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Chapter 31
Pain, Comfort, and Sleep
Copyright © 2014, 2009 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 31
Lesson 31.1
Copyright © 2014, 2009 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Discuss the application of The Joint Commission
pain standards in planning patient care.
Give the rationale for why pain is considered the
“fifth vital sign.”
Illustrate the physiology of pain using the gate
control theory.
Describe the use of a variety of nursing
interventions for pain control, including
biofeedback, distraction, guided imagery,
massage, and relaxation.
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Slide 3
Learning Objectives
Clinical Practice
Assist the patient in accurately describing sensations of
pain and discomfort.
Accurately and appropriately record the patient’s report of
pain using clear, descriptive terms.
Assist the patient in using a transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation (TENS) unit.
Evaluate the effects of various techniques used for pain
Assist with the care of patients receiving patient-controlled
analgesia (PCA) or epidural analgesia.
Evaluate the effects of pain medication, and report and
record observations appropriately.
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Pain is the feeling of distress and discomfort
Affects or interferes with normal activity
No accurate objective measurement of pain
Pain assessment is performed along with
each assessment of vital signs and is
considered the “fifth vital sign”
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Pain (cont’d)
Surgical patients experience postoperative
Many medical conditions cause pain
Headache, myocardial infarction
Cancer, fractures
Cuts and abrasions
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The Joint Commission: Pain
Control Standards
Patients have the right to appropriate
assessment and management of pain
Pain is assessed in all patients
Patients are educated about pain and
managing pain as part of the treatment, as
The discharge process provides for
continuing pain care based on the patient’s
needs at the time of discharge
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Theories of Pain
Pain defined as a feeling of distress or
suffering caused by the stimulation of nerve
Pain serves as a warning of tissue damage
and allows sufferer to withdraw from the
source of the pain
Pain is transmitted through the nervous
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Figure 31-1: Pain transmission
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Gate Control Theory
Pain viewed as being controlled by a gate
mechanism in the central nervous system
Opening the gate allows transmission of pain
Closing the gate blocks the transmission of
The gate may be opened by activity in smalldiameter nerves, such as tissue damage
Large-diameter nerve activity seems to close
the gate
Lack of input allows the gate to open
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Figure 31-2: The gate control
theory of pain
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Endorphins are endogenous, naturally
occurring opiate-like peptides that modify the
perception of pain
They attach to opioid receptors and block
Physiologic and psychological stressors can
cause the release of endorphins
Long-distance runners often get an endorphin high
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Pain Descriptions
Type of pain
Severity of pain based on a pain scale
Quality of pain
Location of pain
Duration of pain
Degree of pain
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Types of Pain
Acute: short-term
Chronic: long-term
Nociceptive: injury to tissues
Neuropathic: sensitivity to stimuli
Phantom: after loss of body part
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Type of Pain: Acute Pain
Usually associated with injury, medical
condition or surgical procedure
Short duration, lasting a few hours to a few
May be described as aching or throbbing
Patient may be restless or agitated
Usually controlled with analgesics
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Type of Pain: Acute Pain (cont’d)
Causes include:
Burns, bone fractures, muscle strains
Pneumonia, sickle cell crisis, angina
Herpes zoster, inflammations, infections
May worsen in the presence of anxiety or fear
Usually relieved once the cause is removed
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Type of Pain: Chronic Pain
Pain that may continue for months or years
Often associated with conditions such as:
Chronic back pain
May be dull, constant, shooting, tingling, or
May be treated with both pharmacologic and
nonpharmacologic interventions
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Type of Pain: Nociceptive Pain
Involves injury to the tissue in which receptors
called nociceptors are located
May be found in skin, joints, or organ viscera
Four phases associated with nociceptive pain
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Type of Pain: Nociceptive Pain (cont’d)
Treatments are aimed at one or all four
NSAIDs work at blocking transduction
Opioids block transmission
Distraction and guided imagery block
Drugs that block neurotransmitter uptake
work on modulation
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Type of Pain: Neuropathic Pain
Associated with dysfunction of the nervous
Pain receptors in the body become more sensitive
to stimuli and send signals more easily
As nerve endings grow new branches, the signals
become stronger
Often associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome,
cancer, and HIV
Treated with NSAIDs, tricyclic antidepressants,
anticonvulsants, or corticosteroids
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Type of Pain: Phantom Pain
Occurs with loss of a body part from
Patient may feel pain in the amputated part for
years after the amputation
Not controlled by conventional methods
May be treated with TENS units implanted in
the thalamus
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Severity of Pain: Pain Scales
Pain scales
Number scale
• Rate the level of pain: 0 is pain-free; 10 is worst pain
Picture scale
• Shows faces in varying degrees of pain
NIPS (Neonatal Infant Pain Scale)
CRIES (Crying, Requires oxygen to maintain
saturation, Increased vital signs, Expression, and
PIPP (Premature Infant Pain Profile)
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Figure 31-4: Pain number
rating scale
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Figure 31-5: Wong-Baker FACES
Pain Rating Scale for children
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Quality of Pain: Perception of Pain
Assessment of pain: whatever the person says it is
Observable indicators (may not always be present)
Rigid posture in bed
Described as rushing, throbbing, pulsating,
twisting, pulling, burning, searing, stabbing, tearing,
biting, blinding, nauseating, debilitating
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Location of Pain
Area of pain
Name of affected body part (e.g., foot, hand, leg,
or upper/lower abdomen)
Localized, radiating, generalized
Frequency of pain
Constant, intermittent, occasional
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Pain Control: Nonmedicinal Methods
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS)
Application of heat and cold
Guided imagery and meditation
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Figure 31-6: TENS unit blocks pain
signal transmission
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Medicinal Pain Control:
Medicinal Methods
Analgesic medications
Patient-controlled analgesia
Epidural analgesia
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Figure 31-9: CADD portable
PCA pump in use by patient
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Question 1
There are several different types of pain. Which
type of pain occurs after the loss of a body part
from an amputation?
