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Nervous System Study Guide
Nervous System & Neurons
1. The organs of the nervous system include ______________________, __________________________ and
2. Matching the term to the correct statement.
a. _______________________ the cell body receives information from this treebranch like projection that extends from a neuron.
b. _______________________ Disorder that results in the inflammation of the layers
of connective tissue that surrounds the brain.
myelin sheath
c. _______________________ The cells of the nervous system that carry impulses
(electrical signals).
d. _______________________ Fatty outer layer that surrounds the axon of a neuron
giving it a white appearance.
e. _______________________ Space between two neurons.
f. _______________________ carries impulses away from the cell body.
3. The presence of myelin sheath on the axon of a neuron allows an impulse to travel __________________(faster
or slower).
4. Write the function of the following types of neurons:
a. Sensory neuron: _______________________________________________________________________
b. Motor neuron: ________________________________________________________________________
c. Interneuron: __________________________________________________________________________
5. Label the parts of a neuron. Draw an arrow to show the path of an impulse.
Action Potential and Impulses
6. _________________________ are chemical signals that are released
when an impulse reaches the axon terminals.
7. _______________ and ___________________ are the two ions
responsible for the electrical charge difference on the cell membrane of
the neuron.
8. Label the following terms on the diagram. (neurotransmitter, axon,
synaptic cleft, dendrite)
9. What is the function of a neurotransmitter?
10. An ___________________ or an __________________________ begins when a neuron is stimulated by the
environment or another neuron.
11. Label the CHARGES (+ and -) and the ions
(Na+ and K+) on the following diagram of
an axon when the neuron is at REST.
Divisions of the Nervous System
12. The 2 major divisions of the nervous
system is the _________________nervous
system (CNS) and ____________________
nervous system (PNS).
13. The organs of the central nervous system
(CNS) consists of the __________________
and the ______________________.
14. The organs of the peripheral nervous system (CNS) consists of the ____________________ and the
15. Name the 3 structures that make up the brain stem.
16. What 3 structures protect the Central Nervous System?
17. The ____________________________ is involved in reflexes.
18. Matching.
a. _________________________ Division of the nervous system that is responsible
for slowing down body activities (“rest & digest”).
b. Division of the brain that controls balance and posture.
c. _________________________ Division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
that controls breathing and heart rate (involuntary functions).
d. _________________________ Division of the nervous system that stimulates the
body to action in the “fight or flight response”.
19. List the pathway of a reflex arc.
20. The _____________________________ (cerebrum or brain stem) controls vital functions such as breathing or
heart rate.
21. List the 4 lobes that make up the cerebrum.
22. The _____________________________(cerebrum or diencephalon) controls conscious activities of the body.
23. Label the major divisions of the brain in the
diagram. Corpus collosum, brain stem,
cerebellum, cerebrum , diencephalon
24. Drugs affect the nervous system by
interfering with the __________________
25. List the major neurotransmitters found in
the body.
26. Label the lobes of the cerebrum: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, brain stem, cerebellum
Nervous System of the Human Body
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Sensory Division
Motor Division
Somatic NS
Autonomic NS