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Computer Systems Lab
Research at TJHSST
Research Areas in CS
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:
Can I write a program that can learn on its own to
accomplish a particular task or solve a problem?
• 3D Computer Graphics:
Can I visualize a physical
situation realistically with a computer program?
• Computer Vision:
Can a computer program see,
distinguish, and analyze objects in an image?
• Modeling of Complex Systems, numerically
and graphically: Can I simulate a complex
environment and mathematical model. How closely can my
simulation match and predict reality?
Research Areas in CS
• Distributed and Parallel Programming
methods for high performance computing: For a
complex programming task, can I take advantage of
processing in parallel across multiple processors?
• Software Design, Object Oriented
Programming: What are optimal techniques for large
scale applications with large user bases and a need for long
term modifications and updates?
Research Models
(from Pasteur's Quadrant (1997) Donald Stokes)
• Pure basic research: Can I create a logarithmic,
randomly accessible data structure? Can I create a hybrid
machine learning system?
• Use-inspired basic research: Can I create a 3D
visualization package for graphics modeling for a Physics
course? Can I create a program that can learn on its own
how to translate text from one language to another for
people to obtain web-based translations?
• Pure applied research: Can I write a student Intranet
program for a high school? The program needs to be robust
and maintainable by future students for many years.
Software Testing and Analysis of
Your Program
• Dynamic Testing: Random tests, Structural tests,
Functional tests, Path and branch testing.
• Process Modeling: - Finding a formula to verify and
validate your program's behavior.
• Requirements and Specifications: - Defining
requirements and the specifications for verifying these
Lifecycle Models for the
Development Process
(from Rapid Development by McConnell)
• Spiral Model - breaks a software project up into
miniprojects. Each miniproject addresses one or more
major risks. Each iteration moves your project to a larger
• Evolutionary Prototyping - develop the system
concept as you move through the project. You may begin
by developing the most visible aspects of the system.
Useful when requirements may change throughout your
project or when you're unsure of the optimal architecture or
algorithms to use.
• Staged Delivery - you show software results in
successively refined stages. Unlike evolutionary
prototyping, when you use staged delivery, you know
exactly what you're going to build when you set out.
Computer Systems Lab
Example Projects
Student Intranet – Software
• A new platform is developed implementing
paradigms in object-oriented programming
and collaborative development.
Development of
an ObjectOriented
Student Intranet
Web Application
in PHP5
A new platform, known as
Intranet2, implements
paradigms in Object-Oriented
programming and
collaborative development in
the creation of a new student
NetChat Communications System –
Software Engineering, Distributed
• The creation of a network communication
system that will use methods of transferring
data between a server and a client using an
XML protocol.
s Systems
The project involves creating
a method of transferring data
between a server and client
using an XML-based protocol.
This framework would be
extended into the form of an
application called “NetChat”.
Using the developed
framework, NetChat would be
capable of sending data back
and forth in the form of instant
messages, email, news feeds,
along with various other
means of communication.
Graphical Display of a Physics
Simulation – Computer Modeling
• The purpose is to make a physics simulation
that will display objects placed by the user
graphically and display information about
those objects on a graphical user interface.
The goal is to allow the user to place any
combination of objects, including particles,
springs, and ramps, in a graphical display,
input values for these objects, and run a
simulation that will track these values and
display the interactions and positions of the
objects graphically in two-dimensions.
Graphics and
A physics simulation, in order to
adequately demonstrate physical
laws and predict an unlimited
number of scenarios, must
implement a broad range of
mathematical equations and
provide the user with the ability
to set up a scenario with
whatever number of objects and
arrangements of these objects
that he desires. The goal of this
project is to create such a
Machine Learning and
Computational Linguistics
• Using statistical processes in text
Translation and
This project uses computational
linguistics to serve students of
French or English as a second
language as well as those who
know only one of these
languages. The program will
translate French to English and
English to French well enough to
be understandable to someone
who knows only the output
language. This is useful for
surfing the web, reading texts in
a foreign language, and
communication with someone
from another country. It can also
be used for students to check
their writing by translating back
to their native tongue.
Computer Modeling: TJ's Hallways
and Student Traffic
• The purpose of this project is to create a
simulation of the students and teachers at
Jefferson moving around the building. This
simulation is meant to be accurate based on
time and location.
TJ Hall
The purpose of this project is to
model TJ students in their school
environment throughout a typical
school day. The goal is to have
dots to represent the students
moving on the basis of
probability to various parts of the
building. If the project were
completed it would allow the
user to control various aspects of
the day. This project is worth
doing to demonstrate just how
big the need is for a new
building; to indirectly show that
TJ is overcrowded. Students and
teachers alike might be interested
in seeing the results, mostly to
avoid the crowded areas during
their travels.
