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Photosynthesis p. 118-122
Questions and Vocab
EQ: What happens during the process of
5 study questions
 All living things need energy to live
Ex: Zebra eats grass to provide energy to its cells, so
the cells may carry out their functions
 Plants, algae, some fungi, and some bacteria get
their energy from sunlight to make their own food
Sources of Energy
: the process by which a cell captures energy in sunlight
and uses it to make food
Greek words photo = “light” synthesis = “put together”
 Nearly all living things obtain energy either directly
or indirectly from the energy of sunlight captured in
How does the sun
supply living things
with the energy they
: an organism that makes its own food
Ex: grass
: and organism that can’t make its own food and has to
eat other organisms to obtain energy
Ex: zebra and lion
Photosynthesis p. 118-122
The Two Stages of Photosynthesis
 During photosynthesis, plants and some other
organisms use energy from the sun to convert carbon
dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars.
 There are two stages of photosynthesis: capturing
the sun’s light and making sugar
3. What happens during
stage 1 of
4. What happens during
stage 2 of
2. What are the raw
materials for
5. What is the importance
of stomata during the
photosynthesis process?
Stomata (stoma)
Stage 1: Capturing the Sun’s Energy
 Plant leaves capture sunlight by using green
pigments (chlorophyll) to absorb the sun’s energy
: colored chemical compounds that absorb light
: the main photosynthetic pigment stored in
 The plant uses this energy from the sun to power the
second stage of photosynthesis
Stage 2: Using Energy to Make Food
 In the next stage, the captured energy is used to
make sugar (glucose)
 Water (H2O) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are the two
ingredients needed to make sugar (glucose)
 Water comes from the soil. It is absorbed from the
plants roots and transferred up through the stem
into the leaves.
 Carbon Dioxide comes from the air. It is a gas that
enters into the leaves through stomata.
: small openings found on the underside of leaves
 Once in the leaves, water and carbon dioxide move
into the chloroplasts
Photosynthesis p. 118-122
2. What are the
products of
 Water and carbon dioxide undergo a series of
chemical reactions. The chemical reactions need the
energy of the sun to power them.
 The reactions makes two new products: glucose
(sugar) and oxygen gas
 The sugar made from the process of photosynthesis
contains the energy the plant can use to carry out its
 Oxygen gas is a waste product and gets released
through the stomata out into the air
The Photosynthesis Equation
 The events of photosynthesis can be summed up by
the following chemical equation
 It takes 6 carbon dioxide molecules and 6 water
molecules to “yield” one sugar (glucose) molecule
and 6 oxygen molecules. Light energy is needed for
the reaction to occur.
 Plants use sugar (glucose) molecules in the following
o Break down the sugar molecules for energy
(food source)
o Build larger molecules (cellulose) to make
structures for the plant
o Store the sugar for future use
Summary: 5-8 sentence
Photosynthesis p. 118-122