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Chapter 11
Bony Thorax
Bony Thorax
• 1 _____________
• 12 __________ Vertebrae
• 12 pairs of _________
Bony Thorax
• Protects the ______________organs
• _____________ during breathing
• 3 parts
– _____________
• Superior portion 2” long
– _____________
• Longest portion 4” long
– _____________
• Smallest most distal. Cartilage as an infant and
ossifies by age 40
Sternal Landmarks
• ___________(suprasternal or manubrial)
– Correlates to T2-3
• _________________
– Correlates to T4-5
• Xiphoid tip
– Correlates to T9-10
Sternal Articulations
• ____________
• _____________
– Sternoclavicular joint
• 7 ribs
– Through ______________
• 1st rib costocartilage on _______________
• Numbered by the thoracic vertebrae they attach
• 12 pairs
• ______________
– Costocartilage connection anteriorly to the sternum
• __________
– 8,9,&10 costocartilage attach to the 7th
– ___________(11 &12) – No costocartilage articulation
Rib Anatomy
• Vertebral end
– __________
– Neck
– ____________
– Articulates with transverse process of vertebrae
Rib Anatomy
• Sternal end
• ____________
• Shaft
• ____________
– Artery, vein, and nerve
Rib Articulations
• __________________Union
– Rib and costocartilage join
• Sternoclavicular
– Sternum and clavicle
Rib Articulation
• ____________
– Costocartilage to sternum.
• _______________
– Costocartilage of 6th – 10th
Rib Articulation
• ________________
– Head of rib to vertebrae
• _________________
– Rib tubercle to transverse process
Sternum Imaging
40” SID** RAO
60-72” SID Lateral
60 – 70 kVp
RAO Sternum
• Moves sternum away from _______ into
homogenous __________
• ___________
• CR to mid sternum
– Palpate for _______________
– Center to mid sternum
RAO Sternum
• ________________
– Blurs pulmonary markings
• Collimate about __________
Lateral Sternum
• Increase ______ to compensate for
increased ___________
• If erect have pt hold arms back
• CR to mid sternum
– Place cassette ___________________
• Center more anterior on chest ________
Rib Imaging
PA Chest
AP above diaphragm
AP below diaphragm
RPO/LPO above diaphragm
60 kVp for above diaphragm
70 kVp for below diaphragm
40-72” SID (Unilateral or Bilateral)
AP Above Diaphragm
• Center on affected side
• CR longitudinal ___________
• Cassette _______________center to
• Suspend respiration on _____________
AP Below Diaphragm
• Center to ____________
• CR mid way between ________________
• Suspend respiration on ____________
– Move diaphragm up and away
RPO / LPO Above Diaphragm
• 45° Oblique
• CR between spine a lateral rib margins
• Cassette _____________and center to
• Suspend respiration on _________
• If Rt side affected ___________right ribs.
Lt side shows more _______
Helpful Tip
• Some radiologists want a marker
indicating area of pain
• Ribs are a large area
• Place a _____________on area of interest
to help the radiologist focus on an area.