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Part 1: The Pace of
Evolutionary Change
How fast is Evolution?
Evolution does not always occur at the
same rate all the time.
Evidence: Looking at the fossil record, it
shows some groups of organisms
remaining unchanged for millions of
years, while others are rapidly changing
over time.
The pattern of slow and gradual
evolutionary change over long periods of
Populations slowly diverge from one
another due to different selective
 Constant allele frequencies
 Constant environmental conditions
 Few chromosomal mutations
Some examples include:
 Cockroaches
 Sharks
Results from transitional forms that are
seen in the fossil record.
 Example: Trilobites
Punctuated Equilibrium
The pattern of long stable periods in
which species stayed much the same.
Interrupted (punctuated) by short periods
in which there was quick evolution, rapidly
resulting in formations of new species.
Some reasons for it include:
 Mass extinction of many life forms
 Rapidly changing environmental conditions
 Exploitation of new environments
Punctuated Equilibrium
Some examples include:
 Galapagos finches
 Cambrian (time period) explosion of animal
Punctuated Equilibrium
The fossil record shows rapid bursts of
evolution following mass extinctions.
 Cretaceous extinction = Lots of mammals
What causes a population to
Part 2: Genetic Variation
1) Mutations constantly
Mutations provide the source of new
alleles, or variation upon which natural
selection can act.
 Butterfly colour, giraffe’s long necks, rabbits
long ears
2) Immigration and
Emigration Occur
These both affect allele frequencies and
the gene flow in a population.
 Immigrants come to Canada, thus affecting
the gene flow. Immigration affecting
phenotype (animals in the wild)
3) Small Populations
Changes have more of an effect on a
smaller population.
Founder effect: when a small # of
individuals from a population wander
away to start (found) their own population.
Bottleneck effect: when a population is
reduced to low number due to disease,
predation, climate change, etc.
Founder Effect
See article on Ellis-van Crevald
4) Non-Random Mating
This often produces a change in alleles
within populations.
 Animals’ sexual selection is intrasexual
(competition within 1 sex like deer) or
intersexual (completion for a mate like
5. Natural Selection Occurs
Only the most fit survive and pass their
genes on to successive generations.
Therefore, change occurs because the
most fit are always being selected for.
 Finches, peppered moths
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
This equation can be used to check if a
population is changing.
If the equation is NOT EQUAL to 1, the
population is CHANGING
If the equation is EQUAL to 1, the
population is in equilibrium
The Hardy-Weinberg law states that the
frequencies of alleles in a population will
remain constant unless acted upon by
outside agents or forces. In other words, the
proportion of dominant to recessive genes
remains the same. The Hardy-Weinberg law
describes the genetics of non-evolving
populations. A non-evolving population is
said to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
A population will remain in genetic equilibrium if,
and only if, all of the following conditions are
-No mutations occur.
-Individuals neither enter nor
leave the population through migration.
-The population is large.
-Individuals mate randomly.
-Natural selection does not occur.
If we use A and a as an example of alleles, the
Hardy-Weinberg principle is described by the
mathematical equation:
p represents the frequency of the dominant
allele A
q represents the frequency of the recessive
allele a
p2 represent the frequency of the homozygous
dominant alleles: AA
2pq represent the frequency of the alleles
heterozygous condition: Aa
q2 represent the frequency of the homozygous
recessive pair of alleles: aa