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Chapter 5 Review Game Questions:
1) The scientist who developed the periodic table based on properties? (Mendeleev)
2) The electrons responsible for an atoms chemical and physical properties are the
______? (valence)
3) Where on the periodic table are the nonmetals?
(right side)
4) Where on the periodic table are the f-block? (bottom 2 rows)
5) The most reactive group of nonmetals is group? (17 ~ the halogens)
6) How many elements are in the first period of the periodic table? (2)
7) How many periods are on the periodic table? (7)
8) Which area of the periodic table represents the transition metals? (middle)
9) What is one of the characteristics of metals? Another? (luster, mallable, conductors,
ductile and tensile strength)
10) These have properties of both metals and nonmetals? (semimetals or metalloids)
11) The element with the greatest electronegativity? (F)
12) The energy needed to remove an atom’s electron is? …. (ionization)
13) What is the trend for atom size going down a group? Across a period? (increases do
to additional orbitals, decreases due to increased attraction)
14) Where are the p block elements on the periodic table? (right)
15) Where is the d-block on the periodic table? (middle)
16) Where is the s block on the periodic table? (left)
17) Half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are bonded together?
(atomic radius)
18) Elements on the left side of the periodic table tend to form ions of what charge? (+)
19) Elements on the right side of the periodic table tend to form ions of what charge? (-)
20) Who ordered the periodic table according to atomic number? (Mosely)
21) The energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron is called? (electron
22) This rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons in order to acquire a
full set of valence electrons? (octet rule)
23) How many valence electrons do elements in group 2 have? (2)
24) Vertical columns are? (groups)
25) Horizontal rows are? (periods)
26) What is the name of group 1? (alkali metals) Group 2? (alkali earth) Groups 3-12?
(transition metals) Group 17? (halogens) Group 18? (noble gases)
27) Are anions larger or smaller than their corresponding atoms? (larger)
28) Are cations larger or smaller than their corresponding atoms? (smaller)
29) This law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic
functions of their atomic number…? (Periodic Law)
30) How many valence electrons do elements in group 1 have? (1)
31) How many valence electrons do elements in group 17 have? (7)