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Presentation 05
The Table of Contents
Chapter 1v1-22
Chapter 2v1-25
Chapter 3v1-22
Chapter 4v1-17
Chapter 4v18-5v21
Chapter 5v22-6v27
Chapter 6v28-7v24
Chapter 8-v1-10v29
Chapter 11v1-10
Chapter 12v1-30
Chapter 12v31-42
Presentation 05
Preparing a Deliverer
The Call of Moses [1]
The Call of Moses [2]
Final Preparations
Discouragement and Comfort
The Exposure of Evil
Idolatry: A Dangerous Refuge
Corrective to Final Judgment
Blood on the Doorposts
God’s Faithfulness
Consecration of The Redeemed
God’s Dead Ends
Power to Deliver
The Exultation of God
Presentation 05
Moses was commissioned by God to take part in one of the greatest
duels of human history. He was to confront Pharaoh and demand
the release of the Hebrew people. Pharaoh, who considered himself
a god, was to be confronted by an 80 year old shepherd. On the
surface this would have seemed a strange duel! As unequal as a
nuclear powered battleship versus a rubber dinghy! But wait not if
the unseen hand of God is guiding the dinghy. However, before the
duel begins a number of important preparatory
incidents face Moses.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Removal of Obstacles
Moses was part of an extended family. How would they respond to
his plan to return to Egypt? Would there be opposition? Moses
need not have worried cf v18 Jethro, his father-in-law said,
"Go I wish you well". Often we worry
about how family will respond
when we tell them that God has
called us to a particular field of
service which may mean less
regular contact with grandchildren
etc. But the God who calls us, is able
to soften and prepare their hearts.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Removal of Obstacles
Moses was not perfectly honest with Jethro in v18. The reason he
gives for his journey is to see if ‘any of his own people are still alive’.
There was no need to go into detail about the burning bush
encounter - some intimate spiritual experiences are best keep private
[2 Cor. 12.2]. Did Moses fear that Jethro would try to prevent his
return if he knew the whole story? Should Moses
have trusted God to deal with any opposition?
Sometimes wisdom requires us to be silent, not
because we want to deceive but because we do
not want to bring unnecessary attention to the
mission God has entrusted to us.
Cf Matt.8.4, Mark 7.36
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Removal of Obstacles
God further encourages Moses in his obedience by revealing to him
that those in Egypt who were after his life were
now dead. The wanted posters bearing his
name no longer hung at every street corner.
The lingering fear that once he stepped foot in
Egypt his life would be forfeit is removed at a
single stroke. God removes danger from the
paths of those who are prepared to obey him
in order to ensure that his will is accomplished?
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Removal of Obstacles
This second revelation must have done much to dispel any lingering
uncertainties in Moses in Moses mind and heart. "Was I imagining
things, was the burning bush some sort of hallucination, was my
mind playing tricks upon me".
Time and again people begin to question
God's call as its implications become clear.
Satan too will stir up uncertainties in our
minds and hearts. God knows our frailty
and in his mercy often comes and freshly
affirms what it is that he has called us to.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Removal of Obstacles
God also prepares Moses for the kind of opposition he will meet
lest he is discouraged cf v21-23. God explains how he plans to build
delays into the deliverance of his people. But for
‘delay’ Moses must not read ‘disinterest’.
God planned to reveal his own longsuffering
with evil men while at the same time reveal his
glory in the destruction of evil. Opposition is a
reality we must expect to find in any work of
God and to be persuaded that God uses
opposition to accomplish his own purpose!
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Importance of Consecration
The strange incident recorded in v24-26 has been the subject of
much speculation. As far as we can make out, on their way to
Egypt Moses and his family spend the night at lodgings, while
there it becomes clear that Moses life is in danger. Has God
allowed Moses to become seriously ill to the very point of
death – a trauma that brings to Moses remembrance the
fact that he had failed to circumcise one of his sons. The
text makes clear his wife's revulsion at the practice. A
rite she performs on her son under duress only after
she is made aware that this and only this is going to
save her husband’s life.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Importance of Consecration
Why did God view Moses’ neglect of circumcision with such
seriousness? Circumcision in the OT, like Baptism in the NT was a
covenant sign. It was a badge of belonging. A practice which God
required. How then could God, use a man who failed to take the
covenant obligations seriously? What is the lesson being taught
here? We cannot hope to be used of God to the blessing of others if
we fail to take our obedience to him seriously.
