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Names for the Civil War
The Civil War –not used during the war
Official name: War of the _____________________ (North)
• War Between the
• War of Rebellion
• War against Slavery
• War for Abolition
• War for the Union
• War for Southern
• War for Southern
• War of Secession
• War Against Northern
• The Lost Cause
• Held a Constitutional Convention in
Montgomery, Alabama
• Declared that ______________, Virginia was
the Capitol of the Confederacy
• Elected ___________________of Mississippi
as the President
• Alexander Stephens of Georgia as the VicePresident
1. Military Background:
Graduate of West Point
Veteran of Mexican War
Secretary of War under President Pierce
2. Reluctant Secessionist:
Not for secession, left Senate when Ms. Seceded
3. Leader of the South during the Bad
4. Administrative Experience:
House of Representatives, Senate, Secretary of
1. He was afraid the _________________states would
Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina
left the Union
Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, and Delaware did
2. He did not want to start a ______________.
___________________________ APRIL 12-14, 1861
Date(s): April 12-14, 1861
Principal Commanders: Maj. Robert Anderson [US];
Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard [CS]
Forces Engaged: Regiments: 580 total (US 80; CS est. 500)
Description: On April 10, 1861, Brig. Gen. Beauregard, demanded the surrender of the Union
garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor.
Garrison commander Anderson refused.
On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort
April 13, Major Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter, evacuating the garrison on the following
Importance of the Battle: The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the first shots of the
American Civil War.
Result(s): Confederate victory
Casualties: Although there were no casualties during the bombardment, one Union artillerist
was killed and three wounded (one mortally) when a cannon exploded prematurely while firing a
salute during the evacuation on April 14.
• After Fort Sumter there were 8 border
states that had not seceded:
Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina
Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, and Delaware
• Lincoln forced them to decide by issuing a
call to all state governors to send 75,000
men to fight in the war.
Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina
Soldier’s Life at
• ____% of time
at camp
• ___%
• ___% fighting
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Raising _____________Forces
• state militias: formed at the
request of Congress
• __________: a large bonus to
those who joined
• ___________: draft (both sides)
• Some paid immigrants to serve
pp. 284-288
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Raising ___________Forces
• Conscription (draft):
enacted in 1862
• _________________ Law:
anyone owning 20 or more
slaves was exempted from
the draft
pp. 284-288
• Lincoln elected President
• “Deep South” Secedes
• CSA attacks Fort Sumter
• Lincoln calls for troops
• “Upper South” secedes
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• The Civil War is
considered the first
• due to the use of:
-industry/technology of
-change in
pp. 284-288
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• ______________
• Aerial reconnaissance
with manned ________
• ________________
• improved weaponry
pp. 284-288
• Mines, trench warfare, wire barricades
• ____________warships (Monitor, Merrimac
[Virginia] fight at Hampton roads, ended in a tie)
• Confederate ______________
• photography (Matthew Brady)
Advantages of the _____________________
•Population: North 22 million South 9 million
• Money- Capital deposits in banks: North $189 million
South $ 47 million
• Materials- 100,000 factories & 90% of manufactured
goods, esp. munitions
• Railroad system- 20,000 miles of rails
• Navy- which could be used to blockade southern
ports and shut down the south’s economy.
• Superior leaders -Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jackson
• Reason for fighting- Independence
• Fighting a Defensive War- Defending is always easier
than attacking - (familiar w/climate and territory,
possible psychological advantages)
• Soldiers more experienced- Farmers fight better than
factory workers
Chapter 15 – The States at War
Strategies of
• South:
fighting a
pp. 284-288
• North: the
• impose naval
• gain control of the
Mississippi River
• divide the Upper
and Lower South
• capture Richmond
Battles With Dual Names
Date of Battle
Confederate Name
Federal Name
July 21, 1861
First Manassas
Bull Run
Aug. 10, 1861
Oak Hills
Wilson's Creek
Oct. 21, 1861
Ball's Bluff
Jan. 19, 1862
Mill Springs
Logan's Cross Roads
Mar. 7-8, 1862
Elkhorn Tavern
Pea Ridge
Apr. 6-7, 1862
Pittsburg Landing
June 27, 1862
Gaines's Mill
Aug. 29-30,1862
Second Manassas
Second Bull Run
Sept. 1, 1862
Ox Hill
Sept. 14, 1862
South Mountain
Sept. 17, 1862
Oct. 8, 1862
Chaplin Hills
Dec. 31, 1862Jan 2, 1863
Stones River
Apr. 8, 1864
Sabine Cross Roads
Sept. 19, 1864
Opequon Creek
Why two names for some battles?
• ______________soldiers
- most came from cities or urbanized areas
- named many of their battles after natural features
(mountains, valleys and abundant rivers and streams)
• ______________soldiers
- familiar with the rural, natural terrain, towns and
- named many of their battles after man-made
Chapter 15 – The States at War
The First Battle of Bull Run
• Commanders
- North: Irvin McDowell
- South: Joseph Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard
• Union army overconfident and unprepared
• Spectators that thought it would be a picnic
pp. 288-291
Other Names: First Bull Run
Location: Fairfax County and Prince William County, Va.
Forces Engaged: 60,680 total (US 28,450; CS 32,230)
Estimated Casualties: 4,700 total (US 2,950; CS 1,750) Confederate Gen. Bee and Col. Bartow were killed.
Description: On July 16, 1861, the untried Union army under Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell marched from
Washington against the Confederate arm
On the 21st, McDowell crossed at Sudley Ford and attacked the Confederate left flank on Matthews Hill.
