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Brain Development
Largest, most developed part at birth
Weight compared to adult brain
25% at birth
75% at age 2
90% at age 5
Normal experience, stimulation, result
in normal brain development
 Axon
 Synapse
 Neurotransmitters
Responsiveness to experiences
Can be negative
Vulnerable to damage
Environmental deprivation
Can be positive
Aids in recovery from injury
Can compensate for each other
Can benefit from stimulation
Allows for adaptability
Critical period: Late prenatal & early infancy
Lateralization (at birth)
Left hemisphere
Right hemisphere
Analytic reasoning, language
Understanding spatial information
Visual-motor information
Corpus callosum connects the two
• Never truly complete
Changes occur across lifespan
• Growth spurts in infancy, childhood<,> and
• Full adult weight by about age 16
• Processing speed increases in adolescence
• Myelination continues into early adulthood
The Aging Brain
Elderly adults
Gradual and mild degeneration
5-30% fewer neurons than younger adult
Greater loss in sensory-motor areas
Plasticity still possible
Main result of age is slower processing
The top image shows a normal
brain, facing left. The brain
tissue occupies most of the
space available inside the
skull. The creases separating
the cortical gyri (those
sausage-like outer layers of
the brain) are narrow, except
for one crease running from
lower left toward the middle of
the image. That separates the
temporal lobe from the rest of
the brain. The brain below
shows the changes with
Alzheimer's disease. The
cortical gyri have atrophied.
Were you to look under a
microscope, you'd see a
dearth of grey cells. Were you
to weigh the brain, it would be
significantly lighter.
Procession of growth is orderly
Cephalocaudal: From head, downward
Proximodistal: From the center, outwards
Orthogenic: From global, undifferentiated to
Typically 7 to 7½ lbs., 20 inches long
Period of rapid growth
Neonatal reflexes
Survival reflexes: Clearly adaptive
Primitive reflexes: Less adaptive
Breathing, eye-blink, sucking/rooting
Typically disappear by 4 months
Babinski: Toes fan, grasping
Used diagnostically
Behavioral States
Short sleep-wake cycles at first
Establish more regularity at 3-6 months
REM sleep
50% of the time for newborns
25-30% by 6 months
May be useful for reducing stimulation
Individuality in infant patterns
Strengths and weaknesses
Sensory system intact
Ability to learn from experience and
from consequences
Limited in capacity to move voluntarily
Intentionality also limited
Cannot interpret complex stimuli
Developmental norms (see Table 5.4)
Average age of mastery
Gross before fine motor skills
Crawling at 7–10 months
Walking at about 1 year
Study of “walkers” (Siegel & Burton, 1999)
Infants not using walkers sat up, crawled, and
walked earlier
Need sensory feedback to see feet
Manipulating Objects
Grasping reflex disappears: 2-4 mo
Pincer grasp by 6 months
Motor Skills
Rhythmic Stereotypies
Rocking, bouncing, mouthing objects, banging
arms and legs
Precede a skill then disappear
Age 2 until puberty
2-3 inches in height, 5-6 lbs weight/per year
Bones grow and harden
Run faster, jump higher, and throw a ball
Skills very responsive to practice
Hand-eye coordination, fine motor, and
reaction time all improve
Education level of parents a factor
Nutrition: Well-balanced diet important
High-carb foods detrimental
Child obesity: Junk-food, TV
Injuries, auto crashes: Leading cause of
Exercise: Promotes physical, cognitive,
social well-being, academic skill
Growth spurt triggered by hormones
Peak in height: Age 12/girls, 14/boys
Menarche: Average age 12½
Earlier in countries with good nutrition
Maturation different by ethnicity
Semenarche: Average age 13
Emission of seminal fluid
Genes set the process in motion
Hormones responsible for changes
Environment also important
Secular trend: Better nutrition
Earlier maturation, larger body size
Poorly nourished mature later
Heavy and tall mature earlier
Regular strenuous exercise mature later
Sequence of Events in the Sexual Maturation of Males and females.
Girls become concerned w/appearance
Boys likely to welcome the changes
Individual reactions vary widely
Negative views about menstruation
Ornamental view
Instrumental View
Family relations remain important
Distance and conflict with parents
Usually about only minor issues
Early males: Advantageous
Late/males: Disadvantageous
More behavior and adjustment problems
Early/females: Disadvantageous
More positive reactions from others
Subject of ridicule, lower self esteem
Older peer group = problems
Late/ females: Academic advantages
Differences tend to fade with time
Dramatic physical growth overall
Boys continue to improve
Girls tend to level off or decline
Not totally explained by biology
Gender role socialization important
Gender performance gap has narrowed
Obesity a continuing problem
Leading causes of death
Higher risk: Diabetes, heart, BP problems
Poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle
Motor vehicles and violence
Alcohol and drug use, cigarette smoking
Also result in risky choices
Minor changes in the 20s & 30s
Noticeable by the 40s
Wrinkles, gray hair, weight gain
In the 60s: Weight, muscle, bone loss
Osteoporosis in older women
Fair, light frame, smokers
Calcium, exercise,
Osteoarthritis: Joint deterioration
• Most systems show decline with age
Heart and lung capacity
Temperature control
Immune system and strength
Reserve capacity
• On average, older people are less fit than
younger BUT not all
Physically active remain fit
Beginning in adolescence
Sex hormones influence behavior
Male testosterone
 Levels fluctuate daily
Female estrogen & progesterone
 Monthly cycle
 PMS? Expectations vs. hormones
 Calcium & Vitamin D helpful
Menopause: Estrogen production declines
Age range 45-54
Symptoms: hot flashes, vaginal dryness
Little anxiety, irritability, depression, or other
Exercise and adequate sleep helpful
Andropause: Decreasing testosterone
Symptoms: Changes in Libido, fatigue, erectile
dysfunction, and memory problems
Balance difficulty affects the ability to walk,
stand, sit, and turn
Older people with strong muscles and good
cardiovascular capacity can walk briskly
Major change is slowing of the CNS
Increased RT
Novel/complex tasks more difficult
Physically-fit older people have quicker RT
Birren (1963) study of men aged 65-91
Disuse: “Use it or lose it!”
Healthy older same as younger
Conclusion: Aging itself has little effect
on physical and psychological functioning
Includes mental exercise
Abuse contributes to decline
Alcohol, high-fat diet, smoking
Acute illnesses less common
Chronic disease more common
Most 70-yr-olds: At least 1 chronic
Tremendous variability
Exercise, nutrition: Lifelong benefits
Improves cardio, respiratory functioning
Slows bone loss, strengthens muscles
Less depression, delays disability
Osteoporosis: Smokers, light frame, at risk
Increase calcium
Weight-bearing exercise
Osteoarthritis: deterioration of cartilage
Successful aging
Both physical and mental functioning
Positive attitude