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Chapter 14
Evidence for Evolution
What are Evidences for Evolution?
What are the Evidences for
1 Fossils
2 Homologous Structures
3 Vestigial Structures
4 Embryology
5 Macromolecules
What is a Fossil?
• Fossil – Evidence of
a life long past.
– Mineralized remains of
plant or animal life
– Trapped in solid
material and frozen in
What type of rock are fossils
commonly found in?
• Igneous – volcanic rock
• Sedimentary – sand and dirt become
cemented (bottom or oceans and rivers).
Most common rock where fossils are
• Metamorphic – igneous or sedimentary
rocks that have re-crystallized due to high
temperature and pressure.
What are the main types of fossils?
1. Trace Fossils
2. Molds and Casts
3. Replacement
4. Petrified or Permineralized
5. Amber
6. Original Material
Trace Fossil
• Any indirect evidence
left by an organism.
Footprints, burrows,
and fossilized feces
are trace fossils.
Molds and Casts
• Mold – imprint of the
– Kindergarten hand
• Cast – A mold that
has been filled with
What are the main types of fossils?
• Replacement –
Original specimen is
replaced by mineral
crystals that leave a
detailed replica.
Petrified or Permineralized
• Empty pores are filled
in by minerals, such
as petrified wood
What are the main types of fossils?
• Preservation – entire
organism remains
intact because it is
trapped in tree sap
which hardens into
Original Material
• Created by
mummification or
freezing and
preserves the original
organism intact.
Law of Superposition
• Relative dating is a
technique used to
compare the age of
one specimen to
• The Law of
Superposition states
that younger rocks
are always found on
top of older rocks.
Radiometric Dating
• Radiometric dating allows scientists to accurately date
the age of fossils by measuring the amount of decay of a
• Knowing the half life of the isotope is required.
• Example: Carbon 14
How are fossils useful?
• Allow us to detect Mass Extinctions
– More fossils in strata of earth from dying off of
– Major extinction of dinosaurs 65 mya
What caused mass extinctions?
• 1. Massive volcanic eruption
• 2. Meteorite Impact
• Either one would have created enough
ash and sulfur to cool the earth and block
the sun.
– Remember the sun is the ultimate source of
life on Earth.
• Page 400
– 14.1 Assessment questions 1-3
– Answer in complete sentences
• Summary
– Look through your notes and section 14.1.
– Choose the main concepts
– Write a two paragraph summary of the
concepts presented in your own words.