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(Peace Be Upon Him)
Lo! We inspire you (Muhammad)
as We inspired Noah and the
prophets after him, as We
inspired Abraham and Ishmael
and Isaac and Jacob and the
tribes, and Isa (Jesus) and Job
and Jonah and Aaron and
Solomon, and as We imparted
unto David the Zabur (Psalms)
[Surah An-Nisa (The Women), verse 163]
ALLAH created human beings for a definite purpose
Humankind needs guidance from ALLAH, The All-Knowing, The All-Wise
Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Isa (Jesus), David & Solomon
(peace be upon them all) were all prophets sent by ALLAH to deliver
guidance (hidayah)
ALLAH completed his promised guidance through Muhammad (PBUH)
All the prophets were inspired with divine guidance
Indeed, We sent Nuh (Noah) to
his people, and he said : O my
people! Worship ALLAH! You
have no other Ilah (God) but
Him. Certainly, I fear for you the
torment of a Great Day!
[Surah Al-’Araf (The Heights), verse 59]
And (remember) Ibrahim
(Abraham) when he said to
his people: “Worship ALLAH
(Alone) and fear Him; that is
better for you if you did but
And, indeed, We did send
Musa (Moses) with our Ayat
(Signs) to Fir’aun (Pharoah)
and his chiefs (inviting them
to Islam). He said: Verily, I am
a Messenger of the Lord of
the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn
and all that exists)
[Surah Al-’Ankabut (The Spider), verse 16]
[Surah Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments, ), verse 46]
And your Lord knows best all who
are in the heavens and the earth.
And, indeed, we have preferred
some of the Prophets above
others, and to Dawud (David) We
gave the Zabur (Psalms).
[Surah Al-Isra’ (The Night Journey), verse 55]
And Sulaiman (Solomon)
inherited the (knowledge of)
Dawud (David).
He said: O mankind! We have
been taught the language of
birds, and on us have been
bestowed all things. This, verily, is
an evident grace (from ALLAH).
[Surah An-Naml (The Ants), verses 15-16]
And when Isa (Jesus) came with
(Our) clear Proofs, he said: I have
come to you with Al-Hikmah
(Prophethood), and in order to make
clear to you some of the points in
which you differ. Therefore fear
ALLAH and obey me. Verily, ALLAH!
He is my Lord and your Lord. So
worship Him (Alone). This is the
(only) Straight Path.
[Surah Az-Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments), verses 63-64]
Prophet Muhammad:
Advent Foretold in
Previous Scriptures
And remember when Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), said: O Children
of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah unto you, confirming the Taurat
[Torah] before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after
me, whose name shall be Ahmad. But when he (Ahmad i.e. Muhammad)
came to them with clear proofs, they said: This is plain magic.
[As-Saff (The Ranks), verse 6]
Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor
write (Muhammad), whom they find written with them in the Taurat
(Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) – he commands them for Al-Ma’ruf; and
forbids them from Al-Munkar; he allows them as lawful At-Tayyibat, and
prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khaba’ith, he releases them from their
heavy burdens, and from the fetters that were upon them. So those who
believe in him (Muhammad), honour him, help him, and follow the light
(Quran) which has been sent down, it is they who will be successful.
[AL-Araf (The Heights), verse 157]
Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad was born in Makkah, Arabia
in 570 CE
He was a member of the Bani Hashim
clan of the Quraish tribe
The Hashimites were an influential family
His father, Abdullah, died before he was
His mother, Aminah, died when he was
six years old
His Uncle, Abu Talib, took care of him and
preferred him to his own sons
Prophet Muhammad
Abu Talib & Muhammad went to Syria on
a trading mission
They were met by a Christian monk
named Bahirah at Busra (in Syria)
Muhammad was twelve years old. Bahirah the monk had
never met Muhammad, but he instantly recognized the
Prophet and said while taking his hand, “This is the master of
all humans. ALLAH will send him with a Message which will
be a mercy to all beings.” Abu Talib asked, “How do you
know that?” He replied, “When you appeared from the
direction of ‘Aqabah, all stones and trees prostrated
themselves, which they never do except for a Prophet. I can
also recognize him by the Seal of Prophethood which is
below his shoulder, shaped like an apple. We have found this
in our books (i.e. Christian scriptures).”
