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The Road to War:
The Rise of Adolf Hitler
We Are Learning:
Who Adolf Hitler was
What formed his beliefs and ideas
How he came to power
Who was Adolf Hitler?
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Austria.
He was the leader of the Nationalist Socialist
German Workers Party (NAZI Party) from 19351945.
As dictator of Germany, Hitler is responsible for
starting World War II
The events that formed Hitler’s
beliefs and ideas.
Hitler’s failure as an artist and his desire to
be great.
Germany’s loss in World War 1.
Anti-Semitism in Europe.
Hitler’s failure as an artist
After leaving home in 1905 Hitler moved to
Vienna, Germany were he attempted a career at
Despite being born in Austria, Hitler declared
loyalty only to the German nation.
Hitler’s Failure as an Artist
He failed to get into Vienna’s art school
Hitler attempted to sell his own art to make
money but he quickly became poor and was
forced to move into a homeless shelter.
Hitler’s Failure as an Artist
Hitler’s failure as a artist left a deep
scar upon him.
His deep desire to do great things
eventually pushed Hitler into politics.
Germany’s loss in World War I
When World War I broke out in
1914, Hitler fought on the German
side of the War.
Hitler’s experience in WWI
strengthened his German
Hitler in World War I
Hitler as a Soldier in World War I
When Germany lost the War Hitler was
Hitler believed that German-Jewish
soldiers did not fight hard enough during
the war because they were not pure
Germany’s loss in WWI
He blamed Jewish people for Germany’s
failure and proclaimed his purpose in life
was to ‘Save Germany’.
Anti-Semitism in Europe
Anti-Semitism: the hatred or hostility
towards Jews; includes culture, ethnic
background and religion.
Unfortunately, Hitler’s feelings towards
Jews after World War I were felt amongst
other Germans.
Anti-Semitism in Europe
Anti-Semitic views were very prevalent in
In Vienna, Hitler became obsessed with
reading anti-Semitic literature.
Hitler’s social network further supported
his racist views towards Jewish people.
Hitler After World War I
After the First World War Hitler
entered into politics and joined the
Nazi Party.
By 1921 Hitler was speaking to
crowds against the Treaty of
Versailles, rival politicians and Jews.
Hitler After WWI
He began to gain
popularity but
was arrested in
1924 for trying to
overthrow the
Mein Kempf
Mein Kampft - My Struggle
Part ‘autobiography’ and part
political ideas
In the book Hitler blames Jews
for Germany’s problems.
Hitler’s Rise to Power
In December of 1924 Hitler was released
from prison.
He continued to give speeches but the Nazi
party slowly became less popular.
It was not until 1930 that an event occurred
which allowed Hitler to gain popularity
amongst the German people.
Hitler’s rise to power.
The stock market crash severely affected
German’s way of living.
Inflation rose quickly as Germany printed
too much money.
The price of food quickly became
unaffordable for most Germans.
Hitler and the World Economic
After Germany fell into an economic
depression many Germans felt that Hitler
provided an answer to Germany’s problems.
Hitler Promised
To get rid of the Treaty of Versailles and
take back German land.
To create jobs for German people
Strong government ruling for Germany
On the 30th of January 1933 Hitler became
the leader of Germany