optimizer’s rule is that a non-clustering
index may be used only if the value searched
fits entirely in one cell.
• When the tables became small, an equality query on date spread across multiple
cells. The query optimizer decided to scan.
• A warning might help.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
RAID disks
• Raid 5 discs seem to be much faster for
load applications than Raid 0, giving
approximately a 60% improvement (14 minutes to 5 minutes)
• Raid 5: each disk has a portion of a sector. there are n subsector portion and a
parity subsector that make up a sector. A
small update will write a single subsector.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
RAIDs on online transaction processing
• How Raid 5 works when updating a subsector: it must read the old version of that
subsector Sold, read the parity subsector
Pnew := (Sold xor Snew) xor Pold
• This is two reads and two writes for one
• Savage and Wilkes (Usenix ref) have a
nice solution to this problem that involves
delaying the write to the parity disk. Ted
Johnson and I have a technique for making this safe.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Kudos: sample of new monitoring tools
• Average utilization of packets (if high, then
bigger network packets might help).
• Why the log buffer is flushed (if before
transaction completes, then perhaps make
it bigger).
• Reason for task context switches. (Tells
you if there is too much locking.)
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
My Requests to Industry
• Database systems on Wall Street require
(i) an engine, (ii) a user interface, (iii) a
third generation language for math functions and interprocess communication. Getting these to work together is hard.
• Most of the updatable data fits in a few
hundred gigabytes however.
• Perhaps a programming language approach
is better.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Shape of this Programming Language
• Array based for time series, top ten queries
• Integrated GUI, e.g. negative values of
some variable turn red, newly updated values blink. This happens by defining an
attribute on the variable. (Ravi Krishnamurthy proposed something like this in
Sigmod 1996).
• Include interprocess communication.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Transaction Processing with a
Programming Language
• Operation logging. Recovery by replaying
the log from the last dump.
• Eliminate concurrency control by single
threading or run-time conflict detection.
Deadlocks and blocking require too much
development time.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Summary: the main challenges
• Wall Street is different from you and me,
it has more money... Also, more demands.
• High availability and reliability: hot remote backup with low probability of blocking.
• Global: must worry about distribution across
WANs, where delays are significant and
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Research and Products: db system issues
• Batch cycle overlaps online activity. This
results in significant blocking and requires
concurrent maintenance operations (e.g.
tear down and build up of indexes).
• Need a science of tuning in the spirit of
Schek and Weikum’s Comfort project.
• Would really like a good sizing tool: given
a distributed application, what hardware
and interconnection bandwidth should I
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Research and Products: language
• SQL 92 is complicated and too weak.
SQL 93 and object-relational systems may
fill the void.
• Bulk operations on arrays would be really
useful however.
• There is a whole class of applications that
would be better off without concurrency
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
1. The Dangers of Replication and a Solution. Jim Gray, Pat Helland, Pat O’Neil, and
Dennis Shasha, Sigmod 1996. pp. 173-182
2. Is GUI Programming a Database Research
Problem? Nita Goyal, Charles Hoch, Ravi
Krishnamurthy, Brian Meckler, and Michael
Suckow. Sigmod 1996, p. 517-528.
3. The COMFORT Automatic Tuning Project
Gerhard Weikum, Christof Hasse, Axel Moenkeberg, and Peter Zabback. Information Systems, vol. 19 no. 5, July 1994.
4. Transaction Chopping: Algorithms and
Performance Studies. Dennis Shasha, Francois Llirbat, Eric Simon, Patrick Valduriez ACM
Transactions on Database Systems, October
1995, pp. 325-363.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
References – Continued
5. “AFRAID — A frequently redundant array of independent disks” Stefan Savage and
John Wilkes 1996 USENIX Technical Conference, January 22-26, 1996
6. Database Tuning: a principled approach
Prentice-Hall, 1992. (Dennis Shasha) The
book that got me all these gigs.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
2Q: a low overhead,
high performance,
buffer management
replacement algorithm
——————Dennis Shasha, New York University
Ted Johnson, ATT Labs
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Buffer Management
• Buffer (or buffer cache) is a portion of virtual memory (mostly RAM) used to hold
copies of disk pages.
• When an application issues a read of page
(or block) p, the operating system (or
database operating system) first looks into
the buffer to see if p is there. If so (a hit),
it returns p to the application (1000 times
faster than if p were on disk).
Hit ratio = proportion of read pages that
are in buffer.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Least Recently Used Replacement Algorithm
• Ideally, buffer holds all pages ever used,
but there is usually insufficient memory for
such a utopia.
• Question: which page should buffer replace if room is needed for a new page?
Least recently used: replace the page you
used least recently.
• Tarjan and Sleator (1985): If we apply
LRU to a buffer of size B and perform R
page replacements over some time interval, then even a clairvoyant algorithm will
perform at least R/2 page replacements
for a buffer of size B/2.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Problem Closed?