Fighting raged throughout the day as Confederate forces were driven back to Henry Hill. Late in the
afternoon, Confederate reinforcements extended and broke the Union right flank.
The Federal retreat rapidly deteriorated into a rout. Although victorious, Confederate forces were too
disorganized to pursue. Thomas J. Jackson earned the nickname, "Stonewall.”
Result(s): Confederate victory
Importance of the Battle: This battle convinced the Lincoln administration that the war would be a long and
costly affair. McDowell was relieved of command of the Union army and replaced by Maj. Gen. George B.
McClellan, who set about reorganizing and training the troops.
Seven Days
Second Manassas
Tactical Draw
Union Strategic
Robert E. Lee took
command of Confederate
forces in Virginia in 1862.
• “the Young ________________”
• Excellent organizer and administrator
• The right man to rebuild the Federal
Army after the defeat at First Manassas
• Extremely cautious; always wants more
troops and more time to prepare
• Prone to believe enemy is stronger than
he really is
• Mutual distrust with _____________
• McClellan’s Objective:
- Capture _______________
• Reinforced Beauregard at First
• ___________ranking officer to leave
the US Army for the Confederacy
• However the letter Davis sent to the
Senate requesting confirmation of
his full generals listed Johnston
• This infuriated Johnston and from
that day on he had a difficult and
quarrelsome relationship with Davis
• _________________________
“Joe Johnston spent his life
backing up. If he’d been kept in
command while Atlanta was under
siege, he’d have wound up in Key
West” - Shelby Foote
• McClellan near Washington with
100,000 men
• Johnston near Centreville with
• _______________, McClellan’s
intelligence officer, estimated
Johnston had 150,000
• Pinkerton’s exaggerated estimate
reinforced McClellan’s natural
tendency toward caution
Pinkerton’s (left) skill in running a
railroad detective agency did not
translate to being a good military
intelligence officer
_______________CAMPAIGN: SECURITY
• Lincoln was not overly enthusiastic about the
Peninsula Campaign but he was happy that
McClellan was at least doing something
• Among Lincoln’s concerns was the safety of
Washington after McClellan’s army departed
• He asked McClellan to explain his plan for
safeguarding the capital and McClellan never
really gave Lincoln a straight answer
• McClellan was very condescending to Lincoln
• He seemed to think that as a professional soldier he
did not need to bother sharing his plans with an
Amphibious movement began March 17
• 121,500 men, 14,492 animals, 1,224 wagons, 200 cannon
• One British observer described it as “the stride of a giant”
• McClellan began his advance inland on April 4
• Facing him was a 13,000 man force commanded by John Magruder
• While Magruder was executing a masterful deception of McClellan, Lee,
as President Davis’s military advisor, was able to begin a
“reconcentration” of forces which would ultimately bring 53,000
Confederates into position to oppose McClellan
PENINSULA CAMPAIGN: _____________________
• Magruder’s deception, poor maps, difficult terrain,
uninspired actions by subordinates, Pinkerton’s
exaggerated reports, and McClellan’s natural
caution led him to stop his advance within 24
hours and begin siege operations against
• Joe Johnston said, “Nobody but McClellan would
have hesitated to attack.”
• While all this is going on on the Peninsula, Stonewall
Jackson was having a big effect in the Shenandoah Valley
• The Valley represented a potential Confederate avenue of
approach to Washington, which concerned Lincoln
• While still in his capacity as Davis’s military advisor, Lee
began coordinating with Jackson to help relieve pressure
on the Peninsula
• Fought _____battles between
March 23 and June 9:
Kernstown, McDowell, Front
Royal, Winchester, Cross
Keys, and Port Republic
• “Jackson’s ______cavalry”
• 676 miles in 48 marching
days; an average of 14
miles a day
PENINSULA CAMPAIGN: ______________
• Johnston tried to crush
the isolated southern
wing of the Federal
army in the Battle of
Seven Pines May 31
• Johnston mismanaged
the battle, issued vague
orders, and was
• Robert E. Lee replaced
Dates: June 25th-July1st, 1862
Location: Virginia
• Union: George McClellan, Irwin McDowell
Confederate: General Joe Johnston, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jackson, J.E.B. Stuart
• Casualties: The Confederates lost 20,614 Federal losses of 15,849.
• Overview of the Battle :
McClellan attempted to move his troops by ships to the Yorktown Peninsula and
attack Richmond, the Confederate capitol, from the south. Stonewall Jackson moved
toward Washington D.C. to draw Union support back to the capitol. Lee forced
McClellan to divide his army pinned them between the Confederate troops and the
sea. The Union troops were forced to go back to Washington.
• Importance: The series of battles Lee had delivered during the Seven Days had
achieved its objective of relieving Richmond from McClellan's forces. However, this
had been accomplished at a very high cost.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 288-291
The Peninsula Campaign
• ____________orders McClellan to withdraw
from the Peninsula
• McClellan’s caution and hesitation leads to a
_______for the North
• Lincoln replaces McClellan with ______
POPE’S ________________________
• When Pope assumed command he issued a series of
General Orders that certainly enraged the Confederacy and
showed he had an aggressive and hostile policy toward
civilians and private property
• General Order Number 5 stated that the army should live off
the land.
• General Order Number 7 outlined how Pope planned to deal
with the local citizenry.
• General Order Number 11 called for the immediate arrest of
all disloyal male citizens and compelled them to either take an
oath of allegiance to the United States or be deported further
• When Lee realized McClellan was
withdrawing, he ordered Jackson to
break things open by leading his 24,000
men on a wide swing around Pope’s
right to strike his supply lines and cut
his communications with Washington.
