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World History
Chapters 4&5 Test Review
Ancient Greece and Rome
Mrs. Patton
Polis: Greek word for city-state
Democracy: government in which all citizens participate
Homer: Greek poet who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey
Patricians: aristocracy or wealthy people in Rome; they were the ruling class.
Plebeians: middle class or poor people in Rome; they could vote but not run for office.
Republic: form of democracy where citizens elect people to represent them.
Senate: most powerful governing body in Ancient Rome
Twelve Tables: Roman law code; applied to everyone in Rome; ours laws are based on it.
Pax Romana: Augustus Caesar’s time, when Rome experienced peace, unity, and stability
Julius Caesar: led a civil war in Rome, ended the democratic Roman republic, was assassinated
by senators.
Augustus Caesar: first Roman emperor
Christianity: religion that formed in Judea (controlled by Rome) after Christ’s death.
1. Why did the Greek polis form? Geography (islands, mountains) forced the city-states to
develop separately. They were built around a fort to protect the farmers because good
farmland was so scarce.
2. What Greek city-state was the most militaristic society ever known? Sparta
What Greek city-state was the birthplace of democracy? Athens
3. How could Athens have had a more complete democracy? Only men participated. If
women voted and if slavery wouldn’t have been allowed, it would’ve been better.
4. List some of the major accomplishments of Ancient Greece? democracy, architecture,
sculpture, Olympics, philosophy, history, math, drama
5. List the 3 major Greek philosophers and what their basic beliefs were.
Socrates: smart people should rule and make decisions for everybody
Plato: 3 classes of people, smartest rule and make decisions for everybody
Aristotle: more democracy, middle class can make decisions
6. What type of religion was present in Ancient Greece? polytheism
How do you know? Myths about gods
7. Alexander the Great: Ruler of Greece
a. who were his teachers? His father, Phillip II and Aristotle
b. what did he conquer? Most of the known world
c. what did he do after he conquered? Spread Greek or Hellenistic culture everywhere
he conquered
8. How did Hellenistic culture spread? Alexander the Great conquered many places and
introduced Greek culture
9. What were the major contributions of Hellenistic culture? Calculation of pi, geometry,
brain surgery
10. Explain how the Roman Republic was formed? The aristocracy (rich people) had a
revolution, overthrew the Etruscan king, and formed a democracy.
How did it work? Representative democracy – people chose people to represent them.
11. What type of religion was Rome originally? polytheistic
What new religion took its place? Christianity
12. How did Christianity become the official religion of Rome?
1. Emperor Constantine made it official because Christians outnumbered pagans
(polytheistic people) and he didn’t want them to fight
2. He became Christian himself.
3. the Council of Nicaea organized Christian beliefs
How did it spread throughout the world? Once it became official, everyone in the
Roman Empire had to accept it (that was a lot of people).
13. List some of the major accomplishments of Rome? Representative democracy, law
(12 Tables), religion (Christianity), language (Latin)
14. List the major reasons for the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Poor leaders, bad economy, disease, natural disasters, invasions