Music Compositional Software
Development – Computer Music
• Music editing software may be expensive,
complicated, and could be improved as a
teaching tool. A new, free software designed
for amateur composers and music students
requires a less powerful editing system and
can incorporate learning tools to aid
teachers in teaching music theory to
The purpose of this project is to
make an easy to use composition
aid software that incoporates a
simple and intuitive GUI into a
robust highly capable system of
music display.
Evolution Simulator – Computer
Modeling of Environments, Artificial
• Simulate the evolution of different
organisms within an environment. There
will be a genetic variability that will allow
the organism species to evolve, or die out.
The hope is a demonstration of natural
selection, showing that after many
generations the collective gene will be more
advanced than the original.
The purpose of this project is to
create an AGENT-based model that
simulates the evolution of different
organisms within an environment.
These organisms will be a
simulation of real-world organisms,
with the need for food, the ability
to breed and die, and so on. Their
function and lifespan will be based
on dozens of genetic
characteristics, such as metabolism,
eyesight, etc., and these
characteristics will be passed on to
offspring. There will be a genetic
variability that will allow the
organism species to evolve, or
devolve. The hope is a
demonstration of natural selection,
and after several generations the
collective gene will be more
advanced than the original.
Traffic Light Simulation – Computer
Modeling, Traffic
• This project simulates a busy traffic light.
The cars follow all necessary rules of the
road so that the simulation is realistic. The
program recognizes patterns in the
intersection and makes the light as efficient
as possible by minimizing waiting time and
queue length plus maximizing green light
usage for cars. The patterns in the
intersection can change hourly to match the
real world.
Traffic Light
This project is meant to simulate
a busy traffic light. The program
tries to recognize patterns in the
intersection and make the light as
efficient as possible by
minimizing waiting time for cars,
both average waiting and total
waiting time. The patterns would
be related to the time of day and
the day of the week. At first I
would purposely input
recognizable patterns and see if
the program would catch it, but
eventually the plan would be to
possibly use this program using a
real intersection's data.
3D Visualization Package –
Computer Graphics
• Develop a 3D graphics simulation engine
designed to simplify the task of coding 3D
simulations, while still giving the developer
control over every aspect of the rendering
and simulation process.
Development of
a 3D
The purpose of my project is to
investigate the workings of a 3D
graphics simulation engine, and
develop an engine designed to
simplify the task of coding 3D
simulations, while still giving the
developer control over every aspect
of the rendering and simulation
process. Hopefully, this engine will
simplify the visualization process to
the point where it is worthwhile to
code a 3D representation of some
problem. I also hope to make it
possible for the developer to use my
engine without any knowledge of
OpenGL or SDL, but rather do all the
necessary code behind the scenes
when using the default rendering
Hybrid Machine Learning System –
Machine Learning
• Designing a system that combines the
capabilities of multiple types of AI and
machine learning systems, such as neural
networks and subsumption architectures, to
produce a more flexible and versatile hybrid
Hybrid AI and
The purpose of this project is to
design a system that combines the
capabilities of multiple types of AI
and machine learning systems, such
as neural networks and subsumption
architectures, to produce a more
flexible and versatile hybrid system.
The end goal is to produce a set of
basic library functions and
architecture descriptions for the easy
manipulation of the AI/ML
subsystems (particularly neural
networks), and use those to build an
AI system capable of teaching itself
how to complete tasks specified by a
human-defined heuristic via either
supervised training or trial-and-error
and inference, and of altering learned
behaviors to cope with changes in its
operational environment with
minimal human intervention.
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) –
Algorithms, Machine Learning, Path
• Finding optimal paths in a complex
network. ACO is an algorithm that is used
to find near optimal solutions to NP
Ant Colony
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
is an algorithm that is used to
find near optimal solutions to NP
problems. This research aims to
study the differences in strengths
and weaknesses between various
implementations of ACO (as
applied to the Traveling
Salesman Problem), suggest or
conduct development into
improving performance of ACO
algorithms, and study the general
application of ACO algorithms to
the Traveling Salesman Problem.
Computer Systems Lab
• TASC Component Architecture and
Simulation Environment: Systems Modeling,
Northrop Grumman IT
• Implementation of Artificial Physics Using
AIBO Robot and the Pyro Programming
Environment: AI Robotics, NRL
• Development of a Practical Social Network
Analysis Program: IT.COM
Computer Systems Lab
• Fairness and Justness in Non-Cooperative
Game Theory: Experimental Economics
Modeling, GMU
• Analysis of Driver Patterns in a Simulated
Environment: Computer Modeling, TurnerFairbank Highway Research Center
• Advanced Speed Guidance for Merging
and Sequencing Techniques: MITRE
Thanks and have fun computing!