• Jackson marched 51 miles in two days,
struck Manassas Junction, and then
withdrew to a defensive position and
waited for Lee to arrive with the rest of
the army
• In the meantime, Longstreet arrived
with 28,000 men and took positions on
Jackson’s right
• On Aug 30, Pope attacked with
7,000 men he expected to use
to finish off Jackson (who he
thought was beaten and
• In reality, Pope was advancing
into the jaws of a trap
• Jackson had not retreated at all
but was standing fast with
18,000 men
• Concealed at a right angle was
Longstreet with 28,000 fresh
• Jackson not only held but forced the Federals to fall back
• Lee unleashed Longstreet and the jaws of the Confederate trap closed on
• The Federals suffered 14,462 casualties (the Confederates 9,474)
• Pope was transferred to Minnesota
• Lincoln places _________________back in charge
September, 1862
In order to gain the initiative and re-supply his
army, Lee invaded Maryland.
A __________________victory on northern soil would bolster the
cause of Southern independence.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Antietam
• Lee hoped to arouse
• hoped to gain
pp. 294-297
1st invasion of the ________by the Confederate
Lee tries to end war quickly by invading the
North- Maryland
________________messenger drops the battle
plans and the Union finds them
North forces the South to retreat, but does not
defeat them
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• _____________discovered
Lee’s location and sought to
force Lee into battle before
Lee could be reinforced.
• A cigar wrapper
• McClellan failed to take
advantage of his superior
numbers and never pursued
Lee when Lee was weakened.
pp. 294-297
September, 1862
Lee and McClellan fought to
a tactical draw in the
bloodiest single day of the
Lee retreated to VA.
for the Union
Location: Washington County, Maryland
Date(s): September 16-18, 1862
Estimated Casualties: 23,100 total
Description: On September 16, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan confronted Lee’s Army of
Northern Virginia at Sharpsburg, Maryland. At dawn September 17, Hooker’s corps mounted a
powerful assault on Lee’s left flank that began the. Attacks and counterattacks swept across
Miller’s cornfield and fighting swirled around the Dunker Church. Union assaults against the
Sunken Road eventually pierced the Confederate center, but the Federal advantage was not
followed up. Late in the day, Burnside’s corps finally got into action, crossing the stone bridge
over Antietam Creek and rolling up the Confederate right. At a crucial moment, A.P. Hill’s
division arrived from Harpers Ferry and counterattacked, driving back Burnside and saving the
day. Although outnumbered two-to-one, Lee committed his entire force, while McClellan sent in
less than three-quarters of his army, enabling Lee to fight the Federals to a standstill. During the
night, both armies consolidated their lines. In spite of crippling casualties, Lee continued to
skirmish with McClellan throughout the 18th, while removing his wounded south of the river.
McClellan did not renew the assaults. After dark, Lee ordered the battered Army of Northern
Virginia to withdraw across the Potomac into the Shenandoah Valley.
Result(s): Bloodiest single day in American military history; Inconclusive (Union strategic
Chapter 15 – The States at War
Antietam results
• _________: failure to win
prevented the British from
recognizing the Confederacy
• _________: issued the
Emancipation Proclamation
• single ___________day in the
history of American wars
• McClellan was replaced by
pp. 294-297
• It freed the slaves only in states that have
____________from the Union.
• It did not free slaves in _____________states
And what did Lincoln hope to achieve
by passing it?
• He thought it would force slave owners to
make their states surrender to save slavery.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 297-301
• results
• caused Southern slaves to desert their masters
• ended the possibility of ____________support
for the South
• paved the way for public acceptance of the end
of slavery
• _____________ joined the Union Army for the
first time.
Gen. Ambrose Burnside,
the new Union
commander, marched
his army toward
Lee moved to intercept
him at Fredericksburg.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Fredericksburg
• Union encountered
entrenched Confederate
• Burnside issues ___ frontal
• massive Union casualties
• Burnside was replaced by
“____________” Hooker.
pp. 294-297
Location: Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg
Date(s): December 11-15, 1862
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside [US]; Gen. Robert E. Lee [CS]
Forces Engaged: 172,504 total (US 100,007; CS 72,497)
Estimated Casualties: 17,929 total (US 13,353; CS 4,576)
Description: On November 14, Burnside, now in command of the Army of the Potomac, sent a corps to
occupy the vicinity of Falmouth near Fredericksburg. The rest of the army soon followed. Lee reacted by
entrenching his army on the heights behind the town. On December 11, Union engineers laid five pontoon
bridges across the Rappahannock under fire. On the 12th, the Federal army crossed over, and on December
13, Burnside mounted a series of futile frontal assaults on Prospect Hill and Marye’s Heights that resulted in
staggering casualties. Meade’s division, on the Union left flank, briefly penetrated Jackson’s line but was
driven back by a counterattack. Union generals C. Feger Jackson and George Bayard, and Confederate
generals Thomas R.R. Cobb and Maxey Gregg were killed. On December 15, Burnside called off the
offensive and re-crossed the river, ending the campaign. Burnside initiated a new offensive in January 1863,
which quickly bogged down in the winter mud. On the afternoon of the 14th, Burnside asked Lee for a truce to
tend to his wounded which was granted.
December, 1862
Lee ended 1862 with a
lopsided victory over
Burnside’s army.
Western Theater
Forts Henry and
Capture of New
Ulysses S. Grant (USA)
Army of the Tennessee
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• The Union _________
• purpose: to prevent
entry or exit of
passengers or
• part of the strategy to
gain control of the
pp. 291-293
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 291-293
• _________________: ships designed
to slip through blockades
• The British assisted the Confederacy
in blockade running.
• results: major impacts on the southern
• Union General
William Sherman
called the
Mississippi River
of America.”