• No way. Such factors of 2 look innocent
to a theoretician, but can have devastating practical effects.
• Example from Stonebraker (1981): If we
repeatedly scan a file consisting of B+1
pages, then LRU will do B+1 replacements per scan.
An optimal algorithm could keep the first
B-1 pages in the buffer permanently and
just exchange the last two pages into the
final buffer. Factor of B/2 better than
LRU on a buffer of size B.
Moral: treat scans specially (many DBMS’s
use most recently used for scanned pages).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Random Access Example
• Online transaction processing (and any other
application making use of an index) traverses a relatively small data structure to
get to many data pages. Typically 1 index
leaf page to 100 data pages.
• Ideal algorithm would keep index pages in
buffer instead of data pages. LRU fills
about half the buffer with the most recently accessed data pages.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Pat and Betty O’Neil and Gerhard Weikum
in ACM SIGMOD 93 proposed a variant
of LRU called LRU/k.
• Basic idea: give priority to a page p based
on its kth most recent access. In practice,
they suggest k=2.
• Plausibility argument: does right thing for
scans and for on-line transaction processing, giving low priority to scanned pages
and random data pages. Experiments on
traces from a Swiss Bank back up the
plausibility argument.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
LRU/2 Characteristics
• Under LRU, when a page is accessed, it
is moved to the front of a list (pages are
removed from the tail of that list). Constant time operation.
• Under LRU/2, when a page is accessed,
its priority must be adjusted based on its
penultimate (second-to-last) access. This
will not normally move the page to the
front, but to some random place in the
Best implementation: priority queue. Requires log B time, where B is buffer size
in numbers of pages.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
2Q Motivation
• Can we get the benefits of LRU/2 without the costs and complexity of a priority
• Answer: yes.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
2Q Algorithm — basic idea
• First time a page is accessed put it on the
front of an “accessed once” queue (A1).
Subsequent accesses put the page on the
front of an “accessed many” queue (Am).
• Replace pages from the tail of A1 as long
as A1 contains a certain minimum number
of pages.
Then replace from the tail of the Am queue.
• Plausibility: Like LRU/2, the 2Q algorithm will give low priority to scanned pages
and to randomly accessed data pages (they
will get to A1 only and then will be thrown
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
2Q Algorithm — some details
One can save space by keeping only pointers
to some of the pages of A1.
This suggests dividing A1 into the portion
where pages are maintained in the buffer (A1in)
and the portion where the pages are outside
the buffer (A1out) though the system remembers those pages so if they are accessed again,
then they are promoted to Am.
A1out takes very little space (around 10 bytes
per page).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
2Q Algorithm — full picture
FIRST ACCESS TO p: put p in front of A1in.
p in front of A1out.
promote to front of Am
WHILE ON Am: move to front of Am on
each access (like LRU).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Fixing the Parameters
Across a variety of applications, the following
parameter setting seems good.
A1in — pages kept in buffer (takes 1/4 of
buffer space).
A1out — pages on disk, but pointers in buffer
(to handle as many pages as would take up
half of the buffer space, less than 1/100 of
Am — pages kept in buffer (approximately
3/4 of the buffer space).
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• Independent Random Variables with various hotness (80/20 and 45/20 rules).
• 100 index leaf pages plus 10,000 data pages,
each selected uniformly at random.
• Access to a DB2 commercial application
(from Ted Messinger of IBM). 500,000
references to 75514 unique pages.
• Access to program of a windowing application (from Steve Pendergrast of Novell). Contains 427,618 references to 290
pages each of length 256 bytes.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
80/20 Independent Random Variables
Page slots
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Page slots
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
• LRU/2 and 2Q both improve on LRU over
a wide variety of applications by 5-10%.
• 2Q is about as efficient as LRU (constant
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Misra-Gries Algorithm for heavy
• Goal: to find items that appear at least
1/k of the time in a stream
• Set up an array of k (key, count) pairs
initialized to empty.
• When an item x appears in the stream,
– increment the count of x in the array if
x is present.
– Insert (x,1) into the array if there is
empty space.
– Decrement by one the counts of all
items in the array if x is not present,
eliminating all items having 0 counts.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Misra-Gries Algorithm Proof
• Ignoring decrements, the sum of the counts
in the array is n or less, where n is the size
of the stream.
• Every decrement removes k from this total count.
• If some item i appears at least n/k times
and never makes it into the structure, then
the sum of the counts would be less than
0 at the end. That’s impossible.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved
Misra-Gries Algorithm for Buffer
• Use the algorithm to find the pages that
occur most often.
• Alternatively use min-hash. Have each
item x that enters increment h1(x), h2(x),
h3(x), ... hk(x).
• Count of x is approximately the minimum
of the hash counts.
c 2016 Dennis Shasha, all rights reserved