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Science Connection
By David Cochran
US Geologic Survey
US Dept. of Interior
Metamorphic gneiss
Wilson 44691
Wikipedia Commons
Igneous gabbro
There is nothing really new among rocks. The
elements and compounds that make up rocks, like all
matter, cannot be created or destroyed. But there is a
lot of changing from one kind of rock to another going
on, constantly. This change is called the rock cycle.
Metamorphic Rock
Over millions of years, layers of sedimentary rock
press deeper and deeper into the Earth. More rocks
pile on top creating great pressure. Deep in the earth,
heat from the magma, pressure from layers and layers
of rock above, and underground chemical changes
cause rocks to combine and change forms. This
Igneous Rock
Deep inside the Earth, elements and compounds in
change is called metamorphosis. Marble is
the mantle are heating to a slow boil. This molten
metamorphosed limestone. Quartzite is
mixture of minerals is called magma. It is the stuff
metamorphosed sandstone.
that igneous rocks are made of. Over time, the magma As metamorphic rock is pressed deeper and deeper,
cools. If it cools beneath the Earth’s surface, it forms it gets hotter and hotter. It finally melts into magma.
into igneous rocks of granite and feldspar with mineral A volcano erupts, spewing new lava on the Earth’s
crystals all about the same size. On the surface of the surface. The rock cycle begins again.
Earth, igneous rocks form when the magma, as lava,
pours out through fissures and volcanoes. All igneous
of the three types of rocks
rocks have inter-grown crystal patterns that form in
the cooling magma. It is in igneous rock that veins of
mineral ores such as gold, iron, and zinc can be found.
2. Go to:
 Read the information on Rock Cycle.
 Click on Fun Activities at the bottom of the
 Choose and complete: Famous Rocks
Scavenger Hunt.
Sedimentary Rock
Once on the Earth’s surface, natural actions of wind,
running water, waves, currents, ice, and gravity erode
and move fragments of igneous and other rocks,
grinding them into tiny pieces of sediment. This
sediment is usually deposited in layers at a lower
elevation. Here it can gather plant and animal remains.
Over millions of years, the sediment is compressed
and cemented together forming sedimentary rock.
This is where most fossils, telling the history of our
planet, are discovered. In sedimentary sandstone,
some rock forms called “paint pots,” once used by
American Indians, can be found. See the article on
paint pots on page 26.
3. Go to: and play the Rock
Types Game to learn more about rock types.
Rocks and Minerals
Science Connection
For More Information
See the Rocks and Minerals publication at
Spigot Science
Rocks and Minerals