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Gaining the Upper Mississippi
• Ulysses S. Grant (Union General)
• __________________________
- ensured that Kentucky would stay in the Union and
opened up Tennessee for a Northern advance along the
Tennessee and Cumberland rivers.
- “Unconditional Surrender” Grant
• Shiloh
• Corinth
pp. 291-293
April, 1862
Grant caught off guard by a Confederate attack.
Still standing at nightfall…
Reinforced during the night, Grant counter-attacked
and forced a Confederate retreat.
APRIL 6-7, 1862
• Other Names: Pittsburg Landing
• Location: Hardin County
• Campaign: Federal Penetration up the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
• Date(s): April 6-7, 1862
• Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. Don
Carlos Buell [US]; Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard
• Forces Engaged: Army of the Tennessee and Army of the Ohio (65,085)
[US]; Army of the Mississippi (44,968) [CS]
• Estimated Casualties: 23,746 total (US 13,047; CS 10,699)
________________ APRIL 6-7, 1862
• As a result of the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson, Confederate
Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston was forced to fall back, giving up
Kentucky and much of Tennessee.
• Johnston chose Corinth, Mississippi, a major transportation
center, as the staging area for an offensive against Maj. Gen.
Ulysses S. Grant and his Army of the Tennessee before the
Army of the Ohio, under Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell, could join
• The Confederates attacked the Union troops on the morning of
the 6th and were driving them back
_____________ APRIL 6-7, 1862
• Some Federals established a battle line at the sunken road, known as the
“Hornets Nest.” Repeated Rebel attacks failed to carry the Hornets Nest, but
massed artillery helped to turn the tide as Confederates surrounded the
Union troops and captured, killed, or wounded most.
• Johnston had been mortally wounded earlier and his second in command,
Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard, took over.
• The Union troops established another line covering Pittsburg Landing by
Buell’s men who began to arrive and take up positions. Fighting continued
until after dark, but the Federals held.
• By the next morning, the combined Federal forces numbered about 40,000,
outnumbering Beauregard’s army of less than 30,000.
APRIL 6-7, 1862
• At this point, Beauregard realized that he
could not win and, having suffered too
many casualties, he retired from the field
and headed back to Corinth.
• Result(s): _____________victory
• Importance of the Battle: Largest battle in
North American History. Gave the Union
the entire Mississippi River except for
• 1) It was an important victory early in the war, when
_________victories were very scarce. It was
incredibly costly in terms of human lives.
2) It brought ____________________-- a minor
general at the time -- to the attention of Lincoln.
Shiloh showed Grant's willingness to stand and
fight, despite high Union losses, unlike Gen. George
McClellan, who was Grant's superior at that early
stage of the war. It was this tenacity that allowed
him to use his superior numbers to wage and win a
war of attrition.
May, 1862
The Union Navy
Confederate defenses
on the Mississippi to
capture the
Dates: April 25–May 1, 1862
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Key Individuals Involved in the Battle of New Orleans:
Union: Flag-Officer David G. Farragut and Major General Benjamin Franklin Butler
Confederate: Major General Mansfield Lovell
Outcome: Union Victory. Casualties None.
Overview of the Battle :
Following the passage of forts Jackson and St. Philip, near the mouth of the Mississippi River, on April 24,
1862, the Union occupation of New Orleans was inevitable. Union Flag-Officer David G. Farragut, with his
squadron, continued up the Mississippi River and demanded the surrender of the City of New Orleans the
next day. The city surrendered on April 28. On May 1, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Franklin Butler’s army began
landing at New Orleans and occupying the city. New Orleans, considered an international city and the largest
city in the Confederacy, had fallen. The Union occupation of New Orleans was an event that had major
international significance.
Importance: Union got a major port and controlled the mouth of the Mississippi.
Decisive Engagements
In 1863, Lee won
his greatest victory
and suffered his
greatest defeat.
• April 30-May 6, 1863
• Chancellorsville, Virginia
• Union: Major General Joseph Hooker
Confederate: General Robert E. Lee, Major General Thomas J.
• Outcome: Confederate Victory. 24,000 casualties of which
14,000 were Union soldiers.
Overview of the Battle
On April 27, Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker led the Union campaign to turn the Confederate left flank by crossing the Rappahannock
and Rapidan Rivers above Fredericksburg. The Federals concentrated near Chancellorsville on April 30 and May 1.
In the meantime, Lee left a covering force under Maj. Gen. Jubal Early in Fredericksburg and marched with the rest of the army
to confront the Federals. As Hooker’s army moved toward Fredericksburg on the Orange Turnpike, they encountered increasing
Confederate resistance.
Hearing reports of overwhelming Confederate force, Hooker ordered his army to suspend the advance and to concentrate again
at Chancellorsville. Hooker adopted a defensive posture, thus giving Lee the initiative.
On the morning of May 2, Lt. Gen. Jackson directed his corps on a march against the Federal left flank, which was reported to
be “hanging in the air.” At 5:20 pm, Jackson’s line surged forward in an overwhelming attack that crushed the Union XI Corps.
Federal troops rallied, resisted the advance, and counterattacked.
Disorganization on both sides and darkness ended the fighting. While making a night reconnaissance, Jackson was mortally
wounded by his own men and carried from the field. J.E.B. Stuart took temporary command of Jackson’s Corps.
On May 3, the Confederates attacked with both wings of the army and massed their artillery at Hazel Grove. This finally broke
the Federal line at Chancellorsville.
