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Section 5.1
Forces in Earth’s Crust
Reading Notes
1. Stress is a force that
acts on an area of rock
to change its
2. Key Question 1. How
does stress in the crust
change Earth’s surface?
• Tension, compression, and
shearing work over millions of
years to change the shape and
volume of rock.
3. What are the three
types of stress in rock?
• Tension
• Compression
• Shearing
4. Key Question 2:
Where are faults usually
found, and why do they form?
• Most faults occur along
plate boundaries, where the
forces of plate motion push
or pull the crust so much
that the crust breaks.
5. What are the three types
of faults?
• Normal fault
• Reverse fault
• Strike-slip fault
6. Key Question 3: What land
features result from the
forces of plate movement?
• Over millions of years, the forces
of plate movement can change a
flat plain into landforms produced
by folding, stretching, and
uplifting Earth’s crust.
• These landforms include
anticlines and synclines, folded
mountains, fault-block mountains,
and plateaus.