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Exploring Creation Through General Science
Module 15 Notes
The Human Lymphatic, Endocrine, and Urinary Systems
Lymphatic System
 Chiefly responsible for fighting diseases
Lymph nodes
 where to find most infection fighting cells in the lymphatic
 fluid in the lymphatic system
 Moved by muscles contracting and relaxing when lymph vessels
are squeezed
Lymphocytes – white blood cells found in Lymph system. Some
 B-Cells – produce antibodies (like “archers”)
 T-Cells – attack microorganisms directly (like “swordsmen”)
 Macrophage – scavenge the lymph, eating bacteria and other
 Memory B-Cells – produce the same antibody again the
moment the same infection is detected, allowing quicker react
o Basis for the ideas behind our vaccines
o Vaccine Types:
 Weakened pathogen – weakened pathogen is placed
in your body so your body can created antibodies
without the threat of getting the full pathogen
attacking your system
 Human-made – when a chemical made by humans is
created to make your body believe a certain
pathogen has entered your body, thereby making
**You CAN’T get a vaccine AFTER you are sick. You MUST get it
before you ever get the pathogen it is for***
Urinary System
 Controls and regulates the water in our bodies and maintains
the proper balance of chemicals in that water
How Kidney’s work:
Renal artery brings blood to Kidney
Blood flows through nephron where it is filtered
Nutrients, waste, and water into nephron
Chemicals and water are absorbed back onto the blood
Blood travels through
renal vein back to the
Excess chemicals and water
go to the renal pelvis to ureter
Urine then stored in bladder
Urine leaves body through urethra
Dialysis –blood is taken from the renal vein and routed into a
machine that attempts to filter and clean the blood like a real Kidney
Endocrine System
 Produces hormones which help regulate several chemical
processes that occur in the body
Glands and what they control
 Hypothalamus  controls pituitary gland
 Pituitary Gland  produces hormones that control many of the
endocrine glands
 Thyroid Gland  produces hormones that regulate the basal
metabolic rate
 Adrenal Glands  produces cortisol, which causes the liver to
release glucose into the blood
 Pancreas  produces insulin, which enables glucose to enter
the cells
Glands and their locations:
Thyroid Gland  Neck
Pancreas  behind stomach (endocrine and digestive gland)
Hypothalamus  below brain
Pituitary  below brain
Adrenal  top of Kidneys (one gland on each Kidney)
Vocabulary to KNOW:
Gland – a group of cells that prepare and release a chemical for use
by the body
Vaccine – a weakened or inactive version of a pathogen that
stimulates the body’s production of antibodies which can destroy
the pathogen
Hormone – a chemical messenger released in the bloodstream that
sends signals to distant cells, causing them to change their behavior
in a specific way