On the night of May 5-6, Hooker crossed to the north bank of the Rappahannock.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 294-297
• major victory for the ___________
Importance of the Battle of Chancellorsville:
• This battle was considered by many historians to be Lee’s
greatest victory. At the same time, the South lost one of its
greatest strategic minds with the death of Stonewall
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 294-297
Hooker was replaced by
_______________ just a
few days before the Battle
of ________________.
Statistics Of The C.S.S. Virginia
Acquisition.--Seized by the Confederates in 1861 at Gosport Navy Yard and converted into an
Description.--Screw ironclad ram.
Tonnage.--3,200 tons.
Dimensions.--Length 275'; beam, 38' 6"; depth, 27½'.
Draft.--Loaded, 22'; without coal or ballast, 19½'.
Speed.--About 9 knots
Engines.--Horizontal, back acting; two cylinders, 72" in diameter, 3' stroke.
Boilers.--4 Martin type boilers; average steam pressure, 18 lbs.
Battery.--March 11, 1862, 10 guns; May, 1862, 2 7-inch rifle pivots, 2 6-inch rifles and 6 9-inch
Dahlgrens in broadside, 2 12-pounder howitzers on deck.
Crew Size: According to the personnel roster of the Virginia, she was manned by 160 Navy, and 28
Disposition.--Run on shore near Craney Island and set on fire after being abandoned; she blew up at
4.58 a.m., May 11, 1862.
Remarks.--Formerly she was the U. S. S. Merrimack. March 8, 1862, she engaged and sunk the U. S.
S. Cumberland by ramming and destroyed the Congress by fire. March 9, 1862, engaged the U. S.
vessels Monitor, Minnesota, and St. Lawrence.
Statistics Of The U.S.S. Monitor
Acquisition:--Built by contract with John Ericsson at Green Point, L. I. Launched January 30,
Cost:--$275,000 or $280,000.
Description.-Class: Monitor; screw steamer; iron and wood; single turret.
Rate, rig, etc.: Original type of turreted vessel.
Tonnage.--776 (987).
Dimensions.--Length, 172'; beam, 41' 6"; depth, 11' 4".
Draft.--Just after being launched; forward, 7' 8"; aft, 8' 1" (10' 6").
Engines.--Double trunk, cylinders (2 in 1 casting); 36" diameter, 27" stroke.
Boilers.--Two; return tube "box" boilers.
Battery.--2 XI-inch guns in turret.
Disposition.--Foundered off Hatteras, December 31, 1862, Commander J.P. Bankhead in
Remarks.--Cost of articles furnished to her was $560.35. Had famous engagement with C. S.
S. Merrimack in Hampton Roads, March 9, 1862. First engagement of ironclads.
Virginia sank 2 Union ships in Virginia
Monitor arrived and saved the other 2 ships
Fought for almost 2 hours
Monitor commander died; Virginia ran aground
Ended in draw
Virginia scuttled
Monitor sank by hurricane
Importance of the battle: 1st battle in history between 2
ironclad ships.
aka, “The Draft”
Draftees could hire
Draftees could hire
Planters* exempt
$300 to exempt
*20 or more slaves
“Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.”
- Anti-draft slogan
Over 100 dead
Racially motivated
Many rioters were Irish
immigrants who feared
competition from
freedmen for jobs.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Southern reasons:
• turn the Northern population
against the war
• force Lincoln to pull troops
from the
• resupply troops
pp. 294-297
BATTLE OF ____________________
Date: July 1-3, 1863
Location: Pennsylvania
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: George G. Meade
Confederate Forces Engaged: 75,000
Union Forces Engaged: 82,289
Casualties: 51,112 (23,049 Union and 28,063 Confederate)
Battle overview: Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee concentrated his army around Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania, upon the approach of Union Gen. George G. Meade’s forces. On July 1, Confederates
drove Union defenders through Gettysburg to Cemetery Hill. The next day Lee struck the flanks of the
Union line resulting in severe fighting at Devil's Den, Little Round Top, the Wheatfield, Peach Orchard,
Culp’s Hill and East Cemetery Hill. Southerners gained ground but failed to dislodge the Union host.
On the morning of July 3rd, fighting raged at Culp’s Hill with the Union regaining its lost ground. That
afternoon, after a massive artillery bombardment, Lee attacked the Union center on Cemetery Ridge
and was repulsed with heavy losses in what is known as Pickett’s Charge. Lee's second invasion of
the North had failed.
Importance: But more than a physical victory, the Battle of Gettysburg was important because it held
a psychological victory for the North. The Southern troops were decimated, demoralized and
defeated. While it did not decide the war, the Battle of Gettysburg is important because it turned the
tide of war.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 294-297
Gettysburg- three-day battle
• first day: Union pushed back but not broken
• second day: Union attacked but held firm
• third day: “___________________” ended
disastrously with several thousands of deaths
• “High-water mark of the Confederacy”
July 1-3, 1863
After his victory at
Lee invaded
Pennsylvania in
hopes of gaining a
decisive victory on
Northern soil.
•July 3, General Pickett led 15,000
Confederate troops across open fields
Union mowed them down
•Pickett’s Charge- The last attack by the
Confederates at Gettysburg.
•Lee was defeated and retreated to
•Over ____________casualties in 3 days
It was the last time the South invaded
the North.
July 1-3, 1863
After three days of
fighting, Lee failed
to defeat the Union
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 294-297
• _____________for the Confederacy
• Meade allowed ________to retreat to Virginia
• proved to be one of the turning points in the
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 294-297
Meade would soon be replaced by
________________replaced Grant in the
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 294-297
The Battle of Gettysburg was the
_____________battle of the Civil War.
Lincoln presented the
__________________at the dedication of
the Gettysburg Cemetery.
