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Roundworms, or ascarids, are white parasites that live in the small intestines of both
dogs and cats. This is a typical worm for puppies and kittens however older pets can
become infected also. Roundworms are passed when an infected dog has a bowel
movement. This bowel movement contains the eggs of the roundworm. These eggs are
passed a long in the stool of an infected pet and can contaminate the ground where that
feces is located. The transmission often happens when pets are grooming themselves
after coming into contact with the infected ground. The way that puppies and kitten
usually become infected is from their mother both by crossing the placenta but also
through the mothers milk when they are nursing. Roundworms begin their lives as eggs
which when ingested into their host develop into a larval stage. These larvae then
migrate to the intestines as well as to the liver and lungs. Roundworms can begin to lay
eggs and become infectious after two to seven weeks of entering the host animal.
Roundworms are usually diagnosed by finding the eggs of the roundworm in a fecal
flotation from the animal, this is a process where the stool is placed in a solution that
causes parasite eggs to float to the top and adhere to a slide. This slide is then looked
at under the microscope where the eggs can be seen. Roundworms themselves
however are one of the few intestinal parasites that can be seen in the stool with the
naked eye. Adult roundworms are white worms that are usually over an inch long and
have an appearance somewhat like spaghetti noodles. These can also be seen in the
vomit of an animal however just because adults have not been seen does not mean that
they are not there. Only the adult worms can bee seen with the naked eye and adults
are not usually passed very frequently.
Roundworms can be transmittable to humans, especially those with
compromised immune systems such as babies, elderly people, and the
chronically ill. Unfortunately, roundworms infecting humans rarely stay in the intestines
like in our pets. The can migrate many places in our bodies most commonly the liver,
lungs, brain, and eyes. These can cause things such as fevers, an enlarged liver, lung
infections, blindness, and in some extreme cases fatal neurologic disease. For these
reasons it is very important to treat and prevent roundworm infections in our pets. This
is also a reason why stool of an infected pets should be removed from the yard and
disposed of (since roundworm eggs can live in the environment for up to a year) gloves
should be worn and a thorough hand washing should follow.
Luckily roundworms are one of the easier parasites both to treat and to prevent.
Treatment is though deworming with one of a few products if roundworms are the only
parasite found in the stool treatment is usually with a very gentle dewormer called
Pyrantel Pamoate. If other intestinal parasites are present a product called Drontal is
usually recommended for dogs and a product called Profender for cats. Any dewormers
used to treat roundworms need to be repeated in about three to four weeks this in to
insure that the entire life cycle of the worm is gotten. All dewormers kill the adult
roundworms but not the developing stages and repeated dewormings are needed to
clear the infection. It is also important to know that many times roundworms are seen in
the stool after deworming this is because we are clearing the adults and getting them
out of the system and is not a sign that the dewormer is not working. As with most
disease prevention is key in both protecting our pets and protecting the humans that live
around them. The best means of prevention is through the use of monthly heartworm
prevention, which along with preventing heartworms also delivers a dewormer every
month when you give it.