How quick our hearts are to justify and excuse
our failures, "these are just little issues", we
argue, "God won't mind". But God cannot and
will not bless the disobedient!
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
The Importance of Consecration
Moses appears to have sent his wife back home. She is not reunited
with him till chap. 18.2 when she is brought back by her father after
the Israelites had been delivered from Egypt.
Had it become clear to Moses that it would
be easier to accomplish his task without an
unsympathetic wife at his side? If so, then
here is an example of putting God's service
before the demands of family who are
opposed to God. This is something Jesus
himself referred to Matt 10.37.....
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
A Doze of Realism
Upon arrival in Egypt the initial response of the Israelites is very
promising. Moses’ worst fears do not materialise. God's timing is
perfect. The Israelites had their back up against the wall. They had a
fully developed consciousness of their need and were therefore
prepared to listen and submit to God's plan for their
deliverance. God knows how to time the
approach to people’s hearts. We often miss
out this important step in our evangelism.
We wonder why people do not respond as we
think they ought. The reason is often that they
have no sense of need. We should pray that God
would create that sense of need.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
A Doze of Realism
The initial encouragement that Moses experienced soon evaporates
after his first audience with Pharaoh. Moses had made a modest
request in 5.1... Pharaoh refuses. Pharaoh may have been
protecting the system around which Egypt organised itself. Egyptian
society was dependant upon slave labour. Had he let Israel go, he
might have established a precedent
that would shake Egyptian society to
the core. Similarly, there has been
resistance to the exercise of true
Christian liberty in many conventionbound societies. Think of the bitter
opposition to abolition of slave trade,
in Britain in the C18th.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
A Doze of Realism
The main cause of Pharaoh's refusal is however given in 5v2... Can
you see the overweening pride of the man. He is the god-king of
Egypt! Surrounding nations paid tribute to him. By defeating them
in battle he had demonstrated that their gods were subservient to
him. "Who is this second rate God of the Israelites?”, he asks,
“I've never even heard of him".
O but you will Pharaoh, just wait!
Pharaoh’s question is asked by many today.
“Who is the Lord that I should obey him”.
It is a dangerous question to ask as Pharaoh
would discover.
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
A Doze of Realism
Not only does Pharaoh treat Israel's God with contempt he decides
to demonstrate his power and authority in a way that will teach
Israel that their destiny is in his hands. He was sure that talk of
deliverance was having an unsettling effect on the Hebrew slaves –
they expected immediate freedom, had downed tools and [v4] were
in festive mood.
‘We'll soon fix that’, says Pharaoh
"let them go and gather their own straw.
But require them to make the same
number of bricks as before...”v7-8
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
A Dose of Realism
Whenever despotic authority is challenged it feels the need to
assert itself – to make life harder for those who oppose it!
Some reformists who dared to challenge the authorities in the
Iranian elections discovered this response. The media has reported
deaths, imprisonments and show trials.
Many authorities live in fear of being
undermined and it is this fear that
produces, what impartial observers
would describe as, a disproportionate
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
A Doze of Realism
Moses had been prepared by God for Pharaoh’s negative response.
But Israel were still in the dark, their faith was shaken! To them it
seemed like this was the last nail in their coffin. Who do they
blame? God's spokesman! Moses was learning to cope with
criticism from a people who could not clearly understand what God
was doing. It is one thing for Christian workers to be criticised by
the unbelieving world but much harder to
cope with criticism when it comes
from those within the church.
Moses was learning something
of the loneliness of leadership!
Presentation 05
Final Preparations
When God calls us to serve he deals with the obstacles that lie in
the way of our service. He calls us to a fresh consecration of our
lives. Cf Joshua 3v5ff God cannot bless a disobedient leadership.
He further warns us to expect to face, not just the contempt of the
unbelieving world but criticism from believers who have not clearly
understood God’s plan.
Presentation 05