"Four score and seven
years ago, our fathers
brought forth on this
continent a new nation:
conceived in liberty, and
dedicated to the
proposition that all men
are created equal.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Gaining the Lower Mississippi
• Admiral David Farragut
• captured New Orleans
• Battle of Vicksburg
• North: Ulysses S. Grant
• South: John Pemberton
• city fell to Grant after a
___________, starved
pp. 291-293
1. Vicksburg was one of the major forts of the South & the
________on the Mississippi River
Psychological factor- same time as Gettysburg
2. Mississippi River became a Federal ________________Could be used to move their supplies.
3. Cut off the Confederate states _________of the Mississippi
4. Because of Grant’s success in the West, Lincoln appoints him
the Union Commander in the East.
1. ________________ would take the Shenandoah
Valley: defeat the army and destroy their ability to
grow crops.
2. General _______________ would march from
Chattanooga to Atlanta, and continue to the sea;
destroying everything.
3. General _____________would march to Richmond
and take the Confederate Capitol.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Waging ___________War
• both sides growing weary of war
• Confederate money lost its value
• severe inflation
pp. 297-301
About _______________
African-Americans enlisted in
the Union Army in the later
years of the war.
• 10% of Union Army /
1% of Northern Population
Civil War
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 297-301
The Destruction of the South
• Grant implemented a war of
__________ against the South
• Sheridan was successful in carrying
out his orders.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
Rosecrans in Tennessee
• Battle of _____________
• George Thomas (“the Rock of
Chickamauga”) held his line,
allowing the Union army to
retreat to Chattanooga.
• The battle was one of the
bloodiest in the West.
pp. 297-301
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 297-301
Battle of Chickamauga
•General Longstreet and the Confederates were
defeated at Knoxville and General Bragg was
defeated at Chattanooga, giving the Union
control of ____________.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Sherman’s
• Atlanta: captured and
• _____________: given
to Lincoln as a
Christmas gift
pp. 297-301
JULY 22, 1864
Location: Fulton County
Campaign: Atlanta Campaign (1864)
Date(s): July 22, 1864
Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman [US]; Gen. John Bell Hood [CS]
Forces Engaged: Military Division of the Mississippi [US]; Army of Tennessee [CS]
Estimated Casualties: 12,140 total (US 3,641; CS 8,499)
Description: Following the Battle of Peachtree Creek, Hood determined to attack Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson’s
Army of the Tennessee. He withdrew his main army at night from Atlanta’ s outer line to the inner line, enticing
Sherman to follow. In the meantime, he sent William J. Hardee with his corps on a fifteen-mile march to hit the
unprotected Union left and rear, east of the city. Wheeler’s cavalry was to operate farther out on Sherman’s supply
line, and Gen. Frank Cheatham’s corps were to attack the Union front. Hood, however, miscalculated the time
necessary to make the march, and Hardee was unable to attack until afternoon. Although Hood had outmaneuvered
Sherman for the time being, McPherson was concerned about his left flank and sent his reserves—Grenville Dodge’s
XVI Army Corps—to that location. Two of Hood’s divisions ran into this reserve force and were repulsed. The Rebel
attack stalled on the Union rear but began to roll up the left flank. Around the same time, a Confederate soldier shot
and killed McPherson when he rode out to observe the fighting. Determined attacks continued, but the Union forces
held. About 4:00 pm, Cheatham’s corps broke through the Union front at the Hurt House, but Sherman massed
twenty artillery pieces on a knoll near his headquarters to shell these Confederates and halt their drive. Maj. Gen.
John A. Logan’ s XV Army Corps then led a counterattack that restored the Union line. The Union troops held, and
Hood suffered high casualties.
Importance: Atlanta, one of the most important cities in the South, was destroyed. Destroyed the morale of the South
and opened up the rest of Georgia.
1. Sherman took Atlanta –
September 1864
2. Sheridan took the
Shenandoah Valley –
October 1864
After defeating McClellan, Lincoln was no
longer bound by political considerations.
Armies & Commanders: Union General William T. Sherman; Confederates Lieutenant General William J. Hardee
Forces engaged: US 62,000 men; CSA 13,000 men
March to the Sea - Dates:The March to the Sea commenced on November 15, 1864, and ended with the capture of Savannah
on December 22.
In the wake of his successful campaign to capture Atlanta, Major General William T. Sherman began making plans for a march against
Savannah. Seeking to destroy the South's economic and psychological will to resist, he intended to conduct a campaign designed to
eliminate any resources that could be used by Confederate forces. During the march, Sherman's army would cut loose from its supply lines
and would live off the land.
To ensure that adequate supplies were gathered, Sherman issued strict orders regarding foraging and the seizure of material from the local
population. Known as "bummers," foragers from the army became a common sight along its route of march. Dividing his forces in two,
Sherman advanced along two major routes.
As Sherman's men pushed southeast, they systematically destroyed all manufacturing plants, agricultural infrastructure, and railroads they
encountered. A common technique for wrecking the latter was heating railroad rails over fires and twisting them around trees. Known as
"Sherman's Neckties," they became a common sight along the route of march.
Arriving outside Savannah on December 10, Sherman found that Hardee had flooded the fields outside the city which limited access to a
few causeways. Entrenched in a strong position, Hardee refused to surrender and remained determined to defend the city.
With his supply lines reopened, Sherman began making plans to lay siege to Savannah. On December 17, he contacted Hardee with a
warning that he would begin shelling the city if it were not surrendered. Unwilling to give in, Hardee escaped with his command over the
Savannah River on December 20 using an improvised pontoon bridge. The following morning, the mayor of Savannah formally surrendered
the city to Sherman.