Prophet Muhammad
As a young man, Muhammad was a trader
He was known as As-Sadiq (The Truthful) and
Al-Amin (The Trustworthy)
Quraish appointed him as arbitrator in a dispute
He was employed by Khadijah, a wealthy woman
of the Quraish tribe
His honesty, trustworthiness, piety & nobility
facilitated their marriage
He abhorred idolatry and believed in one God
He would retreat to a cave in Mt Hira to glorify
ALLAH and ponder on the plight of his people
He spent his time in worship and deep reflection
about the world around him
He would feed the poor who came to him during
his retreats
The Prophet’s Mission
At age forty, he received the first revelation from ALLAH
The angel Gabriel visited him in the cave on one night in
Gabriel came to him and said, “Recite.”
“I cannot recite”, said Muhammad.
The Prophet said, “Then he (the angel) took me and
embraced me tightly and then let me go and repeated
the order, “Recite.” “I cannot recite,” I said, and once
again he squeezed me and let me go until I was
exhausted. Then he said, “Recite.” I said, “I cannot
recite.” He squeezed me a third time and then let me
go and said:
Read! In the Name of your Lord
who has created;
HE has created man from a clot
Read! And your Lord is the
Most Generous
Who has taught by the pen
HE has taught man that which
he knew not
[Surah Al-’Alaq(The Clot), verses 1-5]
The Prophet’s Mission:
Makkah Period
Muhammad continued to received revelation from the
Angel Gabriel
Revelation (and Prophethood) lasted 23 years
Muhammad’s life after he became Prophet can be
divided into 2 phases:
the Makkah & Madinah periods
The Makkah period lasted approximately 13 years
This period may be further divided into 3 parts:
The Phase of Secret Invitation (3 years): he preached
only to his family and close friends
The Phase of Public Invitation to the people of Makkah
(from 4th year until migration to Madinah): he
preached in public and explained the folly of
Beginning of persecution of the early Muslims
The Phase of Invitation outside of Makkah (from the
end of the 10th year through the Madinah period
until the end of his life
The Prophet’s Mission:
Calling to Islam
O you (Muhammad) enveloped in garments! Arise and warn! And magnify
your Lord (ALLAH)! And purify your garments! And keep away from Ar-Rujz
(the idols)! And give not a thing to have more. And be patient for the sake
of your Lord (i.e. perform your duty to ALLAH)!
[Al-Muddaththir (The One Enveloped), verses 1-7]
This verses describe the Prophet’s responsibilities: to convey the message,
warn the people & adhere to ALLAH’s commands,
And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred.
[Ash-Shu’ara (The Poets), verse 214]
Command to begin open preaching
Therefore proclaim openly that which you are commanded and turn away
from Al-Mushrikun.
[Al-Hijr (The Rocky Tract), verse 94]
Prophet proclaimed invitation to Islam at public gatherings &
Ascension to the Heavens
Glorified be He Who took His slave (Muhammad) for a journey by
night from Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) to Al-Masjid-al-Aqsa
(at Jerusalem), the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed, in
order that We might show him (Muhammad) Our Ayat (proofs and
signs). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
[Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey), verse 1]
A miraculous journey which took place 12 to 16 months before the Hijrah
(Prophet’s migration to Madinah)
The Prophet was sleeping near the Ka’bah in Makkah when he was woken
by the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel)
The Prophet mounted Al-Buraq (a horse-like being with 2 wings), which
took him from Makkah to Jerusalem
In Jerusalem, Prophet Muhammad met all the other prophets and led
them in prayers
When he was offered milk and wine, he accepted the milk
Jibreel (Gabriel) said, “O Muhammad, you enjoy what is pure. Surely, you
will guide your people to the right path.”
Prophet Muhammad was taken through the seven heavens by the Angel
Jibreel (Gabriel)
He met other prophets in these heavens
Ascension to the Heavens
His journey through the heavens continued until he reached
Sidrat Al-Muntaha (the remotest lote tree), which symbolizes the end of
worldly knowledge
The Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) could journey no further
Prophet Muhammad alone was presented before ALLAH
ALLAH enjoined the 5 daily salat (ritual prayers) upon the Muslims
The Prophet was allowed to see Paradise and Hell
The Prophet saw 4 rivers – 2 hidden and 2 manifest
The 2 manifest rivers were the Nile and the Euphrates and the
2 hidden rivers were in Paradise
Establishes the sanctity of Jerusalem for Muslims: the point where the
earth and sky meet and from which the Prophet ascended to the heavens
Makkah, Madinah and Jerusalem are all sacred for Muslims
Establishes the status of Muhammad as Prophet of Allah; he led the other
prophets in prayer, and he alone appeared before ALLAH
The Journey was a Sign for Muhammad
Other prophets had received Signs:
Thus did we show Ibrahim (Abraham)
the kingdom of the heavens and the
earth that he may be one of those
who have faith with certainty.
[Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle), verse 75]
That We may show you (Moses)
(some) of Our Greater Signs
[Surah Ta Ha, verse 23]
HIJRAH: The Prophet’s
Migration to Al-Madinah
“Hijrah” means migration
Early Muslims in Makkah were being tortured and persecuted by
the idolaters for their belief in One God (ALLAH)
Muslims were few in number and many of them were
powerless slaves
In the 12th year of the Prophet’s mission, 12 men from the city of
Yathrib (later called Madinah) met Muhammad at Al-Aqabah
during Hajj
These men became Muslim and pledged their allegiance in the
1st Pledge of Al-Aqabah:
We shall worship one God, associating none with Him
We shall not go near stealing and adultery
We shall not kill our daughters
We shall vilify no one
We shall not backbite
We shall obey the Prophet in all good things
The Prophet sent Mus’ab bin Umair to teach Islam in Madinah,
who succeeded in inviting many people to Islam
The next year, 73 men and 2 women from Madinah pledged their
allegiance to the Prophet in the
2nd Pledge of Al-Aqabah
They promised to protect him and help the Muslims of Makkah
resettle in Madinah to escape persecution
HIJRAH: The Prophet’s
Migration to Al-Madinah
Al-Ansar (The Helpers) were the Muslims of Madinah, and the Muhajirun
(Emigrants) were the Muslims from Makkah
The Quraish tried to prevent their departure, but many were able to
The migrating men and women gave up their wealth, homes and families
to practice Islam freely in Madinah
Several months later, ALLAH granted the Prophet permission to leave for
The Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) informed Muhammad that the Quraish were
plotting to kill him
The Prophet and his close companion Abu Bakr As-Siddiq managed to
Another companion, ‘Ali bin Abi Talib, lay asleep in the Prophet’s bed while
the other two made their escape
The Prophet and Abu Bakr hid in a cave at Mt Thaur for 3 days while the
Quraish scoured the areas around Makkah
Their enemies came very near the cave, but ALLAH protected them with
miracles: a spider spun its web across the cave’s entrance, pigeons
nested and laid eggs in front of it, and the branches of a small tree
blocked it
The Prophet and Abu Bakr reached Madinah safely
The Prophet built a mosque in Madinah
Madinah is held sacred by all Muslims
Umar ibn Al-Khattab (the 2nd Muslim Caliph) established the year of
migration as the first year of the Muslim Hijri Calender
The Prophet’s Mission:
Madinah Period
The Madinah Period lasted approximately 10 years
This period can be divided into 3 phases:
The first phase was characterized by trials and
challenges from hostile elements within Madinah
and enemies outside of it
This phase concluded with the Al-Hudaibiyah Peace
The second phase featured a truce with the pagan
leadership of Makkah
This phase concluded with the conquest of Makkah in
Ramadan, 8 years A.H.
The Prophet also invited kings outside of Arabia to
enter into Islam
The third phase saw many tribes and groups coming to
Madinah to embrace Islam
People were becoming Muslims in large numbers
This phase ended with the Prophet’s death
11 years A.H.
Last Sermon of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
O, People, just as you regard this month (Dhul Hijjah), this day
(9th), this city (Makkah) as sacred, so do regard also the life and
property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.
ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all
interest obligations shall henceforth be waived.
Beware of satan, for the safety of your religion. The devil has lost
all hope of leading you astray in big issues, but beware of being led
astray in small issues.
O, People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your
women, but they also have rights over you. Remember, you have
taken them as your wives only under ALLAH’S trust and with His
permission. If they abide by your right, then they shall have the
right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well
and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed
O, People, listen to me earnestly! Worship ALLAH; offer your five
daily prayers; fast during the month of Ramadan; and give your
wealth in zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford it.
Last Sermon of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
All of mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority
over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an
Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor does a black
have any superiority over a white, except in piety and good deeds.
Nurture yourself that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim
and that all Muslims constitute one Brotherhood. Nothing shall be
legitimate to a Muslim if it belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it is
given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to
Remember, you will appear before ALLAH to answer for your
deeds. So, beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness
after I am gone.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new
faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and
understand the words which I have conveyed to you. I leave behind
two things, the QURAN, and my example, THE SUNNAH, and if you
abide by these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and
the latter to others again; and may the last ones understand my
words better than those listening directly from me. Be my witness,
O ALLAH, that I have conveyed Your message to Your people.