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Topic Title: Buddha
Religion/s: Buddhism
Key Stage: 3
Aspects of the Range Covered
Origin and purpose of life
Authority & Influence
Natural world and living things
Relationships & responsibilities
Human Identity
Journey of life
Meaning &purpose of life
Non material/ spiritual
Knowledge & experience of non-material/
Religious Education: Scheme of Work for Secondary Schools
Key Stage: 3
Learning objectives
To explore the story of the
life of the Buddha
Title of Unit: The Buddha
Key Questions
Why is the
Buddha important
for Buddhists?
Religion/s: Buddhism
Suggested Learning Activities
Card sorting activity. Arrange the story of the life
of the Buddha into a sensible sequence. In what
way is it a life-changing story?
Sorting cards - life of
Quick off the draw activity. In groups of 4 each
pupil reads a different resource telling the story of
the Buddha’s life. By pooling information the
groups then race to answer 10 questions in the
quickest time.
Quick off the draw –
information sheets &
Watch a video/DVD e.g. ‘The Little Buddha’
(edited to only include the scenes of the life of
the Buddha, in particular the 4 sights). Formulate
a series of questions that Siddhartha Gautama
(Buddha) would want to ask father on his return.
Video / DVD – e.g.
‘The Little Buddha’
As the Buddha on his
deathbed, write a
letter to his wife &
Compile a fact-file of the life of the Buddha
To explore the causes of
Freeze-frame – 5 events from the life of the
What is suffering? Snowball activity to create a Venn diagram/table
to explore the cause of suffering, under the
What causes
headings: human, natural & both. Begin in pairs,
join others to make a group of 4, then discuss as
a class.
Group discussion of the 3 universal truths using
Imagine you are the
Buddha returning
from your chariot
ride. Write a short
conversation with
your father
Father: What’s
happened? You look
Buddha: Why did you
keep the truth from
Cards on 3 universal
To investigate Buddha’s
remedy for suffering
cards to stimulate discussion (truth on 1 side &
question on reverse)
Card 1: Anicca
Think of some aspects of the world that appear
permanent. How are they changing? (e.g.
mountains, sea, rivers)
Card 2: Anatta
Give 5 examples of how you’ve changed in the
last 7 years (e.g. appearance, favourite foods)
Card 3: Dukkha
Is the Buddha right? Is suffering caused by
selfishness and craving?
How can suffering Sorting activity. Recap previous learning on 4
be overcome?
Noble Truths by placing them in order.
Look at a diagram of the 8-fold path. Pupils to
discuss in pairs what right speech/ action/
livelihood would mean to them.
The Buddhist
Experience p.12
This Is RE Book 3
p.62-63 - pictures of
Design a poster
entitled ‘The Real
Me’ to show the
Buddhist idea
that we are always
“Humans cause their
own misery” Do you
Sorting Cards or use
Diagram of 8 fold
Continuum line activity. Pupils place in order the
5 precepts into those that cause most suffering to
those that cause least suffering. Explain how
each one causes suffering & how this suffering
can be avoided e.g. complete chart on bad habits
and how to change
This is RE Book 1
The Buddhist
Experience p.48
Meditation activity. Metta bhavana meditation
where pupils will contemplate loving-kindness
being generated within themselves; given to
friends, strangers, enemies and the whole world.
This Is RE Book 1
Describe their
experiences & draw
how they picture the
loving kindness
To reflect on ways that
suffering can be eased
How can humans
help to ease
Spider diagram activity. Pupils to show 5 ways
individuals/groups can ease the suffering of
Is charity work
ICT activity. Pupils to research websites of
various charities e.g. Christian Aid, World Vision,
“Money for Madagascar” charity (Swansea & W.
Wales), Comic Relief etc.
Produce a PowerPoint outlining 5 practical ways
in which the charity eases suffering
Key Words
Anicca, anatta, dukkha, Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, Four noble truths,Eight fold path, suffering, Metta bhavana
Promotional leaflet or
T shirt for a charity
working to reduce