Importance: the campaign through Georgia effectively eliminated the region's economic usefulness to the Confederate cause.
Hampton Roads
February 3,
1. The South MUST re-join
the Union.
2. Lincoln would advocate
for compensation for
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 301-304
The Road to Richmond
• The _________________Campaign
• heavily wooded area west of Fredericksburg
• “_____________________”: Grant kept throwing
men at Lee, knowing he could replace them more
Other Names: Combats at Parker’s Store, Craig’s Meeting House, Todd’s Tavern, Brock Road, the Furnaces
Location: Spotsylvania and Orange Counties
Date(s): May 5-7, 1864
Commanders: Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. George G. Meade [US]; Gen. Robert E. Lee [CS]
Forces Engaged: 162,920 total (US 101,895; CS 61,025)
Estimated Casualties: 29,800 total (US 18,400; CS 11,400)
Description: The opening battle of Grant’s sustained offensive against the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia,
known as the Overland Campaign, was fought at the Wilderness, May 5-7. On the morning of May 5, 1864, the Union V
Corps attacked Ewell’s Corps on the Orange Turnpike, while A.P. Hill’s corps during the afternoon encountered Getty’s
Division (VI Corps) and Hancock’s II Corps on the Plank Road. Fighting was fierce but inconclusive as both sides
attempted to maneuver in the dense woods. Darkness halted the fighting, and both sides rushed forward
reinforcements. At dawn on May 6, Hancock attacked along the Plank Road, driving Hill’s Corps back in confusion.
Longstreet’s Corps arrived in time to prevent the collapse of the Confederate right flank. At noon, a devastating
Confederate flank attack in Hamilton’s Thicket sputtered out when Lt. Gen. James Longstreet was wounded by his
own men. The IX Corps (Burnside) moved against the Confederate center, but was repulsed. Union generals James S.
Wadsworth and Alexander Hays were killed. Confederate generals John M. Jones, Micah Jenkins, and Leroy A.
Stafford were killed. The battle was a tactical draw. Grant, however, did not retreat as had the other Union generals
before him. On May 7, the Federals advanced by the left flank toward the crossroads of Spotsylvania Courthouse.
Importance: : Grant demonstrated his army would be willing to fight every day & suffer casualties to win.
Dates: May 8-21, 1864
Other Names: Bloody Angle (May 10); Salient or Bloody Angle (May 12-13)
Location: Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Key Individuals Involved in the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House:
Union: Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant, Major General George G. Meade
Confederate: General Robert E. Lee
Outcome: Inconclusive. 30,000 casualties of which 18,000 were Union soldiers.
Overview of the Battle:
After the Wilderness, Grant’s and Meade’s advance on Richmond by the left flank was stalled at Spotsylvania Court House on May 8. This
two-week battle was a series of combats along the Spotsylvania front. The Union attack against the Bloody Angle at dawn, May 12-13,
captured nearly a division of Lee’s army and came near to cutting the Confederate army in half. Confederate counterattacks plugged the
gap, and fighting continued unabated for nearly 20 hours in what may well have been the most ferociously sustained combat of the Civil
War. On May 19, a Confederate attempt to turn the Union right flank at Harris Farm was beaten back with severe casualties. Union
generals Sedgwick (VI Corps commander) and Rice were killed. Confederate generals Johnson and Steuart were captured, Daniel and
Perrin mortally wounded. On May 21, Grant disengaged and continued his advance on Richmond.
Significance of the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House:
Grant decided to disengage and continue his overland campaign towards Richmond. However, each of the successive battles that Grant
met on this advance resulted in huge casualties.
Dates: May 31-June 12, 1864
Location: Cold Harbor, Virginia
Key Individuals Involved in the Battle of Cold Harbor:
Union: Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant and Maj. Gen. George G. Meade
Confederate: General Robert E. Lee
Outcome: Confederate Victory. 15,000 casualties of which 13,000 were Union soldiers.
Overview of the Battle :
On May 31, Sheridan’s cavalry seized the vital crossroads of Old Cold Harbor. Early on June 1, relying heavily on
their new repeating carbines and shallow entrenchments, Sheridan’s troopers threw back an attack by Confederate
infantry. Confederate reinforcements arrived from Richmond and from the Totopotomoy Creek lines. Late on June 1,
the Union VI and XVIII Corps reached Cold Harbor and assaulted the Confederate works with some success. By June
2, both armies were on the field, forming on a seven-mile front that extended from Bethesda Church to the
Chickahominy River. At dawn June 3, the II and XVIII Corps, followed later by the IX Corps, assaulted along the
Bethesda Church-Cold Harbor line and were slaughtered at all points. Grant commented in his memoirs that this was
the only attack he wished he had never ordered. The armies confronted each other on these lines until the night of
June 12, when Grant again advanced by his left flank, marching to James River. On June 14, the II Corps was ferried
across the river at Wilcox’s Landing by transports. On June 15, the rest of the army began crossing on a 2,200-foot
long pontoon bridge at Weyanoke. Abandoning the well-defended approaches to Richmond, Grant sought to shift his
army quickly south of the river to threaten Petersburg
Importance: Cold Harbor was Grant’s worst defeat of the war. Confederates called Cold Harbor the easiest victory of
the war, though it would be Lee’s last great victory.
• In Richmond, Virginia, those who couldn't
afford the increasingly pricey food blamed the
Confederate government.
• Hungry protesters, most of whom were
women, led a march "to see the governor"•in
April 1863 that quickly turned violent.
• They overturned carts, smashed windows,
and drew out Governor John Letcher and
President Jefferson Davis.