Acute pain
Nociceptive pain
Neuropathic pain
Phantom pain
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Slide 31
Question 2
Kathy is working in a mother-baby unit. Which
pain scale is used to determine if the baby is in
FACES pain rating scale for children
FLACC scale
PIPP scale
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Question 3
Karen’s patient is prescribed a COX-2 inhibitor
for her pain. Which of the following is an
example of a COX-2 inhibitor?
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Chapter 31
Lesson 31.2
Copyright © 2014, 2009 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Analyzethe need for normal sleep.
Recognize how the need for sleep changes
over the life span.
Delineate factors that can interfere with
Define the sleep disorders insomnia, sleep
apnea, and narcolepsy.
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Learning Objectives
Clinical Practice
Gather data regarding a patient’s sleep
Develop a plan designed to assist the
patient in getting adequate sleep.
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Functions of Sleep
Adequate rest and sleep important factors in
general health and recovery from illness
Being rested increases pain tolerance and
allows improved response to analgesia
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Stages of Sleep
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
Time in which you dream
A period of a high level of activity
Heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations are
similar to that when awake
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Stages of Sleep (cont’d)
Non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep
Believed to be the time when the body receives
the most rest
Heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations
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Normal Sleep Requirements
Age 1:
At least 16 hours of sleep per
12-14 hours per day
11-13 hours
10-11 hours of sleep per night
9-10 hours of sleep a night
8 hours sleep a night
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Factors Affecting Sleep
Working night or evening shifts, changing
Traveling (jet lag), exposure to sunlight
Caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol consumption
Exercise, taking naps
Stress, illness, fatigue
Environmental factors—heat, cold, light, noise
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Sleep Disorders: Insomnia
Difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep
at night
Transient insomnia may be caused by stress,
Chronic insomnia can have many causes; may
require treatment from a health care provider
specializing in sleep disorders
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Sleep Disorders: Sleep Apnea
A condition in which the person will stop
breathing for brief periods during sleep
Obstructive apnea—most common and severe;
airway blocked at back of throat; snoring common;
treatment is CPAP
Central apnea—diaphragm and chest stops
working; person awakens to resume breathing
Mixed sleep apnea—combination of both
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Sleep Disorders: Snoring
Harsh sounds caused by vibration and/or
obstruction of the air passages at the back of
the mouth and nose
May be caused by poor muscle tone, excessive
tissue, or deformities such as a deviated septum
 A partial blockage of the airway
 Sleeping on the side or losing weight may help
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Sleep Disorders: Narcolepsy
Sudden-onset, recurrent, uncontrollable, brief
episodes of sleep during normal hours of
May occur at any time and last from a few
seconds to 30 minutes
 Usually begins around age 25
 No known cure
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Question 4
Karen’s patient is experiencing sudden-onset,
recurrent, and uncontrollable brief episodes of
sleep during hours of wakefulness. What
condition does Karen’s patient have?
Sleep apnea
REM sleep
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Question 5
Karen’s patient is going home with a prescription
for a sleep aid. When teaching the patient about
the medication, Karen should be sure to include:
medications should be used with alcohol.
medications for sleep are for short-term relief.
over-the-counter medications for sleep will
keep you alert.
hypnotics are not used for sleep.
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