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Personal Fitness: Chapter 5
The Basics of Body Composition
• Ectomorph- a low percentage of body fat, small bone size,
and a small amount of muscle mass and size
• Endomorph- high percentage of body fat, large bone size, a
small amount of muscle mass and size
• Mesomorph- low to medium body fat percentage, medium to
large bone size, and large amount of muscle mass and size.
The Basics of Body Composition
• Body weight:
• Generally a controllable factor, unlike body type
• People put too much emphasis on body weight
• Body Mass Index- a way to assess body size in relation to
height and weight
• Does not account for muscle mass
• See chart on page 149
• Body Composition- the relative percentage in your body of
fat mass to lean body tissue, including water, bone and
Body Fat
• Overweight- a condition in which a person is heavier than the
standard weight range for their height and gender.
• Can a person be overweight and healthy?
• Over fat- a condition in which a person has a higher than
recommended percentage of body fat for their age and gender
• Teen Males: 7 to 19 percent
• Teen Females: 12 to 24 percent
• Obesity- a ratio of body fat to lean
is excessively high.
• Is obesity a disease?
• How junk food affects the body.
mass that
Body Fat
• Essential Fat- the minimum amount of body fat necessary
for good health
• Insulates body against the cold
• Cushions internal organs, protecting them from injury
• Provides valuable source of energy
• Transports fat soluble vitamins
• Excessive leanness- having a percent body fat that is
below the acceptable range for your age and gender
Influences on Body Fat
• Lifestyle
• Activity level
• Dietary habits
• How many steps does the average person take in a day?
• Men: average 7192 steps per day.
Women: average 5210 step per day.
• How many steps does it take to burn one calorie?
• Approximately 20 steps burn off one calorie (depending
on your weight).
• (70,000 steps to burn off one pound, 4,667 flights)
• (40,00 steps if you take in 2,000 calories per day, 2,667 flights)
Energy Balance Equation
• Calories intake - Calorie expenditure= EBE
• Calorie intake- the total calories taken in from food and
Calorie expenditure- the total calories burned
Metabolism- the process by which the body converts
calories from food to energy
Resting Metabolic Rate- the amount of calories expended
for processes while the body is at rest
Obesity Video
Weight Control and Physical Activity
• The more physically active you are, the more calories you
will burn.
• The number, size, and weight of body parts worked
• If you work your legs, you will burn more calories than if you work
your arms.
• The reason: Leg muscles are larger than arm muscles. The larger the
muscle mass, the more energy needed to work.
• Workout intensity
• The more physically demanding the workout, the more calories
• Duration, or time, of activity
• The longer the workout the more calories burned (assuming the
intensity is the same.)
Evaluating Body Composition
• Body Circumference: Body fat typically gathers around
the waist in males and around the hips in females.
• Girth- The distance around a body part
• Body-Circumference Test Males (pg. 160)
• Step 1: Weight in pounds
• Step 2: girth at the waistline
• Body-Circumference Test Females (pg. 160)
• Step 1: height
• Step 2: girth at the widest point on the hips
Skinfold Measures
• Skinfolds is another way to measure body fat percentage
• Calipers-a tweeze like device used to pinch a fold of skin
surrounding adipose tissue.
Healthful Strategies to Manage Weight
• Evaluate your needs: ask a healthcare professional
about a target body composition and goals to achieve it.
• Be realistic:
• Weight Loss: no more than 1-2 pounds per week.
• Weight Gain: no more than ½ pound a week
• Design a personal plan: include healthful eating habits
and physical activity
• Become physically active: 60 minutes per day, or a
minimum of 225 minutes per week
• Track your progress: Monitor weight loss, and change in
body composition (along with other vital numbers such as
BP and cholesterol)
Weight control, Diet, and Exercise
• To lose a pound of fat, reduce calorie intake by 3,500
calories, expend 3,500 more calories in physical activity,
or a combination.
• Weight Loss:
• Eat in regular intervals
• Get at least 1,700-1,800 calories daily
• Nutrient dense foods- high in nutrients as compared to calorie
• fast food calories
Weight control, Diet, and Exercise
• Weight Gain:
• Consume more calories and maintain a high level of physical
• Eat more than the minimum number of servings from each section
of the Food Guide Pyramid
• Weight training
• Weight maintenance:
• Energy balance equation
• Include a healthy eating plan
• Regular physical Activity
Benefits of Achieving your Goal
• Be persistent and patient.
• Maintaining a healthy weight and body composition
through proper nutrition and exercise has several benefits
• Increase energy level
• Increase self perception
• Reduce Stress level
• Reduce risk for disease