• Davis threw money at the protesters, trying to
get them to clear out, but the violence
• Davis threatened to order the militia to open
fire, which settled things down pretty quickly.
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 301-304
Grant “the Butcher”
• Lincoln said, “I cannot spare this man. He
wins,” about Ulysses S. Grant
• Petersburg: besieged by Grant to cut off
supplies to Richmond
• One of the North’s goals- to capture
THE FALL OF __________________
• Inside the Richmond fortifications, Lee's army had
slowly been starving. Morale began to take a nose dive
and between mid-February and mid-March about 8% of
the men deserted. Grant meanwhile, took little offensive
action but continued to extend his line southward which
served to stretch Lee's already over-extended defenses
almost to the breaking point.
• Lee had no choice. He ordered the immediate
evacuation of Richmond. The Confederate government
and the remaining gold in its treasury were put on a
special train and headed south. Richmond fell on April 2.
By the end of 1864 the Civil War was drawing to a close. The larger cities of the South such as Savannah, Charleston and Atlanta, were
now taken over by General Sherman's troops in his fateful March to the Sea. There was only one major city left in the Southern empire and
that was Richmond, which was the Confederate Capital. If Richmond was to fall, it would be with a fight as the South was not ready to
relinquish their jewel of the Confederacy. This was what the rebels wanted the Union to believe when in actuality the Confederates already
had set up a new capital just 100 miles up the road.
Robert E. Lee positioned his Army of Virginia in the city of Richmond awaiting the Union troops in an anticipated attack. Richmond, Virginia
and Washington, D.C. were less than 100 miles apart yet the four years of the Civil War neither side came even close to capturing each
other’s cities.
In March of 1865, the Army of Northern Virginia, under General Lee, was dug-in at Petersburg less than 50 miles away from the city of
Richmond awaiting the Union advances. Two weeks later Union troops began to break through the Confederate defenses. General Lee
sent a message to President Jefferson Davis in Richmond, that he would be better off abandoning the city, as it could no longer be
Taking action right away Jefferson Davis went back to his executive mansion and burned all Confederate documents about the war.
Packing up his family he sent them all to Charlotte, North Carolina. Later that evening, Jefferson Davis and his entire cabinet evacuated the
City of Richmond, never to return. The Confederacy would not be without a Capital though, as immediately the City of Danville, Virginia was
named as the acting Capital of the Confederate States.
General Robert E. Lee decided that he would withdrawal more south to hook up with General Joseph Johnson and this would have worked
if not for Union General Meade blocking his way. Running out of food and supplies, Lee surrendered his army at Appomattox Station on
April 9th a few days after Richmond had fallen to Union troops.
The Confederates set the city on fire before they left to deny Union troops anything that they could use against the remaining Confederates.
Union troops quickly put out all of the fires after the city formally surrendered. The capture of Richmond represented the long and last final
scene in a terrible war. The fighting was over and now it was time for reconstruction.
Location: Appomattox County, Va.
Date(s): April 9, 1865
Principal Commanders: Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant [US]; Gen. Robert E. Lee
Estimated Casualties: 700 total (27,805 Confederate soldiers paroled)
Description: Lee's last gamble was against long odds. He had to try and link his army up with the
remaining forces Joe Johnston had under his command. Perhaps if they could combine forces quickly
enough, they could turn on either Grant or Sherman before the other could come to his aid.
To implement his plan, Lee set off along the line of the Appomattox River, seeking a point at which
he could turn south. Grant however, kept moving his own army in a parallel course and prevented Lee
from changing direction. Finally, by the time Lee reached Appomattox Court House, and not finding
rations that were supposed to be waiting for him, saw that Grant had succeeded in cutting off any
further retreat. Lee’s army was now surrounded on three sides. On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered the
Army of Northern Virginia to Grant.
Importance: Ended the American Civil War
Chapter 15 – The States at War
• Surrender at Appomattox
• Grant allowed Confederate
soldiers to keep their
• Other Confederate units
surrendered soon
pp. 301-304
Problems in the South during the Civil
1. _____________of currency
2. Decreased need for __________
3. Shortage of many items
1. ______________________- creation of a single unified
2. _____________________Slavery
3. Made the Federal Government Supreme - increased power of
the federal government – killed the issue of states rights
4. Industrial growth of the North - U.S. now an industrial nation
5.Destroyed the South’s _______________- South was
economically and physically devastated, with the plantation
system crippled
6. Legacy of hate - Deep hatred of the North
#10 Battle of Fort Donnellson
Casualties: 19,455 (2,832 Union and 16,623 Confederate)
#9 Battle of Shiloh
Casualties: 23,741 (13,047 Union and 10,694 Confederate)
#8 Battle of Stone’s River
Casualties: 24,645 (12,906 Union and 11,739 Confederate)
#7 Battle of Second Manassas
Casualties: 25,251 (16,054 Union and 9,197 Confederate)
#6 Battle of the Wilderness
Casualties: 25,416 (17,666 Union and 7,750 Confederate)
#5 Battle of Antietam
Casualties: 26,134 (12,410 Union and 13,724 Confederate)
#4 Battle of Spotsylvania
Casualties: 27,399 (18,399 Union and 9000 Confederate)
#3 Battle of Chancellorsville
Casualties: 30,099 (17,278 Union and 12,821 Confederate)
#2 Battle of Chickamauga
Casualties: 34,624 (16,170 Union and 18,454 Confederate)
#1 Battle of Gettysburg
Casualties: 51,112 (23,049 Union and 28,063 Confederate)
Chapter 15 – The States at War
pp. 301-304
President Lincoln was assassinated by
______________________less than a
week after the war ended.
President Lincoln and his wife were at
______________________to see a play.