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The Gift of the Nile
The River of Egypt is the Nile
 Good reasons
Papyrus – Paper of Egypt made by reeds in
the river.
 Fishing
 Highway for Trade
 Brings rich soil (silt)
 Protects from Invasion due to the cataracts.
Protection of Egypt
Egypt rarely has invasions due to its
The Sahara Desert
 The Eastern Desert
 The cataract or waterfalls in the river
 The Mediterranean Sea
 The Red Sea
Leaders of Egypt
The King of Egypt is also called the
Pharaoh, who is considered a god in the
eyes of the people.
The Pharaoh has absolute power meaning
he has complete control over his people.
The Pharaoh is at the top of the social
structure. Look on pg. 91
A series of rulers from the same
How many dynasties?
Janessa is the Queen of Egypt who has a
child called
 Jasmine who has a child called
 Shemar who begets
 Sabria who becomes Queen.
How many?
How many dynasties?
Two- Bit is the Queen of Egypt who has a
child named
 Lailon who begets
 Jhy who begets
 Brenden who is murdered by
 Linda who becomes the new Queen of
 How many?
How many dynasties?
Lawrence is the King of Egypt who has a child
Dreme who kills him that she may become the
new Queen of Egypt. Dreme has a child named
Darius who begets
Linda who kills both her father and grandmother
to become the new Queen of Egypt.
How many?
How many dynasties?
Tyrieon is the Pharaoh of Egypt who has a child named
Kellie whose mother when 18 was murdered by Victoria.
Kellie had left the country.
Victoria became the new Queen of Egypt and had a child
Angelnae, who had
Dustin who when Angelnae died became the new King
of Egypt.
When he was crowned King, Kellie now 118 sought
revenge for her family and killed Dustin and became the
new Queen of Egypt.
How many?
How many dynasties?
Kristen is the Pharaoh, who begets
Darnesia who has a child named
But she wanted a girl so she killed Phong and
later had Alexis.
Alexis was Queen of Egypt and Darnesia took a
vacation from being Queen, but
Unfortunately for Alexis, Phong had survived
and rose up with an army and destroyed Alexis
and sent Darnesia a vacation to jail.
When Phong was crowned the new king of Egypt,
Darnesia had another trick up her sleeve….
She told the people of Egypt that Phong had a twin
brother named
There was a bloody civil war in which half the country
sided with Mason and the other half with Phong. At the
Mason was the victor and was about to be crowned but
Darnesia killed him stating that she wanted a girl to
become Queen of Egypt. Darnesia was Queen again
and had another child
A boy
In the beginning
Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt was to
separate countries that had been divided
but a pharaoh called Menes united the two
lands into one Egypt.
The Three Kindgoms
Periods of Ancient Egyptian
The Old Kingdom
During the Old Kingdom, the Egyptian truly
believed that the pharaohs were gods.
During this time, many of the great pyramids
were built. Khufu had built the greatest pyramid
in Giza and next his son Khafre.
For most of this period, Egypt was at peace with
its neighbors and itself, but later the pharaoh
and his dynasties grew weak and the country
was not unified.
The Middle Kingdom
During this period, for a time the rulers had
united their country and their was peace. Many
public works that the country needed was built
though the building of the great pyramids had
ended. Why do you think?
Unfortunately the rulers of Egypt became weak
and foreign invaders called the Hyksos from
Southwest Asia conquered the Egyptians with
new iron swords and chariots. What people
invented the chariots?
The New Kingdom
In this period, Egypt was the most
powerful. They had conquered an empire
and gained tremendous wealth through
New Kingdom Pharaohs
Rameses the Great probably ruled Egypt
at its height in power and empire.
Tutankhamen or King Tut – the child
pharaoh who at the age of 18 mysteriously
Hatshepsut – the first Pharaoh that was a
woman to rule Egypt
The pharaoh who sometimes dressed up a a
She ruled Egypt as regent for her stepson
who was not of age to become a ruler. She
did not wish to give up the power when he
was of age and became pharaoh.
She expanded trade which helped Egypt.
Later Hatshepsut died and her stepson got
rid of every statue of her when he finally
became pharaoh
Other Pharaohs
Cleopatra became the last pharaoh of
 After her suicide by a snake, Egypt
became apart of the Roman Empire.
The tombs of the pharaohs in the Old Kingdom.
In the New Kingdom, pharaohs were buried in
the Valley of the Kings.
The Egyptians believed in the afterlife. Just like
the people of Mesopotamia the Egyptians
believed in polytheism, belief in many gods.
When the pharaoh died his body was preserved
or mummified.
Pg. 82.
Women of Egypt
Women of Egypt had many rights.
 Women could own property, run a
business, enter into legal contracts, they
were priestesses, traveled freely etc.
How else can we see that Egyptian
women have many rights?
Writing of Egypt
Hieroglyphs – the writing of the Egyptians.
It was written on papyrus or paper made
from the reed plant grow near the river.
 They would write vertically.
Rosetta Stone – is a piece of stone that
has the Egyptian and Greek writings on it.
Helped us understand the hieroglyphs.
Other things
Nubia or Kush